Fast Time Travel: Love Brain Crawl All For Me

Chapter 31 Rescue: The Anti-PUA Heroine

Chapter 31 Rescue: The Anti-PUA Heroine
Yang Wei was a little puzzled.

Although Feng Minghan is a scumbag.

But this scum's ability to make money is really awesome.


"The text message has arrived."

Yang Wei walked outside Feng Minghan's bathroom and said something to him.


Feng Minghan's expected answer.

After taking a shower, Yang Wei was watching TV.

Beside him is his cell phone.

Feng Minghan took the phone and looked at it. It was indeed the number he had imagined, and he smiled with satisfaction.

However, I have been doing business abroad for so long and only earned such a small amount of money. It is getting harder and harder to get money now...


Suddenly, he received a WeChat message.

It was sent by a friend, asking him to go to the bar they had already agreed to open.

"Wei Wei, change your clothes, I'll take you out."

Feng Minghan said lightly to Yang Wei after reading the phone.

"Going out? Now?"

Suddenly, Yang Wei was about to go to sleep, but Feng Minghan called her to go out again.

"Yes, the friend's bar is open, and I will take you there to have fun."

Feng Minghan was in a good mood today, so he wanted to take her out to play.

In fact, this bar is said to belong to a friend, and he is also one of the shareholders.

"Okay, you wait."

Yang Wei went to her room and chose a more formal dress to change out.


"Let's go."

"Wei Wei looks good in anything."

Feng Minghan looked her up and down, even if it was the plainest color skirt, Yang Wei wore it with a beautiful charm.

Such a pretty Wei Wei belongs to him alone.

But she hasn't gone out at night for a long time.

Sitting in Feng Minghan's car, Yang Wei soon arrived at the destination bar.

Come to the bar, of course to drink.

As soon as they entered the bar, Feng Minghan's friends called them to drink, and Yang Wei could only follow Feng Minghan there.

They entered a small booth, and there were basically opened wine in front of them.

Out of politeness, Yang Wei took the initiative to pick up a bottle of wine, ready to socialize with Feng Minghan's friends.

However, one of his friends suddenly fell to his ear and said something.

Then, Feng Minghan's expression changed.

"You go back first."

Then, Feng Minghan looked at Yang Wei and said.

It was said that Yang Wei hadn't even taken a sip of the wine he just opened.


She's only been here for 10 minutes and you're telling her to go back?
"I need to go to other places later, you don't have to wait for me to come back."

Feng Minghan's attitude seemed to be very persistent.

Let her come out and let her go back, why not just let her not come out in the first place.

Yang Wei was a little speechless.

But in the end, Feng Minghan was called in by his friend.

She was left alone on the deck.


Really speechless enough.

You might as well tell her not to come in the first place.

Yang Wei took a sip of wine depressed and speechless, but accidentally spilled a little wine on her skirt.

So Yang Wei got up, went to the bathroom to clean up, and after cleaning up, he could only prepare to go home.


In the bathroom, Yang Wei just came out.

But she discovered an important problem.

She got lost.

She came to this bar for the first time, and the location was really unfamiliar.

Walking around, Yang Wei actually came to a secret box.

There are still such deep boxes in this bar.

Yang Wei looked at the ajar door in front of her eyes, but she was still looking for the exit.

But suddenly, Yang Wei heard something strange in the box?
I couldn't help being curious, Yang Wei, who was about to leave, secretly took a look inside.

But it doesn't matter.

Yang Wei saw that it turned out to be an indescribable party gathering crowds inside!

Isn't this the bar of Feng Minghan's friend?Without the permission of his friends, this group of people would not have dared to do this so openly.

Could Feng Minghan be here?
This is Yang Wei's first reaction.

So, Yang Wei lay down in the middle of the door to watch through the gap again.

But did not expect this look.


She saw Feng Minghan smoking a cigarette in the corner of the door, and a woman was showing off her spring infinitely on his body...

The picture is so hot that Yang Wei thinks of this man touching herself with the hand that has touched other women, and she is instantly disgusted.


It turned out that what Feng Minghan said was about something, it turned out to be this matter.

He keeps saying that he loves her, but turns around and has sex with other women. Is this his love?

Yang Wei still has the anger of being betrayed in her heart, but she still has reason.

It happened that Feng Minghan was here, and she had another piece of evidence that could be photographed.


Yang Wei took out her mobile phone, pointed the camera at the gap——


Although there is no sound when taking pictures on the mobile phone, but——

Yang Wei forgot, she turned on automatic flash for taking pictures!
But luckily this flash light is not too bright!
Yang Wei was so frightened that she quickly turned off her phone, turned around and ran away.


in the box.

A group of men and a group of women are intoxicated in the maze of desire, sinking infinitely.

But someone still found out, why did a white light suddenly flash at the door?
"Brother Feng, there seemed to be a flash of white light at the door just now, did you see it?"

Feng Minghan's friend lit a cigarette and looked at the women crowded around him who wanted to get a look from Feng Minghan, their eyes were indifferent.

Hearing this, Feng Minghan didn't speak.

But suddenly, a figure automatically appeared in his mind.

Could it be that Yang Wei saw it?Saw him like that with other women.

For a moment, he felt slightly nervous.

But he still felt that his box was so secret, how could Yang Wei, who came here for the first time, find it.

Feng Minghan got up and looked at the door.

At the door, there was no one there.

Suddenly, Feng Minghan stood at the door, feeling that his face was illuminated by white light again.

Feng Minghan was instantly alert.

Look along the light source.

It turned out to be——


The cleaner who was disposing of the garbage happened to be holding a white flashlight in her hand, and she shook Feng Minghan twice.

"How about Brother Feng, did someone see it?"

At this time, his friend Jiang Chao also came out and followed Feng Minghan's gaze.

"It turned out to be the cleaner."

Jiang Chao saw it, and also saw the white light of the flashlight in the cleaner's hand, and said disapprovingly.


The cleaner, it turned out to be the cleaner.

For some reason, Feng Minghan felt a little relaxed in his heart.

But just about to re-enter the box.

Feng Minghan lowered his head, but saw a small white earring at the door.

Feng Minghan knelt down and picked it up.

That's right, it was the one that Yang Wei dropped accidentally just now.

Now he is thinking.

"Brother Feng, come here quickly, your newly developed medicine is too good, look!"

Suddenly, friends are urging him to go over.

That's right, these are all his friends in the WeChat group, and they are almost his clients.


The friend interrupted Feng Minghan's thoughts, and then Feng Minghan put the earrings in his bag and walked into the box again.


Now, Yang Wei was standing at the stairs 50 meters away from Feng Minghan, and she had a panoramic view of Feng Minghan's actions just now.

She was frightened to death, because she hadn't found the exit yet, she was afraid that Feng Minghan would come over, so that he would find herself.

Thanks to the cleaner aunt with the flashlight...

Now, Yang Wei took advantage of the situation and asked her for directions.

After asking, finally, Yang Wei left the scene as if fleeing...
(End of this chapter)

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