Chapter 104 What is the salary?
Master and Flender brought the Nine Shrek Monsters to the Royal Academy, in order to speed up the training speed of the Nine Shrek Monsters with the help of the Royal Academy's mimetic training site.

The so-called mimetic training is to allow the soul master to practice in an environment that is most suitable for his own martial soul, not only to cultivate the soul power, but also to cultivate the martial soul, because the bonus of matching the environment can speed up the cultivation speed of the soul master.

It is not impossible for those with excellent talents to practice in a mimetic environment to get twice the result with half the effort.

Forests or places with many plants are suitable for the cultivation of plant-based martial arts.

For example Tang San, there are countless plants planted in the Imperial Academy, since entering the academy, Tang San felt as if he was wrapped in a warm current, indescribably comfortable.

Ning Wanwan also felt this way, but it was weaker than Tang San's. One was because her spirit was not a pure plant spirit, and the other was because she was already used to this environment.

Ning Fengzhi has been researching Wuhun in order to break through the limitations of Wuhun. Naturally, he knows that the environment can help Wuhun cultivation. For his two daughters, he has always given them the best.

So Ning Wanwan's yard is full of flowers, plants and trees, and there are various gems in the room.Ning Rongrong was even simpler, the room was full of gems inside and out, if it wasn't for the gauze covering those gems, they would be blinded once they entered.

For a food-based martial spirit like Oscar, the most suitable place for them to practice is the kitchen.A soul master with a beast spirit stays with animals of the same kind or similar to his spirit.

But things are not absolute, not every soul master can get great benefits from practicing in a mimicry environment, this is linked to one's own aptitude, potential, and understanding.

A group of people walked along and introduced. When Qin Ming brought everyone to an exquisite small courtyard, the sky had already darkened, and the lights began to light up in the academy, showing a completely different beauty from the daytime.

Qin Ming led the crowd into the small courtyard, "I specially selected this place for everyone. You can see most of the scenery of the college when you walk out of the courtyard, and there is a road leading directly to the foot of the mountain. It is also very convenient for everyone to go to Tiandou City.

The location here is relatively remote, and there are not many people coming here, so you don't have to worry about being disturbed.I have also arranged the meeting with the senior management of the academy, so I will take a good rest tonight, and I will take everyone there tomorrow morning. "

Everyone walked around the small courtyard, and I have to say that Qin Ming arranged it very carefully. The small courtyard looks small, but everyone has a separate room, which is very comfortable and has prepared a new life for them. supplies.

In addition, there is also a large guest room where everyone can meet and communicate after training.

This kind of arrangement also made Flender and the others feel at ease. Although Qin Ming was responsible for these, it also showed that the Royal Academy's senior management welcomed them.

Seeing that everyone was satisfied, Qin Ming felt relieved, and then asked someone to bring a sumptuous dinner. Everyone talked and laughed, and they didn't go back to their rooms until the middle of the month to rest.

Early the next morning, Qin Ming came to the small courtyard, and bumped into Tang San who had finished cultivating the Purple Demon Eye. The two chatted for a while, and then went back together to invite everyone to have breakfast.

Qin Ming took advantage of this time to briefly introduce the personnel structure of Tiandou Imperial Academy that he forgot to mention yesterday.

"Students of Tiandou Royal Academy are divided into three different levels according to the level of their soul power, namely Tianwei level, Tianzhi level and Tiandou level.

Those whose soul power is below level 25 are the first level, which is the Tianwei level.Those with soul power between level 25 and level [-] are at the heavenly level.Those whose spirit power is above level [-] are at the Heaven Dou level. "

The seven members of the Huangdou team that Ning Wanwan and the others met before were the best of the Tiandou class, and the Shrek Nine Monsters were the best of the best.

When Qin Ming came back and mentioned this matter to the senior management of the college, the senior management of the college still didn't believe that Shrek Academy, which had never heard of a name, could actually cultivate students who were better than Yu Tianheng and the others.

It was Yu Tianheng and the others who testified that they were indeed defeated by the Shrek Nine Monsters, and the senior management of the academy believed it and became interested in Shrek Academy, which is why Shrek Academy's treatment is so good.

After talking about the levels of the students, Qin Ming went on to talk about the teachers, "The teachers of the Royal Academy are the same as the students, and they are divided into three levels: Tianwei, Tianzhi, and Tiandou, but the requirements for soul power are different.

Between level forty and fifty is Tianwei level; between level fifty and sixty is Tianzhi level; soul power over level sixty is Tiandou level.In the Royal Academy, the salary of teachers is determined according to the level.

In addition, the Royal Academy belongs to the imperial family of the Heaven Dou Empire, and His Majesty the Emperor concurrently serves as the dean, so the academy no longer has a separate post of dean.

The education committee is composed of three Tiandou-level teachers with the strongest strength and the longest qualifications in the college.The exchange between Shrek Academy and the Royal Academy was decided by the three education committees. "

The senior management of the academy that Qin Ming refers to refers to the three members of the education committee. They are all Contras above the eightieth rank.

So far, the Heaven Dou Royal Academy has eight teachers at the Heaven Dou level, while the Shrek Academy has five teachers above the sixtieth level. In terms of the quality of the teachers alone, Shrek has the upper hand.

After listening to Qin Ming's introduction, several teachers from Shrek Academy laughed.

Flender patted Qin Ming on the shoulder and said with a smile, "According to what you said, we old guys can still be a Tiandou-level teacher. How much is a Tiandou-level teacher's monthly salary?"

Qin Ming also replied with a smile: "Teachers at the Tiandou level earn three thousand gold soul coins every month, and the college is responsible for the basic necessities of life in the college. If there are special circumstances, there will be other income.

Moreover, Tiandou-level teachers have a high status in the academy, and they are only responsible for guiding Tiandou-level students, and there are only more than 50 Tiandou-level students in the academy, so the teaching task is very easy. "

After Flender heard the salary amount, the smile on his face became more obvious. It was three thousand a month, and they had to stay here for at least one year. That would be thirty-six thousand gold soul coins, and there might be extra income. Think about it I feel beautiful.

Although he now has a lot of gold soul coins, and no longer wants to break a copper soul coin into two flowers, who would think too much of money?

Flender's satisfaction with the Tiandou Imperial Academy was steadily increasing.

Using other people's training grounds to train his own students, he is still paid as the dean, and he who made the decision to exchange with Tiandou Imperial Academy is really extremely wise!
Flender completely forgot that this matter was proposed by the master, and he had slapped the table to object.

(End of this chapter)

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