Fast Time Travel: Love Brain Crawl All For Me

Chapter 29 Rescue: The Anti-PUA Heroine

Chapter 29 Rescue: The Anti-PUA Heroine
Yang Wei's pupils suddenly shrank.

He looked up and looked at Feng Minghan.

He still looks like this, smiling gently, watching himself.

He was watching himself eat, with anticipation in his eyes.

Did he expect her to eat the noodles he made?

No, expecting her to eat what he added.

OK, then she will eat.


Noodles, into the mouth.

The taste is good, Feng Minghan put his heart into it.

He also used his heart to deceive himself.

"good to eat."

After eating, Yang Wei smiled slightly at Feng Minghan.

Now, she has tasted it, and there is a small amount of something that can make people faint in this thing.

So the next second, after Yang Wei finished eating, she fainted.

She saw what Feng Minghan wanted to do to her.

It took so much effort today.

Without warning, Yang Wei fainted on the dining table under Feng Minghan's control.


"I didn't expect this newly developed product to be so easy to use, and I fainted after just one drop."

Seeing Yang Wei fainted, Feng Minghan took out the vial hidden under his cuff, and watched Yang Wei's reaction calmly.

After finishing, Feng Minghan tapped his fingers on the dining table, watching Yang Wei's reaction without haste.

One second, two seconds.

Neither woke up.

A little more expensive is really useful.


In fact, today, Feng Minghan's plan is to kill two birds with one stone.

This is a drop of faint developed by their team, but he still doesn't know how effective it is when it is newly developed.

Naturally, if you want to test the effect, you need to find someone to do the experiment.

So, he thought of Yang Wei.


Suddenly, Feng Minghan took a step forward and hugged Yang Wei in his arms.

At this moment, Yang Wei was being hugged by Feng Minghan like this.

"Since you are dizzy now, Wei Wei, then you will belong to me today."

Feng Minghan's eyes fell on Yang Wei in his arms, first on his fair face, then his eyes moved downstream——

Then, he slightly curled his lips into a smile.


With that said, he carried her to the bedroom.

Then, he went to the bathroom to take a shower.


When Yang Wei finally spit out the two mouthfuls of mixed noodles and woke up, she found that her hands and feet were handcuffed.

But this kind of handcuffs are unprofessional at first glance, with Yang Wei's IQ, the handcuffs fall off easily.

But if she couldn't see what Feng Minghan wanted, she would spend so long with him for nothing.


Moreover, just as Yang Wei raised his head, he saw a camera standing on the opposite side of him in a daze!
This guy, he...

Animals, animals are not as good as ah!

Yang Wei gritted his teeth angrily, both ashamed and angry.

Yang Wei was just about to leave.

But just now—

Feng Minghan's cell phone was placed on the bedside table.

And the WeChat message on the phone keeps ringing.

"Host, give you a welfare reminder."

"Open Feng Minghan's phone, and you will get a surprise."


Suddenly, Yang Wei didn't care anymore and was about to leave.

But the system suddenly told her that there were benefits in Feng Minghan's phone?

So, after thinking for two seconds, Yang Wei naturally chose to turn on the phone.

And this WeChat message is still flashing.

Yang Wei knew the password of Feng Minghan's mobile phone, so he quickly broke it, and opened the WeChat that had been blinking all the time.

is a group chat.

But the name of the group chat is called.

Customers who buy medicines.

medicine?what medicine?

Could it be that Feng Minghan ate this for himself?

Feeling wrong at the first glance, Yang Wei hurriedly clicked into the group chat with 99 plus messages.

Going in at one o'clock, Yang Wei felt that his eyes were almost gone.


The girls posted by others on the WeChat screen are all in a coma, which is not normal at first glance.

Right now, a user in the group chat is saying that the medicine that Boss Feng sold him is so good that he wants to buy a few more boxes.

Yang Wei was also shocked, and hurriedly swipe up the chat history.

According to this scumbag's personality, would he have been sent out too?And today he even set up a camera...

As Yang Wei thought about it, her whole body became colder and colder.

Animals, the people in this group are full of animals.

But now she has taken screenshots to collect evidence and secretly sent them to her computer.

Feng Minghan has done so many things that are inferior to pigs and dogs, and when she has eliminated her love brain value for him, she must expose this group chat, so that these beasts have nowhere to hide!

Yang Wei turned around for a long time.

But apart from turning to Feng Minghan selling medicine and exchanging other chat records, his photos have not been sent out.

This can be regarded as the only human thing Feng Minghan, a beast, has ever done.

Looking at the chat records, Yang Wei's heart was finally relieved a little.

At this moment, Feng Minghan had almost finished washing.

Yang Wei counted the time and was just about to leave, but thinking that he was in a state of fainting at the beginning, he must find out after that, and then he will force himself to ask why he woke up again.

She didn't want to spend any more time explaining such nonsense.

But if I stay here, I will inevitably get along with this scum...
Yang Wei pondered, and finally took a deep breath, but in the end, she did not forget to close the camera cover silently.

This is her final bottom line.

As for what happened afterwards, Yang Wei was lying on the bed, and she would pretend to be dead no matter what he did.


In the early morning of the second day, Yang Wei didn't need to pretend anymore.

She can wake up.

She was imprisoned in Feng Minghan's arms, unable to move.

However, she has not forgotten that she has tampered with the camera, and the only way for her to get rid of the suspicion is——

Pretend to Feng Minghan.

Preemptive strike.

"Why am I in your room?"

Yang Wei asked knowingly, but her expression and tone were extremely real.

"Wei Wei, you're awake."

Just waking up, Feng Minghan's voice was hoarse just after waking up.

"As you can see, you kept begging me last night, holding me and not letting me go..."

Feng Minghan's ability to turn the facts upside down made Yang Wei's pupils shrink again.

How could he say such obscene and false words?


Yang Wei held back desperately, so she didn't scold Feng Minghan.

The smelly and vulgar man actually put all the responsibility on her... How could she be so...

"Don't you believe it? It just so happened that I took a video."

"Wei Wei, let's appreciate our sweetness."


 The previous chapter was blocked and Huohuo is desperately modifying and unblocking...
(End of this chapter)

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