Fast Time Travel: Love Brain Crawl All For Me

Chapter 139 Stockholm Climb For Me

Chapter 139 Stockholm Climb For Me

Then, at the last moment, Kun Dong pulled Kun Zhi'ai and touched the door of the gate.

However, Shen Juefeng took out a pistol out of nowhere, and——

Aiming at the figure of Kunzhi's love, it is a note——

Accompanied by a gunshot.

But immediately after that, there were two sounds of bodies falling to the ground.

It's Kun's love, and Kun Dong.

That's right, double kill with one shot.

Shen Juefeng's marksmanship was so strong that he could kill two people at the same time with just one bullet.

Then, Nan Yi, who was about to come in just now, saw a speeding bullet passing by her eyes in an instant. In a blink of an eye, Nan Yi saw Kun Zhiai and Kun Dong, both fell beside her.

Nan Yi was startled, raised her brows, and looked at Shen Juefeng.

But I saw Shen Juefeng's expression was leisurely and contented, without any fluctuations at all, he was completely different from the man who was talking about Ai Kun's love just a second ago.

What is true about this man?

When talking about love, his expression was so serious, but now he can change his face in an instant and kill the woman he once said he loved deeply.

Nan Yi looked at Shen Juefeng. Originally, she thought that this man was simply lacking in love and that he still had a conscience by nature, but now...
Looking at Shen Juefeng, she withdrew her previous favorability towards Shen Juefeng, and couldn't help admiring that Shen Juefeng was indeed a genius, one shot could kill two people!


"Come on, deal with it."

Immediately afterwards, Shen Juefeng looked at Nan Yi, his expression moved slightly, and finally regained his composure. He picked up a piece of paper beside him and wiped his own hands after the incident, with a proud expression on his face.

He called his subordinates and smiled triumphantly.

"The confidant's serious troubles are completely relieved."

In the end, Shen Juefeng threw away the white paper to wipe his hands and threw it into the trash can. He was so heartless, just as heartless as when he killed Kun Zhi'ai.


Kun Dong, who was originally as famous as Shen Juefeng, has now become Shen Juefeng's ghost.

Now, Shen Juefeng will only become more and more difficult to deal with.

Looking at this time, Shen Juefeng, who was looking at his subordinates handling Kun Zhi'ai and Kun Dong's corpse with satisfaction, Nan Yi's mind was full of thoughts.

"Nan Yi, I'm good."

Now, Shen Juefeng has noticed that Nan Yi has also come in, his expression did not fluctuate in the slightest, he walked directly to Nan Yi's side, and lifted Nan Yi's chin with one hand, like a child asking for credit.


Nan Yi's face was in Shen Juefeng's hands, and what he said still praised Shen Juefeng's heart.

"Tonight, I want to eat fish head soup."

Looking at Nan Yi's face, Shen Juefeng didn't know why, but the more he looked at it, the more pleasing to the eye.

It's going to be night soon, and he wants to order food in advance today.

"it is good……"

"And you."

Just as Nan Yi nodded in agreement, Shen Juefeng added this sentence again.

Eat fish head soup, and her?


For a long while, Nan Yi could only respond in silence, and Shen Juefeng ran away again not knowing what to do, Nan Yi could only follow Shen Juefeng's instructions, and slowly go to the kitchen to make soup.


The time soon came to eight o'clock in the evening.

Shen Juefeng has already arrived at the restaurant, waiting for Nanyi to finish cooking.

At this time, he was in a good mood, because he could dominate the world after solving the serious problem of his confidant.

But judging by his expression at this time, he has completely forgotten that he used to talk about the love of Kun Zhiai.


"The fish head soup is ready."

Now, Nan Yi held the ready-made fish head soup and brought it to Shen Juefeng.

Now Nan Yi casually tied a low ponytail, the whole person looked gentle and demure.

Shen Juefeng asked Nan Yi to make fish head soup because he suddenly wanted to drink it today, but now, looking at the fish head soup that Nan Yi brought to him, and looking at Nan Yi at this time, his calm and gentle appearance is so beautiful, Shen Juefeng actually had a different feeling in his heart.

Nanyi, as usual, served Shen Juefeng with good soup and put it in front of him.


But this time, Shen Juefeng did not start for a long time.

"what happened?"

Nan Yi also noticed Shen Juefeng's abnormality now, and looked up, but Shen Juefeng's fingers on the dining table were crossed and tapped lightly, as if he was thinking about something.

Nan Yi could only keep looking at him.

"Your name is Nan Yi."

Suddenly, after a long time, Shen Juefeng sat at the dining table, looked up at Nan Yi, and said such an inexplicable sentence.

But this should be a question, but now it comes out of Shen Juefeng's mouth, but it is a declarative sentence.


This time, it's Nan Yi's turn. It's inexplicable. Didn't he already know his name?

"South Italy."

"I mean."

"I'm asking you to make up your mind."

Shen Juefeng suddenly murmured Nan Yi's name and smiled.

Then, he kept calling Nan Yi his nickname, Yi Yi.


And then, after reading Nan Yi's name, Shen Juefeng seemed to suddenly remember that there was still the fish head soup he ordered before him.

He stretched out his hand, and only then drank slowly.

But while drinking, he kept looking at Nan Yi who was also sitting across the table.

"Yiyi, sit down and sit next to me."

Shen Jue had already finished drinking a bowl, and then, he pulled the stool beside him, looked at Nan Yi, patted the stool, and signaled her to sit over.

And now, it was Nan Yi's turn to be a little confused.

What happened to Shen Juefeng today, he had never faced himself like this before.


Although she thought so in her mind, Nan Yi followed Shen Juefeng's order and sat beside him.

Then, in the first second after sitting down, Shen Juefeng's powerful big hands grabbed Nan Yi's waist. In an instant, because of Shen Juefeng's actions, Nan Yi's whole body moved and became tense.

"Yiyi, you smell so good."

At this time, Nan Yi's body was almost zero distance away from Shen Juefeng. Although Shen Juefeng was saying that she smelled good, Nan Yi had already smelled the unique masculine fragrance mixed with the smell of tobacco on Shen Juefeng.

Shen Juefeng looked at Nan Yi with a low ponytail, which looked surprisingly good-looking.

His eyes lingered from top to bottom, and finally his eyes stayed on Nan Yi's chest.

Then, a game straight at the restaurant.....

Finally, Shen Juefeng came to the bedroom with a conscience.

"Nan Yi, I want to tell you something now."

At this time, Shen Juefeng was lying on the bed, beside Nan Yi who was almost sleepy.

"whats the matter?"

Now, Nan Yi has already held up her energy to talk to Shen Juefeng, because she really can't compare with Shen Juefeng's spirit, like a robot, tireless!


"Nan Yi, I, Shen Juefeng, are interested in you, you should be able to tell, but I feel that you don't seem to like me much?"

Shen Juefeng's rhetorical question brought Nan Yi's spirit back a bit.

So, what is he trying to say?
Now, Nan Yi was a little thirsty, got up from the bed, took a sip of water from the cup from the bedside table, and then, Nan Yi put the cup back.

"So, Nan Yi, I want to chase you!"

After saying these words, Shen Juefeng turned his gaze to look directly at Nan Yi, and his tone was extremely domineering.


This time, Nan Yi's cup, which was supposed to be put back, was startled by Shen Juefeng's words, and the cup fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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