After Ning Wanwan finished speaking, the sound of vomiting stopped. Even though their stomachs were still churning, they tried their best not to show timidity.

Because they knew that what Ning Wanwan said was right, if a soul master wanted to become powerful, he had to fight non-stop.Fighting for the soul ring, fighting for the soul bone, fighting for all the natural materials and earthly treasures that can enhance one's strength, in the process of fighting, the blood and human lives on the hands will only increase.

If they want to survive, they must get used to blood on their hands, unless they just want to live in peace, be an ordinary person, and live an ordinary life.But with their talents, are they really willing to do so?

At the corner, the master wanted to step forward, but took it back when Ning Wanwan was speaking. He also wanted to know what Ning Wanwan would say, so he kept silent.

Seeing that the panic-stricken people were appeased by Ning Wanwan with a few words, the master showed satisfaction in his eyes, but his heart was full of doubts. As the eldest lady of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, why did Ning Wanwan understand life and death so well? thorough?

It was as if she had experienced it herself.

Flender and the others stood next to the master at some point, looking at the few who were slowly recovering, the corners of their mouths slightly raised, "Xiao Gang, it seems that we old guys are useless."

The master didn't give Flender a look, "This is not a good time, now is not a good time to chat, if you don't leave, you will be surrounded by people later." After speaking, he walked towards Ning Wanwan and the others .

"Master, Dean, several teachers." Seeing the person coming, the few people who were vomiting just now tried to stand up straight, so that they didn't look so bad.

The master nodded and said nothing more, "Are you all right? Then go back to the hotel first."

Everyone went back to the lounge to change their clothes, and then left the Great Soul Arena through a special passage, and walked to the hotel where they were staying.On the way back to the hotel, the atmosphere was a bit quiet, even Ma Hongjun and Oscar, who were usually the most funny, were immersed in their own thoughts and had no desire to speak at all.

Flender rolled his eyes, took out a stored-value card from the soul guide, and said in an exaggerated tone: "Little monsters, I have good news for you. Starting tonight, people from Shrek Academy They are all millionaires now! How about it, are you surprised or happy?"

The leapfrog team battle between the Nine Shrek Monsters and the Fierce God Team attracted countless ordinary people and low-end soul masters. Judging from the apparent strength, the Nine Shrek Monsters had a pitifully small chance of winning, so apart from Flender and the others, only A few people bet on the Shrek Nine Monsters.

Just these poor people, still taking chances, bet on both sides, thinking that no matter which team wins, they will get money, and the amount of betting is not large.

So even though Flender and the others have put a lot of money, but there are so many people who can't bear to support the Fierce God team, the accumulation of small amounts makes the two 300 million gold soul coins of Flender and the others become inconspicuous.

After the betting cutoff, the odds of the Nine Shrek Monsters soared to [-] to [-], and Flender almost smiled.

After the soul fight was over, Flender immediately went to get the money he had won, grinning directly to the ceiling. Although only a part of the money belonged to him, it is good to have the eye and hand addiction.

The master also knew that they bet a lot of money this time, and with such high odds, Flender and the others would definitely attract the attention of the Great Spirit Arena.Telling Ning Wanwan and the others to leave the Great Spirit Arena as soon as possible, in addition to avoiding being surrounded by people, they are also afraid that the people in the Great Spirit Arena will make trouble for them after they react.

It has to be said that the master was very predictable. Not long after they left, the Great Soul Arena sent people to inquire about Flender and the others, and even went to the lounge of the Nine Shrek Monsters.

As a result, people have already gone to the room, and the people sent out to inquire about the news have nothing to gain, so the people in the Great Spirit Arena have to suffer this dark loss.I was glad that Flender and the others still knew how to measure and only won tens of millions of gold soul coins, otherwise they would really be hurt in the Silves Great Soul Arena.

Of course, Flender didn't know yet that luckily they left quickly, otherwise he would be invited to drink tea by the people in the Great Spirit Arena.

It has to be said that Flender knows the people he grew up with very well. As soon as he said the words and took out the stored-value card, the eyes of the few people who were still listless just now lit up, and the drooping corners of their mouths and eyes wished to fly away. God.

The panic and confusion after the murder disappeared immediately.There is nothing that gold soul coins can't solve. If there is, it means that there are not enough gold soul coins.

Xiao Wu, Oscar, and Ma Hongjun rushed directly to Flender's side, looking at the large handful of stored-value cards with golden eyes and salivating, rubbed their little hands and asked:
"Dean, we won all these?"

"Dean, I bet [-] gold soul coins. You said that everyone in our academy has become millionaires. Wouldn't the odds be at least ten to one?"

"Dean, can you give me my share first?"

Hearing the chatter of the three, the others unconsciously put on smiles.

Tang San even held Ning Wanwan's hand quietly, Ning Wanwan not only didn't take back her hand, but instead smiled at Tang San, so fascinated that Tang San almost lost his way.

Dai Mubai changed his mind, and tentatively stretched out his hand towards Zhu Zhuqing, staring at Zhu Zhuqing's reaction without blinking, seeing that she didn't dodge, he immediately held her hand, feeling the softness in his hand, Dai Mubai revealed A silly smile, like the silly son of a landlord's family.

Zhu Zhuqing caught a glimpse of the silly expression on Dai Mubai's face from the corner of his eye, looked down at the big dry and warm palm wrapped around his hand, his usual indifferent face softened, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.

After returning to the hotel, Flender distributed the stored-value cards to everyone, and then drove them back to their room to rest.After Ning Wanwan's explanation, and Flender's gag, the few people who thought they would not be able to sleep tonight ended up sleeping soundly.

Oscar and Ma Hongjun even slept with their prepaid cards in their arms. They didn't know what beautiful things they dreamed of, and their saliva wet the pillows.

In the early morning of the next day, everyone who was a little wilted came back to life again, and continued on their way after eating a hearty breakfast.It is estimated that he is in a better mood after earning a lot of money, and Flender no longer makes everyone rush at full speed, and the accommodation conditions at night are better.

On the sixth day after leaving Shrek Academy, everyone reached the outer circle of Tiandou City.

Ning Wanwan led the way, "We are almost at the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect. Although the sect is outside Tiandou City, there is still a small town nearby, and because it is close to Tiandou City, the town is quite lively. You can Take you for a walk."

Most of the people in that small town are members of the affiliated sect of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, which can be regarded as the outermost line of defense of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School.

Originally, most of the towns were ordinary people, and only a few were the eyeliners arranged by the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect. But after the kidnapping that year, Ning Fengzhi realized that the sect's defense was not in place, so people slowly infiltrated the town. .

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