The Great Soul Arena in Silves City is somewhat more magnificent than the Great Soul Arena in Soto City. It is a landmark building in the city, and it is easy to see it.

Before entering the Great Soul Arena, Ning Wanwan and the others found a place to change into their team uniforms. They also put on that green, ugly and cute mask. The Shrek Nine Monsters who had attracted countless fans in the Great Soul Arena , Appeared in the Silves Great Soul Arena.

This place is a bit far from Suoto City, and not many people know the reputation of the Shrek Nine Monsters, so they encountered no obstacles along the way, and arrived at the Silves Great Spirit Arena very smoothly.

But there was a problem when signing up for the team battle.

The master handed the team soul fighting badge to the staff who signed up, "Sign up for tonight's team battle, a life-and-death fight, the more ferocious the opponent, the better. It's best to be a team that kills the opponent every time the soul fights."

Although the life-and-death fight in the Great Soul Arena is nominally to resolve irreconcilable contradictions, those bloodthirsty soul masters will form a group to participate in the life-and-death fight, killing people on the soul fighting stage in an open and honest manner, to vent their bloodthirsty desires.

There are also rich people who deliberately train such soul masters to make money in the big soul fighting arena.The soul masters who participated in the life-and-death battle, whether they were active or forced, had blood and lives on their hands.

"Are you sure that the more vicious the opponent, the better?" The staff looked at the master with the same eyes as someone with a mental illness, thinking that this person might have just escaped from the hospital and made such a request.

But he is just an ordinary staff member, and his duty is to help customers register, and it is not his turn to meddle in other matters.

"Very sure." The master's voice was as calm and indifferent as ever.

The staff carefully checked the fighting spirit badge in their hands, then pushed the badge back to the master, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, everyone may not be able to participate in tonight's team battle."

Flender, who was thinking of countless golden soul coins flying into his pocket, seemed to hear the sound of his dreams breaking, and glared at the staff, "What are you talking about? Such a big soul fighting arena, there must be no one there, right? "

The staff explained: "We don't have a golden soul fighting team at the level of soul masters in our big soul fighting field, so..."

The master frowned, "Although they are a gold fighting spirit team, only two of them have gold fighting spirit badges, and the others have silver fighting spirit badges. Those two players with gold fighting spirit badges can't do without playing?"

The staff member shook his head and said firmly, "I'm sorry, this is the regulation of the Great Spirit Arena."

Flender didn't expect that the golden soul coin in his pocket would fly away, which would be like gouging out his own flesh, so he asked unwillingly, "Then is there any way to participate in the team battle soul?"

The staff thought for a while and said: "You can participate in the soul fighting by leapfrogging, so that you will no longer be restricted by the soul fighting badge, but the opponent you will face is a team above the level of the soul sect. If you decide to leapfrog to participate in the soul fighting, I will Arrangements can now be made for you.”

Flender was stunned. A team of Soul Sect level meant that at least four of the opponents were Soul Sect members. Although the little monsters were good in strength, it was too dangerous to face such a team.

Life-and-death fights can kill people, and if the little monsters are not good, someone will buy them here. Although he loves money, that is only on the premise that the little monsters are not in danger.

"Forget it, we won't participate in the soul fight."

Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu were arm in arm, hearing Flender said that they would not participate in the spirit fight, they discussed in a low voice to go shopping later, and finally come to Sylvester City, how can we not buy some special products.

Just when everyone thought they could go and relax tonight, the master's cold voice sounded, "Let's join, as I said just now, match the team with the highest death rate of the opponent."

"Are you sure?" the staff asked again.

"Wait, wait!" Flender grabbed the master's arm, "Xiaogang, what are you doing, the team at the level of the Soul Fighting Sect still has the highest fatality rate, the little monsters who have never seen blood are not these people at all opponents, do you want them to die?"

The master comforted: "I know in my heart that these children are also my students, besides there are Xiaosan and Tianqi, do you think I will let Xiaosan go to die? Do you remember the purpose of our coming out tonight?"

Flanders, the master almost regarded Tang San as his own son, how could he send someone to die, Yu Tianqi is his nephew, and he would not let people send him to death, and the purpose of participating in the soul fight tonight is to let the little monsters see Blood.

Thinking of this, Flender no longer objected, he believed that the master would have a sense of proportion.

Seeing that the staff seemed to be stunned, the master reminded aloud: "Sign up for us, just do what I just said."

"Oh, okay, okay." The staff took their fighting spirit badges, and while operating them, they looked distractedly at the nine people dressed in uniform, with sympathy unconsciously in their eyes.

What a good young man, it's a pity that he didn't meet a good leader.

No matter what they thought in their hearts, the staff quickly matched the opponents according to the requirements of the master, and then returned the fighting spirit badges, "Your opponents tonight are the fierce god team and the silver fighting spirit team, all ten of them are souls!" Zong.

After entering the silver fighting spirit level, he participated in 46 team fighting spirits, killed 63 opponents, and disabled 98 opponents.Because the dismissal was too brutal, even if it was a life-and-death fight, very few people were willing to meet them. "

After hearing this, the master nodded in satisfaction, put away the fighting spirit badge and left the registration desk.

Ning Wanwan and the others are not far away, and the soul master has excellent hearing. They have heard the conversation between the master, Flender and the staff. Although they know that the master and the dean will not harm them, they are still full of doubts.

Dai Mubai looked at Tang San, and asked: "Little San, what do you mean by master and principal?"

Not to mention the leapfrog challenge, but also specifically pick the most brutal team.

The others also looked at Tang San suspiciously, who made Tang San the master's disciple, if anyone among them knew the master best, then Tang San must be the only one.

Tang San vaguely guessed the master and Flender's plan, but he couldn't say clearly, "I can't say for sure, just ask the teacher and the principal later."

Ning Wanwan also understands the master's plan, but she doesn't care. After embarking on martial arts in her previous life, there are hundreds of people who died in her hands. Killing people is already an uncommon thing for her.

I just don't know if these friends who have never seen blood will spit out all their bile tonight.

Well, what should I do? I'm looking forward to it. Has she turned bad?
Tang San seemed to sense something, turned his head to look at Ning Wanwan beside her, and didn't know what she thought of, her eyes were full of smiles and anticipation.

? ?
What is Wanwan looking forward to?Tonight's leapfrog challenge?

Ning Wanwan blinked at Tang San, the corners of her mouth were curved, with a gentle and harmless appearance.

Forget it, as long as Wan Wan is happy.

Thinking like this, Tang San stretched out his hand to hold Ning Wanwan's hand, clasped his fingers together, and the corners of his mouth also rose.

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