Douluo: Forced to inherit the god position after rebirth

Chapter 31 The Great Battle of the Soul

Chapter 31 The Great Battle of the Soul
Dai Mubai wanted to talk to Zhu Zhuqing several times, but in the end, he was unsuccessful. Ma Hongjun bumped Dai Mubai with his shoulder, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Boss Dai, aren't you known as the girl killer? Why are you losing one after another now? You can't even look at me!" Don't give you one?"

Dai Mubai shook his head with a wry smile, and didn't explain.

Ning Wanwan looked at Dai Mubai, and said: "Boss Dai, tell us about the rules of the academy, and the curriculum, is there anything that needs special attention."

Dai Mubai said: "Apart from rape and robbery, there are no other special rules, but fighting and gambling are encouraged. The teachers believe that fighting can increase actual combat experience and improve our use of martial spirits.

Gambling is a psychological game, which can enhance psychological quality and improve one's own observation and judgment.As long as you don't kill people in the battle and don't lose to the bottom, you will be fine. "

"As for the curriculum arrangement, because our school has more teachers and fewer students, the curriculum will change at any time according to our personal situation." Dai Mubai said with a smile, "Before you enrolled, our academy was probably the only one on the continent. A college with more teachers than students."

The few newcomers nodded. This academy really lived up to the name of Monster Academy.

At this time, a "dangdangdang" sound came from outside.

Dai Mubai said: "This is the ringing of the principal's bell to summon us, hurry up, if you are late, it will be a disaster."

Ma Hongjun shuddered when he heard the word late, then immediately jumped up and ran outside.

Everyone stood up on the playground, and after a while a middle-aged man walked over.

Seeing the person coming, Ning Wanwan, Ning Rongrong and Tang San were taken aback, this is not the person who gave Tang San the crystal, why is he here?
Tang San looked at Oscar next to him, and asked, "Who is this?"

Oscar said: "This is our dean, Flender the four-eyed owl, a flying martial soul, a 78th-level soul sage, and his soul power is two levels higher than Teacher Zhao."

While the two were talking, Flender had already walked over and stopped in front of the nine of them. His gaze paused for a moment as he passed Yu Tianqi, and then moved away quickly. No one noticed the brief pause.

A hoarse and somewhat magnetic voice sounded in everyone's ears: "That's right, our college has actually had five more little monsters this year. I, Flender, welcome you on behalf of the college. You will go to Mr. Li who is in charge of finances to talk to each other later." One hundred gold soul coins.

Oscar and Ning Rongrong came out, the others disbanded, your classes start at night, restore your condition to the best. "

As soon as Flender finished speaking, Xiao Wu and the others quickly left, Zhu Zhuqing also turned around and left, Dai Mubai chased Zhu Zhuqing and left.

Ning Wanwan and Yu Tianqi stood where they were, wanting to see the dean's teaching methods, but Tang San didn't leave when he saw this.

Flender said to Oscar and Ning Rongrong: "As an auxiliary system soul master, what you lack the most is combat power, and you need the protection of your teammates, so protecting yourself is the most important thing you should do.

An auxiliary soul master who can't escape is not a good soul master.Your class today is physical training. You can run [-] laps around the village. You can use Wuhun to assist you. If you don’t finish the run, you will have no food. Let’s go. "

Flender still doesn't know that during the entrance examination, Ning Rongrong, an auxiliary system soul master, fought against Dai Mubai for a long time without using a martial soul, and still had the upper hand.

Hearing this, Oscar exudes an aura of resistance all over his body, but unfortunately he dare not resist Flender, so he can only run out dejectedly, while Ning Rongrong has a calm face, causing Flender to look at her several times.

After the two left, Flender called Tang San away, and Ning Wanwan and Yu Tianqi returned to their dormitory.
As night fell, everyone gathered in the playground again. Flender stared at Ning Rongrong with weird eyes for a while, and finally said nothing, but said to everyone: "Okay, your first class is about to begin. , Follow me." After speaking, he jumped out first.

The others quickly followed.

This time Dai Mubai didn't go to Zhu Zhuqing's side, but followed Flender with an ugly expression, Ma Hongjun and Oscar winked, seeing Dai Mubai who was always proud in love was deflated, they both gloated in their hearts .

Xiao Wu squeezed away Ma Hongjun, and moved closer to Oscar, "Xiao Ao, why did the dean look at Rongrong like that before? Did something happen during your run?"

"Ning Rongrong easily completed the task assigned by the dean, the dean must have been surprised."

After Oscar finished speaking, he glanced at Ning Rongrong inexplicably. He didn't go to the fourth test, so he didn't know that Ning Rongrong was a pervert among the auxiliary soul masters.

Running twenty laps around the entire village, he couldn't finish the run if he didn't eat the sausage he made to restore his strength.And Ning Rongrong didn't even release her martial soul, so she ran away so easily.

What a little monster!

The group soon arrived at Soto City. At night, Soto City looked like it had just woken up. The shops were brightly lit, and there were small vendors selling food or small items on the street.

Flender led a few people into an unremarkable tea shop and ordered ten cups of the cheapest tea.

"Dean, are we going to have classes here?" Ning Wanwan asked, quietly removing the tea in front of her.

Not to mention that she drank spiritual tea in her previous life, and the things in the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School were not bad, she had never drunk such tea.Under certain conditions, she will not treat herself badly.

Flender raised his hand and pointed out, "That's where your classes are."

Several people looked in the direction he pointed, and saw a very tall building, which was extremely huge, and there was a faint light flickering in the dark night.

Dai Mubai's face changed slightly, "Dean, let them go there on the first day?"

Flender drank tea calmly, "Remember, you are monsters, and monsters must have monster cultivation methods. Different martial arts have different cultivation methods. What the Academy can teach you is how to better use yourself Wuhun.

If you want to make better use of your martial spirit, you need to keep fighting. During the battle, you can discover your own shortcomings and improve your ability to adapt, and there is a place where you can fight. "

Dai Mubai and the veteran students looked helpless, but they didn't dare to say anything more.Tang San really didn't know what Flender was talking about, but Ning Wanwan and the others somewhat understood.

Yu Tianqi asked: "Dean, are you talking about the Great Soul Arena?"

Flender was not surprised that Yu Tianqi knew about the Soul Arena, nodded and said: "That's right, it's the Big Soul Arena, only cities at the main city level have the Big Soul Arena, named after the city where it is located.

The so-called Great Soul Arena is a place where soul masters fight and compete for martial spirits. Both empires have a saying that the Soul Arena determines the rise and fall of a country. "

Tang San asked puzzledly: "Isn't a soul master a noble profession? Then why does there still exist such a soul fighting field?"

Flender said: "The level of the spirit is a sign of the strength of the soul master, and the soul ring is the best proof. But these can't represent the real strength of the soul master, the soul that can be displayed in the battle is the soul." The true power of a soul master, and the Great Soul Arena is definitely an important place to reflect the value and strength of a soul master.

The Great Soul Fighting Field was founded by the seven major soul master families on the mainland. It does not belong to any force, and it can also be said to be a special force.The Great Spirit Arena has its own complete system, and it is a relatively fair place.

Here, even if you kill an heir of a certain big family, you don't need to worry about being retaliated against.The Great Soul Arena is as rich as an enemy country, and the soul masters who become famous here can often gain both fame and fortune.My task for you is to get the silver fighting spirit badge before graduation. "

 To be honest, I have never known how to distinguish between physical attacks and energy supply. In my opinion, fists and feet, weapon attacks are physical attacks, and attacks formed purely with soul power are energy attacks. But after thinking about it, Douluo Li The attack seems to be related to the soul power, and then it is completely indistinguishable (Д(︶︹︺)
(End of this chapter)

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