Chapter 46 Wake Up
Everyone recovered their spirit power and kept vigilant around. Only Ning Wanwan kept using the first spirit ability to help Tang San absorb the spirit ring.

Surrounded by the blood-colored mist, Tang San's body made bone crackling sounds from time to time, which made everyone who heard it feel worried, and at the same time admired Tang San even more.

We all know that the closer the age of the soul ring is to the absorption limit or even slightly exceeds the limit, the more obvious the benefits will be, but the more pain you will have to bear. If one is not good, it may even cost your own life.

Everyone cherishes their lives, so even if they know the benefits, few people dare to take their own lives for experiments, and the soul rings absorbed are all within the safe range.

Time passed slowly, everyone waited for two hours, and the purple spirit ring on Tang San's body gradually stabilized.

Zhao Wuji couldn't help but let out a sigh, "It looks like it's all right, if Ning Wanwan wasn't there, Tang San would be in a lot of trouble today."

Oscar made a few sausages and handed them to Ning Wanwan, "Wanwan, you should also take a break, you are tired after using soul skills for so long, right?"

Ning Wanwan withdrew her martial spirit, took the sausage and ate it, and then replied: "Although I'm a little tired, it's okay, the consumption is not too great."

Her soul power is more than three times thicker than that of ordinary soul masters, and the first soul skill is provided by the god-level soul skill soul ring anyway, and consumes very little soul power.Not to mention two hours, even if it lasts a whole day, it doesn't consume much soul power, but the nerves are a little tense.

What's more, during this period, she was still absorbing spiritual power and supplementing consumption. After the balance of payments, the remaining spiritual power entered the sea of ​​consciousness.

The higher the age of the soul ring, the greater the power of the obtained soul skills and the less consumption, this is common sense in the soul master world.

At this time, everyone was also in the mood to ask about Ning Wanwan and Xiao Wu being captured by the Titan Great Ape.

Oscar grew up with Xiao Wu, and as Xiao Wu's boyfriend, he naturally cared about Xiao Wu the most, and asked, "Xiao Wu, how did you and Wan Wan escape from the Titan Giant Ape?"

That was the king of the forest. When Xiao Wu was taken away, he was filled with despair.

Xiao Wu lowered her eyes, and said in a slightly trembling voice: "I don't know what's going on, when the Titan Giant Ape grabbed me and Wanwan and ran towards the center of the forest, there was a bull roar, and the Titan Giant Ape suddenly changed He looked very nervous, left Wanwan and me and ran away in a panic. There are many soul beasts around, if it wasn’t for Wanwan and I being thrown out, we might have been trampled to death by it.”

Zhao Wuji frowned and asked, "The roar of a bull? Are you sure you heard it right? But the Titan Giant Ape is the king of the forest, so what kind of existence should the sound that can make it so nervous and afraid?"

The faces of the others were also heavy. One titan ape had already terrified them. How would they deal with another even more powerful one?

After Ning Wanwan ate the sausage, her soul power had almost recovered. Seeing everyone's serious expressions, she comforted her: "Don't worry, that should be the sound of the Azure Bull Python. It has always lived in the center of the forest and will not appear in the forest. peripheral.

The Azure Bull Python has a higher level of cultivation than the Titan Giant Ape, and it lives in the center of the forest with the Titan Giant Ape. This time, the Titan Giant Ape probably sneaked out while it was not paying attention. "When you go back, you should be trained.

After hearing Ning Wanwan's words, everyone didn't know whether to breathe a sigh of relief or tense their nerves.

Zhao Wuji said: "No one can guarantee this. Didn't the Titan Giant Ape appear on the periphery? It's better for us to leave the forest as soon as possible. When Xiao San wakes up, we should seize the time to find a suitable soul beast for Xiao Wu. There is no longer any time to waste."

Xiao Wu said cautiously: "Mr. Zhao, there is no need to find a soul beast for me, I, I have already obtained the third soul ring."

Everyone looked at Xiao Wu in surprise when they heard the words, Oscar asked: "Xiao Wu, when did you get the third soul ring? How did you get it?"

Xiao Wu scratched her head, and said embarrassingly: "Among the soul beasts stunned by the Titan Giant Ape, there happened to be one that was suitable for me, so I took the opportunity to kill and obtain the soul ring. It was also because of the delay in absorbing the soul ring that I was able to do so." Came back late."

"That's okay? Xiao Wu, your luck is too good!" Fatty looked at Xiao Wu enviously, why didn't he have such luck?
Except for Ning Wanwan, who knew the inside story, and Tang San, who hadn't woken up, everyone else felt that Xiao Wu's experience was too dramatic, but the result was good, so they didn't say much.

Zhao Wuji said: "That's just right, when Tang San wakes up, we will go back to the academy."

"Third brother, you're awake, how are you feeling?" Seeing Tang San open his eyes, Ning Wanwan hurriedly asked.

Tang San still had a slightly confused look in his eyes, blinked, and slowly returned to his senses, seeing Ning Wanwan standing in front of him, he immediately stood up, grabbed Ning Wanwan's hand, and said in surprise: "Wanwan, you Are you okay? How did you escape from the giant ape titan?"

Ning Wanwan felt the strength coming from her hands, and said Xiao Wu's words briefly again, and comforted her: "Don't worry, third brother, I'm fine, but you, break through the limit to absorb the soul ring, and quickly feel the pain in your body. Nothing uncomfortable."

Seeing that Ning Wanwan was really fine, Tang San felt relieved, listened to her words and carefully felt the changes in himself.The shackles that restricted him during this period have disappeared, and now he only feels indescribably comfortable in his body, and his soul power has at least doubled compared to before, and he feels that there is endless power in his body.

Tang San released the Blue Silver Grass, after careful observation, he found that compared to before, the Blue Silver Grass became thinner, and the color also became blue-purple, more shiny than before, sparkling.Looking at the purple third spirit ring on his body again, Tang San felt that the previous hardships were not in vain.

"By the way, when I absorbed the spirit ring, it was very painful. I felt that my whole body was on fire, and my muscles and bones were about to be incinerated. I don't know why the temperature suddenly dropped, and it became less unbearable. What happened?"

Dai Mubai walked up to Tang San, patted him on the shoulder, and said: "The spirit ring you absorbed exceeded the upper limit, if it wasn't for Wan Wan who has been using the first spirit ability to heal you, I am afraid you would have exploded and died. If you are dead, you are lucky, next time you absorb a spirit ring, don't be so reckless."

Tang San looked at Ning Wanwan gratefully, "Wanwan, thank you for saving my life."

Ning Wanwan waved her hand, "We are all partners, third brother, if you say this, you will be offended."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, since you have nothing to do, hurry up and get out of the forest, if you want to chat, we can talk after we go back." Zhao Wou-ki stepped out and interrupted the conversation of several people.

As soon as the words fell, there was a "呲啦", the sound of clothes being broken, and then Tang San bent down with a painful expression.

"Tang San, what's the matter with you?" Zhao Wuji was going crazy. He originally thought that he was just getting the third spirit ring, which could be done in the outskirts of the forest. Pulled Flender along with him.

In such a short time, Tang San's head was covered with cold sweat from the pain, and he said intermittently: "Mr. Zhao, I... my back... seems to have something... going to break out... It hurts a lot!"

(End of this chapter)

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