The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 980 Drawing the Sword Talisman

Yunying gave all her low-level knives to Nangongsun, Nangongsun accepted them, and said with a smile: "You're welcome, it's just a piece of news, whether there is any or not is another matter. If not, I will pay my sister other spiritual objects, but good?"

"Of course it's good." Yunying smiled, "Anyway, these blades can be recondensed at any time, I'm just a white wolf with empty hands."

Although she hopes to get the Sky Flint, she is not very urgent.

If there is no sky flint, she will hurry up and transform the energy of chaos to supply Hongyu Mountain, and she will be able to clear up a little space.

It's just not as big as the space cleared by Tianshuishi. After Feng Jing splits into it, I'm afraid it will be a bit crowded...

But if you really can't find Sky Flint, then that's the only way to go, after all, the most important thing is to give Feng Jing a place to stand on.

Thinking of this, Yun Ying felt quite heavy in her heart.

But if the battle between spirits and demons is really about to start, maybe Feng Jing can persist until entering the Kelan Desert before fissioning.

Even if there was a fission before that, and the battle between spirits and demons broke out afterwards, most of the people in Feng Nigu would be attracted to the attention, so that he could have a buffer.

The Kelan Desert is closed inside and outside, and monks in the Sheltering Realm can't send their spiritual consciousness into it to inquire. As long as Feng Jing is successfully substituted into it, maybe they can find a chance for Feng Jing to find a way to break through.

It's all possible.

Yunying just thinks about this matter in her heart, and discusses it with the two on the surface.

Nan Gongsun was quite surprised at what she said that condensing the knife gang was not troublesome. After confirming it repeatedly with Sheng Kui, she believed it. She repeatedly praised Yunying as a genius who is rare in a thousand years. His talent is better than that of his senior brother Bai Zhen. Even better.

Yun Ying doesn't care about this, Bai Zhen is a sword cultivator, she is a sword cultivator, the paths of the two are destined to be different, there is no need to compare them.

However, she did have a thoughtful intention to compete with Senior Brother Bai.But before the two major events of Fengjing and Chuposhan, the competition can be put aside completely.

Since Yun Ying was generous, Nan Gongsun didn't refuse any more, and immediately took out the talisman paper and ink that he carefully prepared, and showed Sheng Kui on the spot how to draw sword talismans.

Sheng Kui kept his eyes on, occasionally raising his eyebrows, occasionally frowning, occasionally widening his eyes, and occasionally thinking deeply.

Compared to Sheng Kui, who knows the way, Yun Ying just watched the excitement.

But with the power of Xuanrong in her eyes, she can clearly see how the aura hidden in the talisman ink intersects and falls apart on the talisman paper, forming a spectacular picture.

Only at this time did she realize that the aura in the talisman ink was in the shape of continuous thin lines, and countless thin lines were tightly packed together to form the talisman ink visible to the naked eye.

Although the handwriting drawn by Fu Mo is very round and smooth, the thin lines of spiritual energy in it are not necessarily smooth and even. In many places that look normal to the naked eye, the thin lines of spiritual energy are somewhat messy, and the movement of spiritual energy becomes insufficient because of this Smooth and natural.

The grade of the talisman is determined by the uniformity of these fine lines of aura.The talisman drawn by Nan Gongsun is full of clutter, and he is not satisfied with it, so he throws it aside and starts drawing again.

This time, he obviously gained a lot of experience, and he was much more cautious when turning and lifting the pen than before, and the thin lines of aura in the talisman ink were indeed much more even. (end of this chapter)

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