Douluo: Forced to inherit the god position after rebirth

Chapter 39 Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb Snake

Chapter 39 Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb Snake

Tang San nodded and said: "Well, the phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake is a rare and powerful non-poisonous snake. Although it has a single attack method, it is extremely fast, and the meat crown on its head is even more special. If you get this spirit ring, then you His third soul ability is probably related to speed."

If it weren't for the special situation now, Oscar would have wanted to give Tang San a brotherly hug, "Little San, why do you know everything, it's simply the encyclopedia of the spirit world!"

Except for Xiao Wu, including Ning Wanwan and Ning Rongrong, they were all surprised that Tang San knew so many things about soul beasts. You know, soul beasts are so strange, it's hard to say whether you can recognize them all, let alone judge them easily. The number of years of cultivation.

Xiao Wu is because she is a soul beast, and she grew up in the Star Dou Great Forest, so she naturally understands the soul beasts here very well.Ning Wanwan and Ning Rongrong were born in the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School. In order to break the shackles of martial spirits, the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School did a lot of research on soul beasts, especially Ning Fengzhi.

Ning Wanwan thought of Tang San never concealing his own speciality in front of her during the few months together when they were young, she guessed at that time that Tang San had special opportunities just like herself, it seems that he has encountered opportunities again in recent years.

Zhao Wuji interrupted everyone's thinking, "Tang San, since you know this kind of spirit beast so well, how do you think it will be easier to capture this kind of spirit beast?"

Tang San said: "Snakes are afraid of birds, Fatty's Phoenix spirit is also the king of birds, it should be able to suppress the cockscomb snake to a certain extent, it's not very aggressive, we just need to be careful not to let it escape. "

"Come here." Zhu Zhuqing's voice reached the ears of the people under the tree, and when she finished speaking, she jumped down from the tree directly, her sharp claws directly attacked the Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb Snake, facing the thousand-year-old soul beast without the slightest fear.

Zhu Zhuqing grasped the timing just right, the attack just landed on the fast-moving cockscomb snake, making it stagnate, but it immediately reacted extremely quickly and sprayed a mouthful of colorful thick mist towards Zhu Zhuqing, the color of the crown on its head Become brighter and faster than before.

Seeing Zhu Zhuqing being attacked, Dai Mubai became anxious, and shouted loudly: "Zhu Qing be careful!" At the same time, he activated the third soul skill, his figure suddenly enlarged, and he went towards the phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake.

Ning Rongrong saw the right time to boost Dai Mubai, "Nine Treasures are famous, the second is: speed."

The greatly increased Dai Mubai collided with the accelerated Cockscomb Snake, after a loud bang, Dai Mubai retreated about ten meters, and the Cockscomb Snake fell to the ground.

Tang San's Bluesilver Grass also quickly entangled the Cockscomb Snake, especially its wings, and said to everyone: "The dense fog that the Cockscomb Snake just now was just to scare people, it's not poisonous."

Ma Hongjun also released his martial spirit, and tried his best to suppress the cockscomb snake. Perhaps feeling the breath of the phoenix, the cockscomb snake trembled, but soon began to desperately resist.

Just when the phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake was about to break free from Tang San's entanglement with the blue silver grass, Ning Wanwan said: "The second soul skill, Chen Xing Miao Miao." Soon a melodious voice sounded, and the phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake He stopped resisting.

Yu Tianqi grasped the cockscomb snake's seven inches with his dragon-formed hand, and from time to time there were tiny thunderbolts transmitted to the cockscomb snake, Yu Tianqi grabbed the cockscomb snake and walked in front of Oscar, saying : "Oscar, hurry up and do it."

Zao Wou-ki has been driving the Wuhun to hold the formation to prevent the cockscomb snake from escaping. Now seeing that this group of children easily subdued the thousand-year-old spirit beast without his own help, he was naturally happy, and he took out a dagger and handed it to Oscar, "Look in a daze What to do, quickly kill it to absorb the spirit ring, and just stab it through the meat crown."

For things like absorbing spirit rings, hurry up sooner rather than later, for fear that things will change if you are late. There has never been a shortage of soul masters looking for spirit rings in this Star Dou Great Forest.

Oscar took the dagger excitedly and wanted to do as Zao Wou-ki said.

Xiao Wu stood aside, her eyes full of unbearable, lowered her eyes and said in a low voice: "Do you have to hunt soul beasts?" Can soul beasts and soul masters only be on opposite sides?
Ning Wanwan didn't know when she came, and said softly: "As long as the soul master still needs to obtain the soul ring from the soul beast to improve his strength, the relationship between the two cannot be changed. All we can do is to ensure our own safety." Under the premise, try to only hunt and kill the soul beasts you need.

And the law of survival of all things in the world is the law of the jungle. What you see now is that we hunt and kill soul beasts, but soul beasts also hunt and kill humans.Xiao Wu, do you think if what we met today was a powerful soul beast, would it let go of the food brought to its mouth? "

Xiao Wu didn't speak again, she also knew that she couldn't change anything by herself alone, besides, didn't she go out of the forest to avenge her mother and kill the person who took her mother's soul ring and soul bone?
It's also killing, so what's the difference between right and wrong?
Just as Oscar's dagger was about to pierce the cockscombed snake's head, a hoarse voice sounded, "Stop!"

Immediately afterwards, two figures jumped out from the direction the cockscomb snake flew in, and the people who appeared suddenly were an old woman and a young girl.The old woman looked seven or eighty years old, with white hair all over her head, but she was very energetic. She held a three-meter-long snake-headed crutch in her right hand, and six spirit rings danced up and down on her body.

There was no change in the old woman, but the appearance of the soul ring showed that she had released her martial soul, so the crutch in her hand should be her martial soul.

And that girl, about eighteen or nine years old, has short hair that reaches her ears, and a snake-headed cane similar to that of an old woman in her hand.Her appearance was excellent, but she was not good enough in front of Ning Wanwan and the others. At this time, she was staring closely at the cockscomb snake in Yu Tianqi's hand, with two yellow soul rings flashing on her body.

Everyone heard the words and looked subconsciously, and they couldn't help being wary of the person who appeared suddenly. When they saw that the other party only had six soul rings, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. After all, Zhao Wuji is the soul sage with seven soul rings.

And when the old woman saw the seven soul rings on Zhao Wuji's body, her expression couldn't help changing, her heart sank, she knew that the cockscomb snake would be hard to get back, but if you lose, you won't lose, so the old woman quickly sorted it out. With a good expression, he said calmly: "Dear Soul Sage, I'm afraid this cockscomb snake cannot be given to this child."

Zhao Wuji didn't let down his vigilance just because the other party only had six spirit rings, because the crutch in the old woman's hand reminded him of a person, he asked in a deep voice, "Why?"

The old woman said: "We found and hunted this snake first, but it ran away accidentally. We tracked it all the way, but we didn't expect this snake to be caught by you."

Seeing that the third soul ring in his hand was about to fly, Oscar was a little anxious, and wanted to say something, but Ning Wanwan, who walked up to him at some point, held down the hand holding the dagger, and the dagger pierced into it with a "poof". In the cockscomb snake's head, the cockscomb snake was so stunned by the electric shock that it was killed by Oscar before it could even struggle.

(End of this chapter)

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