In the dark cell, Dawa was chained to a cross. His head slumped limply without the strength, and his legs couldn't stop being weak. If it wasn't for the ropes that fixed his limbs, he might have I couldn't stand up and fell down.

In front of Dawa, there was a three-meter-long table lined up with various instruments of torture, including leather whips, scissors, axes, silver needles, pliers, electric prods, and the like.

The eldest brother Desang, who is in charge of the prison, is of mixed blood, with half of the blood of the Chinese nation, so it is easy to talk to Lin Yuan, "Miss Lin, I will come to use any torture tools you need, and don't get your hands dirty."

Apparently he regarded Lin Yuan as a little girl who didn't know much about the world, so he could only let her mess around for the sake of his boss's face.

Lin Yuan has been waiting for this day for so many years, how could she let other people do it for her, "No need, I can do it myself."

Speaking of which, Lin Yuan picked up an iron rod from the long table. This iron rod weighed at least seven or eight catties, but Lin Yuan picked it up effortlessly with one hand.

Very good, quite handy, but I don't know how his endurance is.

She weighed the things in her hands, looked at the half-dead Dawa and ordered Desan coldly: "Go and give him a shot of stimulants."

Desang looked at Lin Yuan in shock, probably because he didn't expect Lin Yuan to make such a request.

Seeing him standing there stupidly, Lin Yuan asked suspiciously, "Isn't there?"

Desang came back to his senses: "Yes, yes, yes!"

As he spoke, he rummaged through the side drawer and found an injection.

Lin Yuan held it in her hand and approached Dawa with a smile.

Dawa only felt that his eyelids were very heavy now, and he wanted to close his eyes and sleep, but he was sweating all over his body due to the pain in various parts of his body, and his forehead was bulging with blue veins.

Suddenly his eyes went dark, as if something was blocking the light, he opened his eyes with difficulty and tried to raise his head to see who it was, when he felt a slight pain in his arm.

It seemed that something had entered his body, and he felt terrified. He wanted to struggle, but he couldn't move as if he had been cast a hold spell.

The sharp needle pierced Dawa's skin, and Lin Yuan pushed the medicine into his body little by little, watching the medicine in the needle tube go away almost madly, feeling very happy in her heart.

Her needles were pierced very deeply, and all the needles five centimeters long had penetrated into his body, and even a string of blood beads came out when they were pulled out.

The medicine started to take effect, and Dawa's mental state improved a lot, at least on the surface.

Being tortured sober is more enjoyable than being tortured in a coma.

Dawa regained his energy. He raised his head and looked at Lin Yuan as if his eyes had been poisoned. He wanted to spit out Lin Yuan, but his mouth was so dry that there was no saliva.

Lin Yuan pressed the iron rod in her hand against Dawa's abdomen: "Do you still remember me?"

Dawa also has a bit of blood and backbone, he turned his head away from Lin Yuan: "Bah! No matter what you are, I'm worth remembering!"

Lin Yuan was not angry either, her voice was sweet and pleasant: "I haven't improved my Chinese in the past few years, but I learned how to bark for you."

Desang, who was next to him, realized it later. These two knew each other a few years ago?

Dawa: "Oh!"

Lin Yuan suppressed the smile on the corner of her mouth, caught off guard and picked up the iron rod in her hand and swung it directly at Dawa's arm.


Suddenly, there was a shrill scream in the dark cell.

Lin Yuan looked at the blood-stained iron rod with a blank expression, "Look, you dirty it."

Dawa's face was pale, and he almost shed physiological tears from the pain.

Lin Yuan asked in the most innocent tone: "A man does not cry easily, why are you crying?"


Lin Yuan slapped him, then rubbed her hands and said casually: "Remember now, my name is Lin Yuan, your ancestor Lin Yuan."

Lin Yuan stretched out her hand to pluck Dawa's hair and forced him to look at her, with the same calm tone: "It's okay, if you can't remember the name, then remember my face, remember to go to hell and apologize to my senior sister .”

She wants to send everyone who killed her senior sister to hell with her own hands.

Desang felt that the name Lin Yuan was familiar from just now, and after thinking about it for a long time, he finally remembered who it was.

Sangbiao, the second-in-command next to the boss back then, seemed to have been originally named Lin Yuan!

God, what a woman he saw today!
He was glad that he didn't say anything nonsense today, otherwise he would probably be the one being beaten now.

Desang patted his chest in fear.

"Your senior sister?" Dawa coughed up blood with a smile, "She is much worse than me, do you know how miserable she was screaming that day, it's a pity that she is a hard bone, her eyes are gone and her mouth is hard, that can't be helped, I can only Fill it with boiling water and make it dumb hahahaha, how miserable hahaha!"

He knew that it would not end well if he fell into Lin Yuan's hands today, so now he is trying his best to provoke Lin Yuan, and wants her to kill him directly.

In the end, he was not afraid of death, but he just couldn't bear the lingering knife.

Lin Yuan, who is usually impulsive and irritable, now acts calmly unlike herself: "Are you irritating me?"

Her hands hidden in her sleeves were trembling, every time he said a word, she wished that Dawa would be cut into pieces by thousands of knives in the frying pan!

Lin Yuan took a deep breath and forced herself to be rational. She smashed Dawa's kneecaps and wrist bones again and again with the iron rod, but did not hurt his vitals. Whenever he was about to faint, Lin Yuan asked Desang to spray him with medicine.

Lin Yuan never killed her, but it was enough to make him die of pain.

Dawa cursed and insulted her with the most vicious words, but she remained expressionless.

She picked up a silver needle and walked up to Dawa, forcing him to look up, and a ten-centimeter needle pierced into his left eye.

"Go, bring me a dog in."

Desan obediently led a sturdy wolfhound in.

Seeing a wolf dog that was as big as a man, Dawa sneered at Lin Yuan: "It's just left over from my play."

"Oh, really?"

Just when Dawa thought that Lin Yuan was going to let the dog eat him, Lin Yuan asked, "Do you have that kind of medicine? Give it to him."

De Sang understood Lin Yuan's meaning in seconds, and immediately found out what Lin Yuan wanted.

Lin Yuan stepped forward, squeezed Dawa's mouth and forced him down.

Lin Yuan fed the rest to the wolfdogs.

Just as Dawa was about to ask Lin Yuan what he was feeding him, he suddenly felt something strange in his body, and his whole body became hotter and hotter.

Looking at the wolf dog in front of him again, Dawa seemed to realize something, he cursed desperately, begged for mercy, hysterical, Lin Yuan ignored all of them.

Lin Yuan untied the rope for Dawa: "Enjoy this night well."


Seeing Dawa, the wolf dog jumped up excitedly...

Desang and Lin Yuan exited the room and locked the door.

Lin Yuan: "Look carefully, take a breath."

Desan wiped the sweat from his brow, "Yes."

Is this woman really not the King of Hades?


After watching Lin Yuan's execution, he, a big man, broke out in a cold sweat, and even his legs were limp.

It's really scary!

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