Fast Time Travel: Love Brain Crawl All For Me

Chapter 10 Rescue: The Anti-PUA Heroine

Chapter 10 Rescue: The Anti-PUA Heroine
I still remember the last time, when she cried and begged him not to, under the quilt, her appearance of pear blossoms with rain made him fascinated, his Wei Wei was still so beautiful when he cried.

Today, he suddenly wanted to meet again...
How to do……

At this moment, Yang Wei didn't know that Feng Minghan had gone to that place again, she just felt that if she continued like this, she would definitely suffer physical revenge from this scumbag.

She could only quietly move to the door of the room.

Suddenly, Feng Minghan moved to a place one meter away from Yang Wei.

In a hurry, he picked up another vase at the side and threw it towards the door where Yang Wei was.

But this time, the vase fell off.

With a bang, the sound of a heavy body falling.

Unbiased, it just hit Yang Wei's back.


With a sound of pain, Yang Wei fell to the ground with a thud.

Now, Feng Minghan was dumbfounded.


Feng Minghan strode forward and held Yang Wei in his arms. Seeing that her little face was paler than paper, he felt a little flustered in his heart.

Not only is she disobedient now, how can she be more fragile than a cup?

Looking at Yang Wei who closed his eyes tightly and remained motionless, Feng Minghan exhaled through his nasal cavity, picked Yang Wei up horizontally, hugged him on the bed, and called the doctor to come over.

Then, seeing the doctor gave Yang Wei a drip, Yang Wei was still unconscious, so he had no choice but to leave and go to his own room.

Why is my heart a little restless...


Right now, on the bed.

Two hours have passed since what happened just now.

Yang Wei was wearing a pure white nightdress, covered with a quilt, her eyelashes were as thick as butterfly wings, her eyebrows were slightly clustered, her eyes were tightly closed, like a sleeping beauty, her beauty was fragile and sick.

But under the dim light, after everyone finally left and she was alone, Yang Wei on the bed suddenly opened his eyes in the darkness.

That's right, she fainted, she pretended.

Although the body in this sentence is not as good as my real body, it is not enough to fall down when I touch it.

But if she didn't pretend to be dizzy, she really didn't know what else Feng Minghan would do to her.

So just now, he just hit himself with a vase, and everything was so natural, she took advantage of this moment to faint, and with her wisdom, she passed another level.

His wish was fulfilled, even though his back was still aching, Yang Wei was finally able to let out a breath of relief.


Before Yang Wei could relax...

Suddenly, a tall figure loomed over the door, seated by the door frame, staring at her closely.


Yang Wei was stunned, that familiar and dangerous face hurriedly fell into her sight, and she gasped in fright.

God!System, can't you let me take a break? !

Yang Wei shouted from the bottom of his heart, looking at the person at the door, his hands hidden under the quilt were tightened infinitely, almost shredding the quilt, and the nerves that had just been relaxed were tightened infinitely again...


Feng Minghan opened his mouth slowly, calling her name, but his figure still stayed at the door without moving a step.


Yang Wei's hand under the sheet was clenched even tighter, but he still calmed down and agreed.

In fact, what she really wanted to say was: Don't call me by my name, I'm afraid.

"You, like my ex-girlfriend, will only hurt me, but I still love you so much."

"Wei Wei, you really hurt me, but I still don't want you to leave."

"Yang Wei, if you treat me like this again, I'm considering whether to be thorough and let you just be my puppet."

Feng Minghan didn't turn on the light, there was only a little peripheral light from the floor-to-ceiling windows, but it was enough for the two of them to look at each other.

In the darkness, Yang Wei couldn't see his face clearly, but he could still feel the strong and violent desire to control in his eyes, which seemed to penetrate him like a shower.


Came here just to talk to her?Judging by his appearance, he probably didn't know about her pretending to be dizzy.

However, Yang Wei didn't know whether he wanted to do other things to him, and he didn't dare to relax at all.

"You, like my ex-girlfriend, will only hurt me!"

"But, I won't let you go, don't even think about it."

Finally, after saying these words, Feng Minghan looked at the woman on the bed, and his natural temperament of being prone to anger made him want to do it again.

But in the end, looking at Yang Wei's thin body that seemed to be blown down by the wind, Feng Minghan clenched his fists tightly, and after two seconds, he still chose to leave.

This is the first time that he restrained his temper for a woman.


He, he left?
Yang Wei watched Feng Minghan leave after finishing speaking, she couldn't believe it herself.

Originally, if Feng Minghan was going to do something to her again, Yang Wei was going to just ignore him and confront him directly, his own life was at stake.

But...he just left?
Wait, he just said his ex-girlfriend?
oh!Yang Wei remembered.

In his memory, Feng Minghan did have an ex-girlfriend, and he always said that this ex-girlfriend hurt him deeply, but in fact, most of their breakups were caused by him.

After all, whoever he was with had this infinitely controlling, irritable and perverted look. She had also learned that it was actually Feng Minghan who treated that girl the same way he treated her, but that girl was more sober and left him in the end.

But in Feng Minghan's mouth, he became a complete victim. He always felt that it was the girl who hurt his feelings. Even in his own true perception, he felt that he was not at fault at all.


Some people are really born scum, or scum who is always bad and doesn't know it.

Taking advantage of girls' sympathy, he will always package himself as a victim, which is a big trick used by scumbags.


After flipping through the memory, Yang Wei was thinking again, why did Feng Minghan make a special trip to tell himself these things now?

It seems that because Feng Minghan poured dirty water on that girl every time, and he used to be soft-hearted and loved him very much, so he would feel sorry for him every time, even willing to turn the truth upside down for him.

Even, every time he mentioned his ex-girlfriend, she would give up her bottom line and obey him, and would always fulfill Feng Minghan's ideas, just to make Feng Minghan feel safe and not think that she was the same as his ex-girlfriend...

After the analysis, my heart couldn't help feeling distressed.

It really is Feng Minghan's style...

(End of this chapter)

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