Chapter 5

Lin Yuan clicked her tongue as she watched, her manager really wanted to die, so she kindly gave Xu Hui a ride.

Lin Yuan backhanded a screenshot, mosaiced the key information, and posted it directly to Weibo.

Lin Yuan V [Come to save evidence, I will report to a lawyer another day (with pictures)@朝和达辉]

As soon as she went online, a large wave of red and black fans and passers-by came over just by smelling it.

[Is Chaohe Entertainment so dark?Isn't it sick to let an artist go to sleep with him? 】

[Isn't this against the law? How dare Chaohe do it? 】

[Who is going to report Chacha Chaohe's tax issues, it's disgusting! 】

【I'm the only one who found out that Lin Yuan only debuted in just two years, and can she actually afford liquidated damages? 】

[I also found out that she also became popular last year, how could she spend so much money, she must have found a good family to be taken care of by the patron, right? 】

Lin Yuan casually flipped through the comments in the comment area, her eyes lingering on this one comment.

[Sister Ceng must have been taken care of, not everyone is like Goddess Xuan, Bai Fumei, the eldest lady of the Lin Group. 】

Ah this...

Is there a possibility that the goddess Xuan in this population is her twin sister with the same father and mother?

In fact, Lin Yuan has never told anyone that Lin Xuan, the eldest lady of the Lin family, is her biological sister.

Back then, the Lin family actually had two daughters, but she was sent abroad when she was young, so everyone mistakenly thought Lin Xuan was the only child.

It has to be said that although Lin Yuan and Lin Xuan are twins, they are completely different in appearance and personality.

If Lin Yuan is the most flamboyant and beautiful rose that grows among the cliffs, it will not be scattered by the wind and rain, but Lin Xuan is the wisteria flower carefully raised by people, delicate but beautiful and romantic.

So even after she returned to China and stepped into the entertainment industry, no one ever associated her with the pampered Lin Xuan who was at the top since her debut as a sister.

In the past two years, since she returned to China, she has deliberately avoided meeting the Lin family, and the Lin family has never looked for her.

Not only that, when Lin Xuan entered the circle, she deliberately changed her age by one year. They are both Miss Lin's family, but they live completely different lives.

The older sister is working and studying abroad to worry about food and clothing, and the younger sister is pampered and pampered.

Lin Xuan entered the circle for enjoyment, and Lin Yuan for making money.

She didn't make any money, but owed a whole lot of debt instead, she was really ashamed.

Lin Yuan randomly picked a netizen to reply [I really want a sponsor, if you give me a push, I just don’t want to do it anymore, it would be nice to quit the circle and go back to be a canary. 】

Who can't live with money? These people don't even think about it. If they really have a financial backer to support them and spend resources, why would they still work hard in the entertainment industry?

Isn't it good for someone to give you money?
After replying, Lin Yuan brought a bowl of porridge upstairs.

She knocked lightly on the door of Pei Yi's room, "Mr. Pei, am I in?"


A man's dull voice came from the room, probably his leg still hurts.

Pei Yi's bedroom is large, and the decoration is also cold and cool. There is a very large floor-to-ceiling window beside the bed, with a wide view and excellent scenery.

At this time, the curtains half-covered the French windows, and Pei Yi leaned against the head of the bed. When he saw Lin Yuan coming in, he quietly put down his phone.

"Boss Pei, drink some porridge first, and I'll close the curtains." Lin Yuan put the porridge in her hand on the bedside table, then got up to close the curtains.

Pei Yi: "Miss Lin, I don't like this title."

Lin Yuan paused when she pulled the curtains, but she didn't realize what he meant, so Pei Yi picked up the remote control and closed the curtains automatically.

Lin Yuan: "..."

Well, she admitted that she didn't want to face him because it was too embarrassing to be alone in the room with Pei Yi.

Lin Yuan walked over in small steps: "Mr. Pei, if you have nothing to do, I'll go out first."

Pei Yi pinched the center of his brows, and said in a tone that could not be refused: "Sit down."

Lin Yuan sat down obediently, upright, but at this moment she was so embarrassed that she wanted to get under the bed.

"Miss Lin should call me by my name, I don't like this name." Pei Yi picked up a spoonful of porridge and said.

Lin Yuan was embarrassed, what should she call?
"Pei... Boss Pei?" Lin Yuan asked tentatively.

Pei Yi didn't speak, but gave her a self-experienced look.

Helpless, Lin Yuan had no choice but to change her address: "Then...Pei..."

What's the matter, she'll forget about the money!
"Just call your name." Pei Yi saw Lin Yuan's embarrassment, and his eyes dimmed.

Lin Yuan nodded hastily: "Okay, Pei... Pei Yi..."

Pei Yi put down the porridge, his voice could not detect any emotion: "Miss Lin, what do you think of me?"

Lin Yuan was taken aback for a while: "How about what?"

Every word she said with Pei Yi, Lin Yuan only felt that she had to think about it for a long time.

Pei Yi's words were not astonishing: "Be your benefactor."

Lin Yuan's brain crashed instantly, and her brain seemed a little rusty and unable to turn around.

"What benefactor?"

"Didn't you say you wanted a financial backer? Why didn't you accept what Ms. Lin just said?" Pei Yi chuckled.

"When did I say—" Lin Yuan froze in the middle of her sentence. She seemed to have said it when she replied to netizens on Weibo just now.

Just now when she came in and saw him put down his phone, could it be that he was scrolling through her Weibo?


Didn't Pei Yi see all her snarky replies?

Lin Yuan said after a while: "I was...just joking..."

Pei Yi: "But I'm serious."

"Miss Lin, marry me." While speaking, Pei Yi's eyes were shining with stars, very beautiful.

Lin Yuan was so frightened that she stood up straight away, and blurted out: "Brother, are you kidding me?"

As soon as Lin Yuan spoke, the coldness in Pei Yi's eyes shattered like glass, and the whole person seemed to be caught in a kind of memory, and the person in the memory overlapped with the girl in front of him.

But Lin Yuan didn't pay attention to Pei Yi's strangeness, and her heart was already in turmoil at this time.

Just like that, Lin Yuan picked up the porridge that Pei Yi had finished eating, and left Pei Yi's bedroom as if fleeing for nothing.

In the kitchen, Lin Yuan stood by the sink, turned on the tap and wiped her face to wake herself up.

Who Pei Yi is is beyond her comparability.

Lin Yuan didn't say hello to Pei Yi, but sent a message on her mobile phone, telling herself to go back.

Pei Yi told her to pay attention to safety. Tomorrow he will send someone to her apartment to move things. Regarding what happened just now, the two of them tacitly agreed, and no one mentioned it.

Lin Yuan fell asleep after returning home.


Early the next morning, there was a knock on the door of Lin Yuan's house.

Lin Yuan was so sleepy that she rubbed her sleepy pajamas and went to open the door in a pink and white plaid nightdress.

As soon as she opened the door, the little assistant Chen Cheng rushed forward.

"Sister Yuan! I'm back from vacation! But why are you still sleeping!?"

Chen Cheng's yelling Lin Yuan was a little more awake.

Lin Yuan cheered up but her mind was still dazed: "What are you doing here so early in the morning?"

Chen Cheng looked at the girl in front of her who didn't apply any makeup, dai, clear soup, and little water, but was still beautiful and made her heart pound like a deer, her face blushed a little unconsciously, especially when she met her wet eyes, she couldn't help calling out Help.

Chen Cheng's words suddenly got stuck, and it took him a long time to remember: "Something happened, Sister Yuan, hurry back to the company!"

(End of this chapter)

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