Fast Time Travel: Love Brain Crawl All For Me

Chapter 23 Rescue: The Anti-PUA Heroine

Chapter 23 Rescue: The Anti-PUA Heroine
Finally, the movie ends.

Feng Minghan finally let go of himself.

Said to hug myself and watch TV.

But it’s actually more like strapping yourself down to watch TV.

He has too much strength.


He also said that he would take himself on a date tomorrow.

How to put it this way, let yourself be free, why do you feel lonely?

Now he is not staring at him secretly, but more like spying on him openly.

Isn't he so busy with work now, he is so free to be with himself and go out to play every day.


But Yang Wei stopped talking and went back to her room to sleep quietly.

Dating is dating, it doesn't matter.


The next day.

The appointment time is at five o'clock in the afternoon.

Feng Minghan, who had just finished work in the company, sent her a location, but he had to tell her the location and asked her to find it according to the location.

Yang Wei took taxis and navigation again, and finally...

Found a place at [-]pm.

The destination turned out to be...

Be your own college town!
God, couldn't he just say it because the date was chosen in a university town?

Is it against Feng Minghan's law to speak out? ? ?

Yang Wei has already found that restaurant in the university town, which is newly opened.

Even yesterday, when she quietly came here behind Feng Minghan's back, she even glanced at this restaurant.

At this moment, Yang Wei really wanted to vomit blood.

But now, she still had to pretend that she didn't see anything, seeing him waiting gracefully in the restaurant that Feng Minghan had sent her, Yang Wei calmed down.

Walk in calmly.


Feng Minghan handed her the menu.

By the way, I gave her a box of pastries that she liked most in college at that time.

"Wei Wei, you're an hour late."

Feng Minghan frowned. He was never happy with being late, but now, he controlled his temper.

He said that he wanted to be gentle with her, and she liked being gentle with herself.

Although, he never thought about why Yang Wei was late.

Because he never thinks that any of his actions are wrong.

"Excuse me."

Even though, Yang Wei really wanted to get rid of the words he posted about the broken positioning, and the words that he couldn't tell if he was full and let himself run so many roads in vain.

But for a long time, Yang Wei still desperately controlled his mouth.

Replace the words with these four words.

If it wasn't for Feng Minghan's insistence on playing with some mystery, she would have looked for the university town where she had lived for four years. How could she have searched for an hour? ? ?
However, Yang Wei knew that how could someone like Feng Minghan feel that he was wrong.

Saying it is also playing the piano to the cow.


After ordering, a steak pasta was served.

Only then did Yang Wei realize that Feng Minghan had already eaten.

She can only eat it alone...

What else did you say that you should start over with her properly? Which boyfriend doesn't wait for his girlfriend to eat, but also makes his girlfriend run around like a dog looking for a place to eat?


However, Yang Wei still swallowed this breath, eating is the most important thing.

Yang Wei retaliated and took a big mouthful with a fork, anyway, Feng Minghan paid for it.



Yang Wei finished eating.

Only then did he realize that Feng Minghan had been quietly watching her eat the whole time.

He devours food like a wolf, with such an ugly eating appearance, why does he look at himself?

Yang Wei's eyes flashed with incomprehension...

"Wei Wei, you look really good when you eat."

At this moment, Feng Minghan was sitting opposite Yang Wei.

Feng Minghan's right hand rested on the table covered with crystal glass, and his slender fingers tapped his little finger gently.

The movement is leisurely and comfortable, but also has a good look.

But at this moment, Feng Minghan watched him speak, and his expression was extraordinarily serious... serious.

Does he really think he looks good?


This man's aesthetics is really different from normal people.


"You, why did you suddenly think of taking me here for dinner?"

After eating, Yang Wei put down the knife and fork and asked.

This is not Feng Minghan's school. Since he graduated, he rarely comes back here.

So today, why did Feng Minghan suddenly think of bringing himself here for dinner?
Wait a minute, will the milk tea shop I just opened be...

Suddenly, thinking of this possibility, Yang Wei's expression changed from casual to nervous.


"Today, the company just happened to have a project near your university town. I remembered that you liked your school so much before, and it was here that we met."

"Isn't it good to recall the good old days once in a while?"

Feng Minghan looked at Yang Wei with a faint smile on his lips.

But even though he could also see why Yang Wei's forehead was slightly sweaty at the moment.

But he only thought that Yang Wei was tired of looking for a position, he didn't think of anything else.


It turned out to be the case.

Hearing Feng Minghan's answer, Yang Wei relaxed for a while.

"Okay, of course it's good."

Yang Wei laughed.


"Now, since you've finished eating, I'll take you for a walk around the university town, just like we did before."

After paying the bill, Feng Minghan got up, took Yang Wei's wrist and walked out of the restaurant.

The night is a bit unusually beautiful, especially the night near the university town.

Before Yang Wei could find a reason to refuse, Feng Minghan had already pulled her out.

She had no reason to refuse, but she didn't have the heart to look at the scenery either.

Because, if you walk a further distance, your own milk tea shop will be exposed...

Yang Wei was frantically thinking about countermeasures in his heart, this man knew that he opened a milk tea shop back then.


"Look, we were standing under this tree at the time, and it was here that we kissed for the first time."

"Do you remember, Wei Wei?"

Feng Minghan looked at Yang Wei.

He is very obsessed with memory killing.

Because he always felt that Yang Wei kept reminding him of the beautiful moments between them.

One day, she will become like the Yang Wei who loved her deeply before.


Yang Wei said it, but he was still thinking about his milk tea shop.

"If I remember correctly, your school is 211 University, tsk tsk, it's still a pheasant school that can't be named, Wei Wei, I'll take you to my university when I have time."

"I still remember that when I returned from overseas, countless companies rushed to get me, but now, you have nothing."

"However, I am like this, but I am still willing to stay by your side."

Feng Minghan took a step forward, and gently scratched Yang Wei's nose with his index finger, with a very intimate and relaxed gesture.

But it was such a gentle expression, but he said such cold words.

Sure enough, he still couldn't change his own nature.

At this moment, it is true that he loves her, but it is also true that Feng Minghan is PUA to her again.

Mixed with PUA's love, hurt in the cloak of love.

This man is really... speechless.


Yang Wei still has [-]% love for Feng Minghan, so hearing him belittle herself so much, her heart feels low again.

But suddenly.

"Congratulations to the host for taking the PUA again, the love brain value has dropped by 80.00%! The current love brain value is [-]%."


Oh hoo.

The task has gone one step further!

She was sad, she pretended.


hum hum

 We're going to test the waters tomorrow!I hope you guys will support me a lot!Huohuo will work harder!Thank you again for the six monthly tickets sent by a certain baby last night, love you guys!
(End of this chapter)

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