The sky is clear, the sky is clear, the sun is working diligently in the sky, and the sound of cicadas is constantly lingering in my ears.

Flender looked at the college's crude gate and some dilapidated plaques, and said sadly: "It's been so many years, I really don't want to part with it."

He said he would come back in a year, but he also knew that these children would definitely meet the graduation standards in a year, and he couldn't keep them in the academy.So leaving this time, there will really be no Shrek Academy in the future.

It was rare for the master to show a cold face to Flender, and comforted him: "There is always a banquet in the world, sooner or later there will be a parting. And you are not short of money now, if you are really reluctant, Shrek can continue to do it."

Zhao Wuji's bear paw slapped Flender's back, "Master is right, if you really don't want to part with it, then come back and continue the academy, brother, I'll accompany you, isn't that interesting?"

"Let's talk about it later." Flender glanced at the academy one last time, turned around resolutely, and said to the people waiting at the side: "Let's go, Soto City is not close to Tiandou City, in order to save some money, everyone will go at full speed .”

Everyone who had seen their dean's sad look, and felt a little bit reluctant towards the college: ...Sadness and everything are illusions, the dean is still the same dean, with millions of gold soul coins in his pocket, he is still so stingy.

The capital of the Tiandou Empire, Tiandou City, is in the northeast direction of the center of the Tiandou Empire.From Soto City to Heaven Dou City, after leaving Barak Kingdom, they still need to pass through the entire Silves Kingdom, and then go eastward, a distance of [-] kilometers.

"You little bastards follow closely. If anyone falls behind, hehe..." After finishing speaking, Flender rushed out first. Even if he still had a master in his hand, it didn't hinder his speed. The other teachers also hurriedly followed. It doesn't matter whether Ning Wanwan and the others can keep up with their speed.

The nine people who stayed in place looked at each other helplessly. It seemed that the dean was about to make trouble again.

Dai Mubai moved his hands and feet, and said to several people: "Let's go, let's catch up too, we must not give excuses to the principal."

All day thinking of ways to toss and exploit them.

"I won't share weal and woe with you this time, hee hee." Ning Rongrong blinked at them, a pair of beautiful blue-green wings appeared on her back, a bit dazzling under the sunlight.

The others were stunned, "Rongrong, you can fly!"

Good guy, you've kept it a secret!

Xiao Wu walked around Ning Rongrong a few times, "Is this a soul bone? Rongrong, you are too mean, we have been together for so long, and we haven't revealed any news."

The wings on Ning Rongrong's back flapped twice, and the whole body slowly lifted into the air, looking down at the few people, "Isn't there no chance to show it, and you didn't ask me."

Xiao Wu said enviously, "It's great to be able to fly!"

Why is she a rabbit instead of a flying soul beast!
Ning Wanwan smiled and said: "If you want to experience the feeling of flying, you can eat Oscar's flying mushroom sausage, and I can take you too."

After finishing the words, a pair of silvery white wings bigger than Ning Rongrong's wings appeared behind her.This is one of the abilities of the torso spirit bone that Xueyue gave her.


Everyone was surprised by the noble and gorgeous wings again. The two sisters actually have soul bones, so they are so lucky!
envious!Very envious!
Ning Wanwan's wings were two meters long six years ago, and now they are nearly four meters long. There seems to be streamers shining on the feathers. Even Ning Wanwan himself seems to be covered with a special light, which makes people feel holy and sacred for no reason. .

In the end, it was Oscar who contributed the flying mushroom sausage to the others, and quickly chased in Flender's direction.

The Nine Shrek Monsters left Soto City and were about to embark on another exciting journey.

After the master's devil training and the high-frequency battles in the big spirit field, the spirit power of the nine people has improved. The current situation is as follows:
Evil-eyed white tiger Dai Mubai, level 39.

Lei Yan blue dragon Yu Tianqi, level 45.

Sausage Monopoly Oscar, level 34.

Thousand-hand Shura Tang San, level 36.

Evil fire phoenix Ma Hongjun, level 34.

Soft Bones Charming Rabbit Xiaowu, level 35.

Immortal Glazed Ning Wanwan, level 47.

Nine-colored glass Ning Rongrong, level [-].

Ghost civet Zhu Zhuqing, level 35.

Dai Mubai has already touched the fortieth level threshold, it shouldn't take long to break through to the fortieth level.As for Ning Rongrong, because of the high-intensity exercise, coupled with mental tension and relaxation, the tenth day after the holiday broke through to level [-] naturally.

Flender and the master originally planned to take everyone to get a soul ring for Ning Rongrong, but Ning Wanwan politely refused, saying that before going to the Royal Academy, they would go back to the Zongmen, and then they could ask people from the Zongmen to help.

This can't be helped, Ning Rongrong's second spirit ring is the thousand-year spirit ring, and her fourth spirit ring can also absorb the ten-thousand-year spirit ring. Although she can usually change the color of the spirit ring, when she absorbs the spirit ring, she will reveal her real soul ring. ring.

It's okay for the people in the academy to know, but they may encounter other people in the forest at any time, such as the Dragon Lord and Snake Woman last time, spreading the word will be harmful to Ning Rongrong.

It's different with people from the Zongmen. With the love Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo have for them, there will definitely be someone to accompany them when they get the soul ring. With the Title Douluo around, the chance of encountering people will be much reduced.
The speed of wanting to enter Feifei Mushroom Sausage was really fast. They caught up with Flender and the others in a short while, and Ning Wanwan and Ning Rongrong who used the spirit bone skills were not slow. Not only could they keep up with the others Speed, but also seems relaxed, with ease.

Flender was also very surprised when he saw the wings of the sisters Ning Wanwan, "Tsk, as expected of the richest sect on the mainland, these two sisters have soul bones at such a young age."

"Both of them are talented, and they are the suzerain's daughters. Naturally, there will be no shortage of resources." The master was led by Flender with his soul power. Otherwise, with his 29th-level soul power, he would not be able to keep up with the speed of everyone.

Flender smiled, "Looking at the appearance of these little monsters, it seems that there is still room left, so let's speed up a little bit, and save a lot of money by staying in hotels and eating less meals. After all, no matter how small a mosquito is, it’s still meat.”

Hearing this, the master really wanted to give Flender a pair of supercilious eyes, but his good upbringing stopped him, so he said helplessly: "You are not short of money now, and the young ones are not short of money. You can do it like this." What's the point?"


Flender thought for a while and replied: "Probably, it can keep me in a happy mood?"


Everyone on the way was fully fired, it was wrong, it was Oscar who fired with full firepower, and kept making flying mushroom sausages for several people, and stopped when his soul power was almost exhausted, Ning Wanwan used the first soul skill to help him recover his soul He also gave him a lot of emerald green glazed leaves so that he could replenish his soul power at any time.

Of course, Flender and the others with high levels of soul power don't need the mushroom sausage provided by Oscar.

In one day, everyone walked a full 400 kilometers. If they can keep this speed, they can reach Heaven Dou City in five days.

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