Douluo: Forced to inherit the god position after rebirth

Chapter 34 Going to the Star Dou Great Forest

Chapter 34 Going to the Star Dou Great Forest

Tang San stepped forward and said: "I'll come first." Then he walked in front of Oscar, picked up two sausages, one big and one small, and ate them in one bite.

After the sausage entered his stomach, Tang San felt a hot current spreading in his body, making his whole body feel comfortable, his body seemed to be full of strength.

So this is the ability of top food system soul masters?

Then Dai Mubai, Xiao Wu and Ma Hongjun, the three ate the sausage with normal expressions, obviously, they should have eaten it before.Then there are Ning Wanwan, Ning Rongrong and Yu Tianqi.

In the end, Zhu Zhuqing was the only one left who hadn't fulfilled Flender's request.Zhu Zhuqing bit her lower lip lightly, unable to move forward.

Flender suddenly said: "Zhu Zhuqing, if you want to one day be able to defeat Dai Mubai, stand at the top of the soul master world, and no one can restrain yourself, then don't hesitate now."

Hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing's eyes became firm, and he walked quickly to Oscar, picked up the sausage and ate it.

Everyone knows what happened last night, seeing this, they couldn't help but look at Dai Mubai, wanting to see his reaction.

Dai Mubai smiled wryly and said to Zhu Zhuqing: "Is that why you want to defeat me?"

Zhu Zhuqing glared at him, walked back to his place and stood still without saying anything.

"Very good, everyone has completed today's lesson." Flender nodded in satisfaction, "Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu, Fatty, you three hurry up and try to reach level [-] as soon as possible, and then you can go to the Star Dou Forest Get the third spirit ring for you guys, Tang San and Oscar."

"Yes!" The three replied loudly.

Perhaps it was the eager anticipation for the third spirit ring, or perhaps it was because Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu and Ma Hongjun had already touched the wall of level [-], and a month later, the three of them broke through to level [-] successively.

Flender called everyone together and said: "Try to adjust your condition to the best possible condition, tomorrow morning, Vice President Zhao Wuji will take you to the Star Dou Forest.

This time is not only for obtaining the soul ring, but also for your experience. Before encountering the thousand-year-old soul beast, Mr. Zhao will not make a move easily. That's enough, I'll just say so much, disband. "

After Flender left, everyone returned to their dormitories and began to adjust their state.

Oscar had broken through to level [-], and the excitement hadn't passed yet. As soon as he returned to the dormitory, he couldn't help asking Tang San: "Little San, what kind of spirit ring do you think I should get more suitable?"

Tang San smiled and said: "Spirit beasts are all kinds of strange things, and there are many kinds. As for which one is suitable for you, you have to go to find out. Oscar, you should have been to the Star Dou Forest, tell me about the situation there?"

Oscar nodded and said: "The Star Dou Great Forest is one of the three most famous soul beast settlements in the Douluo Continent, and its area is almost equal to that of the Balak Kingdom, straddling the two great empires of Tiandou and Xingluo.

Soto City is not far from Star Dou Great Forest, only less than [-] kilometers, so it is the best choice for our academy to obtain spirit rings, and my second resurrection was obtained there.

The terrain in the forest is complicated, and the spirit beasts are also terrifying. The closer to the center of the forest, the stronger the spirit beasts.Most soul masters would go there to find a soul ring that suits them. Of course, if they don't have enough strength, it is very common to lose their lives there. "

"I hope that we can find the most suitable spirit ring for us this time." Tang San said, he couldn't wait, only by constantly becoming stronger can he protect the person he wants to protect.

After breakfast the next morning, everyone came to the big playground and saw Zhao Wuji waiting for them. I don't know if they were dazzled, but they always felt that Teacher Zhao was gnashing his teeth when he looked at Tang San?
Zhao Wuji glanced over the crowd, and said: "Get ready to set off, Mubai, you lead the team."

Dai Mubai nodded, and said to everyone with a serious expression: "The Star Dou Great Forest is full of dangers, everyone must stay alert. Tang San, Yu Tianqi, you two are at the front, Oscar, Ning Rongrong, you follow them Behind you, Xiao Wu, Fatty, you are on both sides, and I, Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Wanwan are at the end."

Everyone had no objection to Dai Mubai's arrangement, and started to set off after forming up.

Along the way, Oscar provided sausages for everyone to recover their strength. They traveled more than 400 kilometers in just one day. After night fell, everyone stayed overnight in a small town.

Zao Wou-ki found a hotel that looked very ordinary, and said: "Let's stay there tonight, rest well tonight, and leave for the forest early tomorrow morning, board and lodging expenses are at your own expense."

After opening the room, Zao Wou-ki went back to the room directly, while the others prepared to eat first.

The nine people found a table in the corner, and as soon as they sat down, Ma Hongjun said, "I'm about to vomit after eating sausage all day, I have to eat a good meal tonight."

Except for Ning Wanwan, everyone else nodded in agreement.Ning Wanwan's soul power level is higher than theirs and consumes less, so she doesn't eat much sausage to recover, and even if her soul power level is similar to theirs, her soul power is several times higher than theirs, and her spiritual power is not compressed for nothing.

Tang San asked Dai Mubai: "Mr. Zhao won't you eat with us?"

Dai Mubai explained: "Teacher will not pay any fees for us when he comes out with us, and he will not accept our benefits, this is stipulated by Dean Flender."

Ning Rongrong laughed and said: "Without accepting benefits from students and having no other income, it's unexpected that Shrek Academy can survive until now."

Ma Hongjun said: "This is not very good, everything is clear and clear."

Dai Mubai gave him a pair of rolling eyes, "Fatty man, stop talking nonsense and order quickly, you are the best at eating."

"Then today is your treat? You are the one with the highest subsidy among us." Ma Hongjun picked up the menu, looking ready to show off his talents.

Dai Mubai smiled and said: "No problem, it's fate that we can get together in Shrek, this meal is a welcome for Tang San, Ning Wanwan and the others."

Ma Hongjun's eyes lit up, he called the waiter, and ordered a dozen dishes in a row.

While waiting for the food to be served, a group of people came in, a total of eight people, except for a middle-aged man who looked like the leader of the team, the remaining six men and one woman were all wearing uniforms, moon-white soul master robes, left shoulder There is a cyan ring at the center, with the word Cang Hui embroidered inside.

These eight people happened to be sitting at the table next to Ning Wanwan and the others. As soon as they sat down, they saw Ning Wanwan and the others. no.

One of the youths in Canghui Academy whispered to his companions next to him: "Look at the girls at the next table, they are so pretty. If you can get them, what do you think?"

The companion replied: "It's really good looking, especially the one in the light green dress, it's simply the best, go and try it?"

While talking, the two still looked at Ning Wanwan and the others with disgusting eyes.

Different from Canghui Academy who can tell it is the clothes of soul masters at a glance, the people of Shrek Academy are all wearing their own clothes, they are not too old, they look like ordinary people, and soul masters have never put ordinary people in their eyes inside.

Although the two people from Canghui Academy had lowered their voices, the hearing of soul masters was naturally better than that of ordinary people, especially since they were sitting next to Shrek Academy, it was difficult not to hear them.

(End of this chapter)

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