Douluo: Forced to inherit the god position after rebirth

Chapter 95 Ning Fengzhi's Suggestion

Chapter 95 Ning Fengzhi's Suggestion
As soon as the Soul Masters Guild was established, those small powers who didn't want to attach themselves to the Spirit Hall immediately joined without any hesitation when they saw that two of the three sects were jointly leading, and that they didn't need to pay any price from their own power.

There are also some free soul masters who were suppressed by the Wuhun Temple and joined the guild after making sure that they would not be restrained.

All of this was done in secret. On the surface, the relationship between the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School and the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus was getting closer, so the Spirit Hall never noticed that the forces suppressed by them had united.

After several years of development, the current guild has reached a certain scale. Even if Wuhundian finds out, they dare not do it lightly, unless they want to burn everything together.

As for Ning Wanwan's suggestion that Ning Fengzhi suggested to Emperor Xue Ye to establish a soul master organization to replace the role of Wuhun Palace, it was because Ning Fengzhi and the others discovered that Wuhun Palace had mastered the situation of most of the soul masters on the mainland.

The awakening of civilian spirits is carried out by the spirit hall, and once a qualified person is found, it will be reported immediately.The soul master subsidy is issued by the Wuhun Temple, and some small power soul masters will also go to the Wuhun Temple to test their soul power level for the soul master subsidy.

Before receiving the subsidy, the soul power must be tested. All this information is recorded in the book, and then it is summarized in the Pope's Palace level by level. The amount of information is astonishing.

After Ning Fengzhi discovered this, he took an opportunity and suggested to Emperor Xue Ye that the empire should establish an official soul master institution to grasp the situation of soul masters in the empire.

It has to be said that this suggestion is very much in line with Emperor Xue Ye's wishes. He has long been dissatisfied with the arrogance and domineering of the Spirit Hall in the empire, but it is not easy to replace the Spirit Hall.

Spirit Halls are located in every corner of the mainland, so they can find good seedlings in the first time, and either bring them into the Hall of Spirits, or kill them.

Wuhundian is becoming more and more arbitrary, eradicating dissidents, suppressing those forces that refuse to attach to Wuhundian, and even meddling in the internal affairs of the empire, their ambitions have been made undisguised.

The two empires have long been afraid of the Spirit Hall, and want to uproot the power of the Spirit Hall in the empire, but the combined number of soul masters in the two empires is not as many as that of the Spirit Hall, so the two empires also Don't dare to act rashly.

After years of planning, coupled with Ning Fengzhi's occasional suggestions, before Ning Wanwan and Ning Rongrong went to Shrek Academy, Emperor Xue Ye started to act.

Ning Fengzhi said with a smile: "Emperor Xue Ye has decreed that within the sphere of influence of the empire, the soul master subsidy will no longer be issued by the Wuhun Temple, but by the newly established soul master office of the empire.

Ordinary people can also go to the soul master office to awaken their martial soul. Once the soul power is detected, they can go to the junior soul master academy established by the empire for free, and those with excellent qualifications will have additional subsidies.

The scope of the Soul Affairs Office may not be as wide as the Wuhun Temple, and every village will send people there, but our Soul Master Guild can issue tasks to let the guild's soul masters go to the village to awaken the Wuhun for the children. "

"The people in Wuhundian should be pissed off soon." Ning Wanwan imagined that if she was the Pope of Wuhundian, she might be so angry that she would jump.

The intelligence network has been abolished, how much effort will it take for the Wuhun Palace to find good seedlings?

Wuhundian is widely known by soul masters, and it has a lot to do with the granting of soul master subsidies. After all, if there is no benefit to get it, who would run to learn about a force that has nothing to do with them.

Now that Emperor Xue Ye has decided that within the territory of the Heaven Dou Empire, the Spirit Hall will no longer send the Soul Master subsidies on behalf of him, which largely cuts off the connection between the Spirit Hall and the soul masters. As long as there is enough time, the Spirit Hall will be in The influence of soul masters will gradually decrease, and finally disappear.

Of course, this is not without a solution, as long as the Wuhun Palace is willing to subsidize the soul masters out of its own pocket, Emperor Xue Ye's decree will not have much meaning.

But is Wuhundian willing to pay out of its own pocket to subsidize those useless waste in their eyes?Don't you need money to cultivate the good seedlings you discover at home?
Even if it is for the sake of prestige, it is okay to subsidize it for one or two years. Over time, the Wuhun Temple, which is not very well established, will gradually become stretched, and it is not impossible to be dragged down in the end.

You must know that the number of soul masters is relatively small. High-level soul masters are rare, but the number of low-level soul masters is still considerable.

Wuhundian has been arrogant for so many years, and now they are caught off guard, but they have no way to refute it. After all, Wuhundian is just a force now. The emperor ordered them to resist blatantly?
Unless Wuhundian wanted to rise up immediately and establish itself as a country, no matter how aggrieved it was, it still had to obey the emperor's will on the surface.

Ning Fengzhi replied with deep eyes: "Perhaps, it would be best if the Wuhun Hall is willing to settle down, and if we dare to show our minions, we are not afraid, the preparations these years have not been done in vain.

After Emperor Xue Ye knew that Xue Qinghe was pretended by the people of Wuhun Palace, he used his tricks and secretly pulled out many nails placed by Wuhun Palace. The Emperor's arms.

Forget it, Wanwan, I heard that your Shrek Academy came to Tiandou City to exchange with Tiandou Royal Academy, why don't you go to Liuguang Academy for exchange?Although Glazed Light Academy has only been established for a few years and its facilities are not as good as Tiandou Imperial Academy, it can be regarded as one of the best in Tiandou City. "

Those children are all good seedlings, and the fat and water will not flow into the fields of outsiders!
Ning Wanwan said: "I also mentioned it to the master, but the master finally chose the Tiandou Royal Academy with better facilities, but I don't think it will go smoothly this time.

Not to mention anything else, as far as the attitude of those students is concerned, even I want to beat them, let alone others.And there is that person who specializes in sabotage. "

Ning Fengzhi also laughed and said: "That kid is considered smart, he guessed a bit of the truth by relying on a few ambiguous words, in the future teach him well, even if he can't expand his borders, his success will be enough."

Ning Wanwan is not interested in these things. In her opinion, it is more important to be strong, "Dad, I will go back to rest first, and you should not bury your head in handling affairs all day long. Your body is important, take more rest, and leave the matter to the people below." Just do it."

For Ning Wanwan's concern, Ning Fengzhi was very helpful, "Don't worry, Wanwan, Dad knows what's in mind, go back and rest, take your companions and teachers for a stroll tomorrow, just tell Yunjiu what you need."

After watching Ning Wanwan leave, Ning Fengzhi sighed and said, "I never expected that Tang Hao would raise such an excellent son after leaving Haotian School for so many years.

What's even more unexpected is that I, Ning Fengzhi, might actually want to be in-laws with this famous Haotian Douluo!Things are impermanent! "

"What in-laws, it's still early, Wan Wan and Tang San are still young, how long can a child's relationship last." Bone Douluo said dissatisfied.

Although it is true that twin martial souls are rare to see in a hundred years, their family, Wan Wan, is the best!

"It's natural to be smooth." Jian Douluo said, as long as Wanwan likes it, he will support it, not to mention that kid Tang San... barely.

Ning Fengzhi nodded in agreement, let's not say that Wanwan seems to like Tang San very much, just talk about Haotianzong, if Haotianzong can join the Soul Masters Guild, Wuhundian will not dare to make a big move.

It's a pity that few people know the specific location of Clear Sky School, Tang San may be a breakthrough.

(End of this chapter)

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