Fast Time Travel: Love Brain Crawl All For Me

Chapter 13 Rescue: The Anti-PUA Heroine

Chapter 13 Rescue: The Anti-PUA Heroine
Yang Wei looked at Feng Minghan's appearance and stared at himself, with a faint smile on his lips.

It was exactly the same as the man at the school gate in her memory.

By coincidence, her body's love brain value has increased by [-]%, which means she is close to the north!He said something involuntarily.

"it is good."

After finishing speaking, Yang Wei was really disappointed and helpless with his words about his body...

"Wei Wei is so sweet."

The goal was achieved, Feng Minghan approached again, touched Yang Wei's face, his movements were very gentle, and then, he pressed a kiss on her face lightly.

As gentle as they first met, but more like a devil in a gentle coat.

Knowing his nature well, this is Yang Wei's involuntary evaluation of him.

"Good night, Wei Wei, my Wei Wei."

Feng Minghan left, turned around and turned on the light. In an instant, the whole room was lit up, even a little dazzling for the first time.

Through the bright white light, Yang Wei saw Feng Minghan was leaning against the corner of the light switch wall, his eyes were staring at him with a half-smile, and his voice was low and insane.

He said that she was his Wei Wei.

"The company is not busy these days. I will be on vacation for the next two days and have a good rest. Tomorrow, I will take you to a fun place."

After watching Yang Wei, Feng Minghan moved his eyes lightly twice. Now that the play was over, his eyes no longer had the tenderness just now, and he expounded peacefully.

"I see."

Yang Wei took a look at him, she wasn't really interested in going out to play, but she agreed anyway.


After a while, Yang Wei thought that Feng Ming had already left, and was packing his things and preparing to leave for his room.

But when he looked up, he saw Feng Minghan was still standing in the corner looking at him.

Yang Wei's psychological quality has been trained to be strong, so now when facing Feng Minghan's gaze, he is only slightly startled, and then quickly calms down.


"Are you okay?"


"Wei Wei, say you love me."

Suddenly, as if dissatisfied with Yang Wei's calm reaction, Feng Minghan, who was looking at Yang Wei, suddenly became a little sharper in his eyes.

He said I love you, but it was more like an order and oppression.

Because, he also likes proper coercive suppression, so that what he wants can be obedient.

That's right, Feng Minghan is continuing his PUA again.

"I love you."

But Yang Wei was smart, she didn't want to have any more confrontation with this moody beast, she knew she couldn't handle him.

Therefore, Yang Wei also said "I love you" to Feng Minghan who was also looking at him with a very affectionate smile.

Although, Yang Wei was a little afraid that his current expression was too fake...

But it's over.

Feng Minghan laughed.

Obviously, it should be the answer under his control.

But why now, there is a completely different feeling from before.

"I love you too."

Feng Minghan achieved his goal, and he also knew that after he succeeded, he should give the other party a positive response.


This time, Feng Minghan really went upstairs to sleep.

However, even Yang Wei gradually noticed that something was different, but he couldn't tell the details.


Yang Wei also went upstairs, after such a toss, it is almost nine o'clock in the evening.

in the room.

Yang Wei was sitting by the balcony of the bedroom, looking at the night scene outside the window.

Looking at the endless night, the vast and boundless night that can't be seen clearly, aroused the fragility of Yang Wei's heart.

But of course her weak spot right now is...

"System, why do I feel that my future is as bleak as this night..."

It's been half an hour, after Yang Wei ate the meal brought by his aunt, he has been emoing that his love brain value has increased by [-]%.

Despite her strong abilities, she still feels that the future is bleak at this speed, despite the rapid decline in the later stage...

"Host, calm down... You are the Queen of Transmigration, how can such a small difficulty stop you."

The system heard Yang Wei's wailing, so naturally it could only comfort him.

"Well, this [-]% is not a big deal, the system rewards you with a veteran benefit, as long as you work peacefully tonight, draw and submit manuscripts, and help the original owner to do a good job, the system will automatically restore [-]% of your love brain." value!"

The words spoken by the system gave Yang Wei, who was drawing circles of emo on the ground, new hope.

"What did you say? Is what you said true?"

Yang Wei frowned, even if she wants [-]%!Fifty two percent, she can complete the task and go to the next world to make money.

"Of course!"

The system swears by it.

He is the only designated system of Heavenly Dao, so of course he has no reputation.

"Okay, you said it."

So now, after listening to it, Yang Wei didn't talk nonsense, and directly opened the sketch that hadn't been touched for a long time, took out the pen and paper and Ipad, and went to draw the manuscript that his editor, Sad Ball Little Milk Rabbit, asked for a week ago.

She has a high talent in drawing. This time, she created a manga, which ranked in the top five on the platform when it first came out. The editor has been vigorously urging her to write, but she is lazy and has never wanted to care about it.

But all of a sudden, the impetus came, and Yang Wei's world burst into ten chapters, and it came directly to one o'clock in the middle of the night after the painting.

After writing, Yang Wei checked it, and sent it to his editor after confirming that there was no problem.

This time the task is to publish, and it must be reviewed by the editor first.

After sending out, Yang Wei leaned on the back of the chair, rubbed his swollen temples, and closed his eyes tiredly.

at the same time.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully completing the business task and successfully recovering 90.00% of the love brain value. The current love brain value is [-]%!"

The sound broadcast by the system successfully relieved Yang Wei of the last trace of fatigue.

Finally finished the task!
Then she doesn't want to worry about anything now, she's going to lie on the bed and sleep!

Day and night rotation.

Yang Wei was still lying on the bed, but now, it was already nine o'clock in the morning.

But suddenly, Yang Wei felt like he was dreaming.

In the dream, she was petting a cute Alaskan dog, which was relatively big, and she was squatting on the grass and petting its head.

But in the next second, Alaska took a mouthful of Ollie who appeared on the ground somewhere, and then looked at her face, rushed up and licked her mouth!
Oh! no!

Before she had time to avoid the moon and come out, Yang Wei found that she was woken up by fright!

God, it turned out that everything just now was just a dream.

But as soon as Yang Wei opened his eyes, Yang Wei didn't have time to calm down, when he came back to his senses, he saw Feng Minghan's face!
At this moment, he was pressing on his body covered by the quilt, silently looking at his sleeping face.

Seeing how close he is now, Yang Wei wakes up again, feeling that the corners of her lips are moist...

Then, she finally reacted!

It turned out that Feng Minghan was that Alaska!



(End of this chapter)

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