Fast Time Travel: Love Brain Crawl All For Me

Chapter 66 Rescue: The Anti-PUA Heroine

Chapter 66 Rescue: The Anti-PUA Heroine
"Everyone, today our chairman officially retires, but the company cannot be without a leader for a day, and now the election of a new chairman is officially held."

"The electees, Feng Minghan, Zhao—"

Suddenly, the election site was in the company's conference hall, and everyone had one vote to elect the new chairman from among the two vice presidents, Feng Minghan and Zhao Yi.

The notary was reciting the names of Feng Minghan and Zhao Yi. Feng Minghan sat in his seat slowly, looking at the notary in a calm manner.

However, when the notary read Zhao Yi's name, his eyes searched, but he didn't see a single person.

Zhao Yi, Mr. Zhao didn't come.

"Where is Mr. Zhao, where did he go, didn't he come?"

The notary looked at the empty space and asked strangely.

Because, in fact, how much Zhao Yiyi longs for the position of chairman. Everyone is not stupid, and everyone can see that it is simply extremely longing.

However, today is the general election for the position of chairman, and he didn't come for such an important election, what's the matter.

The notary just didn't know what to do, but the next moment, the door of the meeting room was suddenly opened.

Zhao Yi finally came in.


"Zhao Yi is here."

Some leaders waited for so long, and finally saw Zhao Yi's figure, he finally came.


Right now, Yang Wei is sitting on the sofa in the corner to listen, Feng Minghan forced her to come.

But on the way here, she knew that in today's play, the protagonist seemed to be Zhao Yi, the vice president who was competing with Feng Minghan for the company's new chairman.

This vice president desperately wants the position of chairman.

So now, seeing Zhao Yi coming in, with the heart of gossip, since Zhao Yi entered the door, Yang Wei's eyes have been following him.

But looking at Zhao Yi's eyes, he seemed a little flustered.

"It just so happens that Mr. Zhao is here, then I announce that the election of the chairman is now officially—"


Suddenly, just as Zhao Yi came in, he saw Feng Minghan beside him, and Feng Minghan stared at him calmly in his seat with his legs crossed.

However, at this moment, Zhao Yi felt that his soul seemed to be pierced by Feng Minghan's eyes.

He hurried to the conference table, shouting slow.

In an instant, everyone stared at Zhao Yi strangely.

"I was wrong! I don't know, I don't want the position of chairman, I don't want it! President Feng, Chairman Feng, please let me go!"

Suddenly, the company's employee leaders didn't want to come to such a boring scene of election, but suddenly, they saw Zhao Yi talking nonsense to Feng Minghan.

Then, just as everyone felt strange, they saw Zhao Yi facing Feng Minghan's direction in public...

Kneel down on the spot!
This vice president has always been aloof, but today he suddenly knelt down to Feng Minghan. What happened to him today? Why is he so abnormal?
Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned and extremely surprised.

"Chairman Feng, I was wrong, I don't want any elections, I will resign now..."

Then, Zhao Yi looked at Feng Minghan with fear in his eyes as if he had seen some hell, knelt down to Feng Minghan with a bang, and then kowtowed to Feng Minghan twice.


In an instant, everyone present had this expression.

"Mr. Zhao, what are you doing?"

Suddenly, Feng Minghan, who had expected to accept Zhao Yi's worship with peace of mind at the first second, saw that the time was almost up, and hurried forward with a strange expression on his face to help Zhao Yi up.

And, on the surface, his tone was puzzled.

But the next second.


Zhao Yi, who was kneeling on the ground, saw Feng Minghan walking towards him, as if he saw something big and unclean, he suddenly screamed, and then walked away as if fleeing, and left the conference room.

Now, everyone in the conference room was stunned.



On one side, Yang Wei's sofa was right next to the door, she saw this Zhao Yi, didn't his personality really desire the position of chairman, and now he suddenly knelt down and apologized to Feng Minghan.

Among them, there is obviously a story.

She stretched out her hand, wanting to grab him, but Zhao Yi's expression was too frightened, she only cared about running away, she didn't grab his clothes corner.


"What happened to Mr. Zhao today?"

After a long time, someone finally asked this doubt.

But now, although the notary was also shocked by this sudden situation, he still hurriedly came to his senses.

Because now, there is still work to do.

Now, since Mr. Zhao just said that he withdrew from the election, there is only one elector for the company right now.

The chairman's position naturally belonged to Feng Minghan.

"Everyone, since Mr. Zhao just said that he withdrew from the election, I announce that the new chairman of the company is Mr. Feng, Feng Minghan!"

The notary announced the news, directly omitting the voting process.

"Congratulations, Chairman Feng."

"Hello Chairman Feng..."


Everyone was very winking. When the notary announced the result, everyone stood up and applauded Feng Minghan, congratulating Feng Minghan. After all, he will be his biggest boss in the future.

"Now, Chairman Feng, please talk about the company's plan for the next ten years according to the past tradition. Everyone applauds."

Immediately afterwards, since the location was determined, the notary asked Feng Minghan to talk about his plans for the company's future, which he had already prepared, according to the tradition.

After applauding, everyone sat down and listened carefully.


"Thank you for your trust in me, from now on..."

Now, Feng Minghan stepped onto the stage, with his PPT behind him, and began to speak ordinary official language, all his attention was on his manuscript and everyone present.

So now, Yang Wei finally has time.

She sneaked out the door.

She was still surprised, surprised by that Zhao Yi.

It is impossible for a thing like a person to make a strange move for no reason, there must be something behind it.

Now, Yang Wei came downstairs from the company, she stood by the street, looking around.

Because just outside the window of the company, she saw Zhao Yi's figure appear here almost at the last moment.

So now, Yang Wei looked around, watching as she walked, but when she passed a small alley.

She finally saw Zhao Yi's figure!
However, he only saw Zhao Yi's back.

And still, the squatting back...

If it wasn't for the clothes, she wouldn't have recognized him. The man who was squatting in the corner of the alley, sobbing, turned out to be the nearly fifty-year-old vice president, Zhao Yi.

What's up with him?What is he crying for?
"Hello, are you Zhao Yi? What's wrong with you? Can you tell me?"

Yang Wei walked to Zhao Yi's side, and knelt down to ask him, but when she knelt down, she could see Zhao Yi's face clearly, and even see the infinite fear in his eyes.

However, she saw that he seemed to be holding something in his hand.

She lowered her head and looked towards such a thing.

(End of this chapter)

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