Fast Time Travel: Love Brain Crawl All For Me

Chapter 86 Rescue: The Anti-PUA Heroine

Then, Li Zeyu left with his small troops.

He believed in Yang Wei, and at the same time, he saved his life.

Because these Feng Minghan's men's bags are all pistols!

"Go fast enough."

Feng Minghan looked at Li Zeyu's leaving back, his eyes deepened.

Because in fact, apart from the pistol, since the last time Li Zeyu dared to fight Yang Wei with him, he had already decided that he would burn him to death.

Originally, he had already prepared a room full of gasoline, but Li Zeyu actually slipped away.

Then next time, I won't let it go so easily.


After Li Zeyu left, unlike Feng Minghan who had been staring at Li Zeyu, Yang Wei had been observing Feng Minghan's expression.

He saw Feng Minghan's expression, this kind of performance is usually, this guy is thinking about what to do with Li Zeyu again.

So now, in a place where Feng Minghan couldn't see, Yang Wei opened his bracelet, and the smart bracelet sent a message to Li Zeyu, telling him not to approach Feng Minghan again.

She bought this bracelet again to cover up, in order not to let Feng Minghan see it.

After sending the message, Yang Wei returned to his original state and followed Feng Minghan.

Back home at night.

Feng Minghan kept arguing about having a headache.

So Yang Wei could only sit on the sofa and massage Feng Minghan's head. Feng Minghan just enjoyed it and was still watching TV.

And Yang Wei's hands were about to fall apart.


He knows how to enjoy.

Yang Wei was sitting on the sofa behind Feng Minghan, pressing Feng Minghan's temples, gritting his teeth.

Suddenly, Yang Weizheng felt that the sky was dark and his hands were almost useless...

His right hand was suddenly strangled by a strong force.

"what are you doing?"

Yang Wei watched helplessly, Feng Minghan suddenly grabbed the wrist of her right hand, and she lowered her head, which was looking at the ceiling.

"Wei Wei, what is this thing, why haven't I seen you bring it before?"

Feng Minghan is in a good mood now, but he is born with great strength, and he caught a glimpse by chance, and today Yang Wei actually wears this watch.

He looked at this white watch, he had never seen Yang Wei wear it before.

"This... This is just my new watch."

Yang Wei wanted to fool around, but at the next moment, his wristwatch suddenly turned on because it was out of battery.

It's really not the right time for the screen to light up.

There are also her communication records with Li Zeyu!This guy doesn't want to open it to see it!


"Then why is it still bright?"

Of course Feng Minghan saw the screen that was on, and then calmly looked at Yang Wei's wrist in his hand before him, and asked a question.

"This thing is a smart watch I bought to test heart rate and health."

In desperation, Yang Wei reacted very quickly, and quickly gave a perfect answer.

But the hand held by Feng Minghan was so hot that he dared not move, but the surface was still calm.


Hearing Yang Wei's answer, Feng Minghan lost his suspicion, and then let go of Yang Wei's wrist.

Did not doubt myself.

Yang Wei withdrew his hand and the watch on his hand, looked down at the watch, and moved his wrist.

Then, quickly and quietly deleted all records related to Li Zeyu.


in the dark.

Just now Feng Minghan asked her to warm him a cup of milk so that he could sleep peacefully.

So Yang Wei just heated up a glass of milk from the kitchen and brought it to the door of Feng Minghan's room, but just at the door, he heard Feng Minghan talking again, calling someone else on the phone.

"The money is getting less and less recently, a bunch of trash!"

"If I don't do this in the future, how can I support her!"


Suddenly, Yang Wei stopped at the door, just in time to hear these two words.

However, with a brain value of 30.00% in love, of course all her attention is now on her.

Last sentence.

The guy said his money was getting harder to launder.

That's because, during this period of time, I had already quietly passed on some things to Li Zeyu's side. From the looks of it, some of the illegal activities should have been caught.

Your own efforts are paying off.

She thought for a moment, but her task now was to deliver milk to Feng Minghan.

Then, she knocked on the door.

He sent the milk over to Feng Minghan. Feng Minghan kept his eyes on the screen. When he saw Yang Wei delivering the milk, he took it and drank it down.

Not a drop left.


"Now go to sleep please."

Today Feng Minghan was in a bad mood. After drinking the milk, there were pure white water droplets hanging on the wall of the cup, and he held the transparent cup in his hand.


Yang Wei had nothing to do, so naturally after delivering the milk, she rested on her own.

In the room, Yang Wei did not forget to close the door.

Feng Minghan continued to check the data. Now that he saw the data, money fell too fast in a short period of time, which was not normal at all.

Things that seem abnormal must have a deeper reason behind him.

Feng Minghan was thinking just now.

But suddenly, the cell phone, which had been turned off just now, suddenly rang again.

"Hey, what's the matter."

Feng Minghan frowned, tapped the computer mouse with his slender hand, and held the phone by his ear in his left hand.

"Boss, we have checked the data, and generally speaking, there is absolutely no problem."

"So I think there should be something wrong with you."

"Boss, is there another spy on your side?"

On the other end of the phone, the subordinates have carefully checked the amount. The recent few transactions are inexplicably small, either they are always found out for no reason, or the funds are blocked by something of unknown origin for no reason.

So it is really abnormal, but everything is normal on his side, and no data has been leaked.

Then, the only possibility is Feng Minghan's side.


Feng Minghan listened to his subordinates' report, and then heard the word spy, his brows deepened.

Wasn't the last spy executed by him to feed the fish?

Is it possible that there are still in the company?

Feng Minghan's frown deepened.

"I see."

After saying these four words, Feng Minghan hung up the phone.


The next day.

Yang Wei still works with Feng Minghan as his little secretary.

But it was noon now, and Feng Minghan went to eat.

Therefore, Yang Wei had another wonderful time to transmit the data of Feng Minghan's company's amount to Li Zeyu, so that he could find evidence.

Yang Wei sat on the office chair, opened these files bit by bit, then found the key points, and transmitted them to Li Zeyu bit by bit, just like before.

But now, counting the days, it has been almost a week, and she has not transmitted any new trends to Li Zeyu, so it is time for her to transmit some.


Yang Wei lowered his head, and took photos of all the parts of some documents that needed to be photographed with his watch to Li Zeyu.

Then, she quickly sent the file to Li Zeyu.

But today's network is very bad. It has been uploaded for more than ten minutes, but not a single picture has been sent.

what happened.

Yang Wei looked at the watch with her head down and was wondering, suddenly, a burst of force forced her to the corner!

"Feng Minghan!"


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