Seeing that Yinxue was such a rascal, Yunying had no choice but to promise to practice hard these few days and give him more chaotic energy, so Yinxue let go and agreed to help.

When he raised his head, he saw that Liu Changqing had stabilized his energy and blood, beckoning to her kindly: "Ah Ying, come here."

Yunying got up, walked a few steps towards the lotus seat, but still stopped under the steps.

Liu Changqing smiled and said, "What are you afraid of, just come up."

Yunying hesitated for a while, then raised her feet up the steps and knelt down on the lotus seat.

Liu Changqing stretched out a hand and touched Yunying's forehead. Yunying only felt that his forehead was quite cool, and then there was a seemingly invisible cold thing winding down like a snake, winding into his dantian Inside, entrenched in the lapis lazuli spiritual source that he had never dared to touch.

The blue-gold spirit source was already weird, but now that this thought poured into it, it slightly showed a golden-gray light, which made it even more weird and abnormal.

She bowed her head and remained silent, running her spiritual energy to make her complexion pale, as if she was digesting this sudden thought, but in fact she was secretly observing Liu Changqing's expression with her spiritual knowledge.

If Yinxue's disguise can't hide Liu Changqing, he should be quite shocked now.

And if Yinxue's disguise can deceive Liu Changqing, then he should also have some doubts.

But Yunying didn't find any expression on Liu Changqing's face, she couldn't help being surprised, and then she wanted to understand that this guy should have been thinking about the situation at this moment for a long time, and Yunying had planned many times, the action when he got to this step With his attitude and demeanor, of course he can understand Liu Changqing.

However, in the meticulous camouflage, there is still a flaw after all, Yun Ying stared at Liu Changqing closely with her spiritual sense while circulating her spiritual energy, noticed a mocking smile flashed in his eyes, and then showed a touch of surprise, completely relieved.

Be lied to.

Yunying originally thought that Liu Changqing was just looking at her dantian through the green gold spiritual source, so she arranged an illusion for him in advance.

This illusion is double-layered. The first layer is the same as it is now. There is nothing in the dantian except the mountain fan spirit source and the blue-gold spiritual source, but there is a faint aura of the aura of ambush talisman.

For this reason, she went to ask Sheng Kui for a few amulets of concealment.

She spread the aura of the Concealing Talisman around the green gold spiritual source, although it was difficult to detect, but in front of Liu Changqing, a monk in the Void Realm, there was nothing to hide.

Following the aura of the concealment talisman, the first layer of illusion is broken, which is the second layer of illusion that Yun Ying wants Liu Changqing to see.

The spiritual source of the lavender.

A new spiritual source condensed by practicing Ziying Kungfu.

If Ziying Kungfu is really related to Chonglin Diechun Kungfu, then the sudden appearance of this spiritual source is enough to scare Liu Changqing out of his wits.

Yunying kept her head down, but Lingyuan could clearly see every trace of emotion on Liu Changqing's face.

As expected, shock and murderous intent came on stage one after another, and finally the frame was frozen in gloom.

Yunying was always calm, but Yinxue was worried.

At that moment just now, Liu Changqing's killing intent was almost solidified, and Yinxue was really afraid that he would strike suddenly.

"This kind of life-threatening game, I won't play it with you again." He murmured in a low voice.

After all, the other party is a real Void-Consolidating cultivator, with such a distance, if Liu Changqing really wanted to shoot Yunying to death, Yunying would have no chance to escape.Although the three of them are said to be in a higher realm than Liu Changqing, they are all half disabled now and can't help.

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