Fast Time Travel: Love Brain Crawl All For Me

Chapter 100 Stockholm Climb For Me

"Boss, the summer palace has been built, should we go there now?"

At that time, Shen Juefeng was on the swing, having fun with his own women, and his subordinates came to report that the summer palace he had asked to build earlier had been completed.

"Baby, the summer resort has been built, come with me!"

Shen Juefeng looked at the subordinate who came to report back, smiled slightly, turned his head sideways, and kissed the woman on the left.

In an instant, the woman smiled coquettishly, while the woman on the right was full of jealousy.

"Notify everyone, go to the summer resort."

Shen Juefeng held a woman in both hands, and slowly walked towards the summer resort that he built next to the palace.

Now, everyone in the palace has received a notice to go to the summer resort to play with Shen Juefeng.

Now, even Nan Yi has received the notice, and followed the group of women to the summer resort.

It is hot summer now, and such a barren place allowed Feng Kang to build such a magnificent summer resort within three months.

His financial strength is really not to be underestimated by his wife.


Everywhere, there are luxurious manors, and Nanyi is assigned to a room, of course, it is the smallest.

During this period of time, everyone followed Fengkang to escape the summer heat in the summer resort. During this period of getting along, all the women felt that this place was simply paradise!

What kind of genius lunatic, what kind of personality disorder killer, what kind of woman by his side can't live for half a year!

Now, it seems that all of this is a lie fabricated by people who are jealous of Feng Kang!They follow Fengkang, they have good food and clothing, they can't be too happy, they can't live for half a year!

These days, all women think so, but of course, Nan Yi is not included.

Then tonight, Feng Kang again found several women to accompany him.

But among them, there is still no Nanyi.

Feng Kang's reaction to her these days is too abnormal, what's going on?

Nan Yi was in her room, thinking about what she did wrong, why he didn't even want to see her.


However, Nan Yi still hasn't figured it out. It seems that the answer can only be found on Feng Kang himself.


On the second day, Nan Yi was notified by his subordinates to go to the hall of the manor to participate in the summer feast.

In this feast, everyone has a small table, and Shen Juefeng sits at the center and highest place.

Nanyi is at the corner.

"Now, let's give everyone a chance to show off. The first summer feast will be held. From now on, our Feng Zong will watch it, and everyone will perform."

All of a sudden, everyone was eating and eating happily. Si Feng, under Shen Juefeng's order, stood out from the small table under Shen Juefeng's nod, and stood in the center, talking to the group of Fengkang women.

"A performance? But, we don't know how to do it, Mr. Feng~"

Suddenly, the crowd heard that Feng Kang was actually interested, and wanted someone to perform a show for him.

Originally, if they were really talented, they really wanted to seize this opportunity to perform in front of Shen Juefeng to attract his attention and win his favor.

But who knows, the group of them basically came out of places like nightclubs, and they have nothing but a smile on their faces.

So at this moment, the women are acting coquettishly, thinking that this is just an ordinary fun, and acting coquettishly is over.

But who knows, Feng Kang sat on the seat, and suddenly smiled slightly when facing the group of women.

Then, he slowly stood up from his seat.

"Today, whoever's show pleases me the most will belong to this box of gold today!"

Suddenly, Shen Juefeng glanced aside, and then, his subordinates came over with a small wooden box in an instant.

Then, Shen Juefeng, who was slightly tipsy after drinking some wine, smiled slightly, and then, in front of everyone, he opened the box that was just handed over by his hand.

But I didn't expect it to be...

A box full of golden gold!


A woman at the scene couldn't help shouting out with joy.

Shen Juefeng is worthy of being Shen Juefeng, the international villain is generous when he makes a move, a big box of gold!
So at this moment, facing the temptation of money, some people are already eager to try.

Even if you don't have talent, but just try it, if you win the favor of Shen Juefeng, this box of genuine gold will really be all yours!


Therefore, some women have already started to prepare, showing the little bit of talent they have learned.

Nan Yi looked at this scene, although she was well-informed, she couldn't help being slightly surprised by Shen Juefeng's economic strength.


Suddenly, the women who were all ready to perform, looked at Shen Juefeng and smiled, and then his words took a sharp turn.

He winked at his men again.

"Since there are rewards, there must also be punishments, baby."

Shen Juefeng snapped his fingers, and immediately after, a golden refined pistol was put in another box, taken out, and held in front of him.

He reached out and took out the pistol from the box, and the golden pistol looked so fitting in his bony and slender hand.

The same murder without blinking an eye.

"If the performance is not good, the bullets in this gun will slam and smash the baby's brains."

Shen Juefeng looked at the pistol in his hand, and under the effect of alcohol, the smile on his lips deepened, and what he said became more ruthless and terrifying.


"Boss Feng, are you joking?"

In an instant, the woman who saw Shen Juefeng for the first time was a little frightened by Shen Juefeng's appearance.

They thought that Shen Juefeng was just joking. After all, it was just a show, so why did it become a beheading show?


Then, Shen Juefeng turned his head and looked at the woman who questioned him in public just now, the smile on his face deepened.


Suddenly, Shen Juefeng directly raised his hand, and then pointed at the woman.


In an instant, the woman who was still smiling just now, at this instant, was shot by Shen Juefeng's pistol bullet.

The woman fell to the ground in half a second.

Immediately, everyone at the scene was frightened. This was the first time they had seen Feng Kang be so terrifying.

"This joke, I don't like it, the show failed."


After killing the man, the expression on Shen Juefeng's face was as if he had killed some kitten or dog, he didn't care at all, he just regarded the killing this time as a joke.

"This time, you have to perform if you want to, and you have to perform if you don't want to."

"Because, this time, I have already written the names of all of you on the card. Whoever I draw will come and perform for me!"

"Whether it's a pistol or gold, it depends on your own performance, baby!"


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