Fast Time Travel: Love Brain Crawl All For Me

Chapter 93 Rescue: The Anti-PUA Heroine

"take away."

Li Zeyu watched Feng Minghan's final struggle without expression.

Then, without waiting for what Feng Minghan was doing, Li Zeyu had brought enough people this time, so he took Feng Minghan directly and took him to the police car.

"Xiao Wei, I'm sorry, I'm late."

Grabbing Feng Minghan, he looked at Yang Wei beside him, Xiao Wei whom he hadn't hugged for a long time.

Now, he can finally embrace Yang Wei, who should belong to him, openly and aboveboard.

"It's ok."

Yang Wei was embraced by Li Zeyu, this embrace was exactly the same as before, the same safety and stalwart, and the same peace of mind for her to attach to.

This is the lover she really deserves to love, and the one she should have had in the first place, a truly healthy and PUA-free relationship.

Congratulations to the host for completing the task of preventing the scumbag from blowing up City A, eliminating 20.00% of the love brain value, and the current love brain value is 10%!


Feng Minghan's case is awaiting trial tomorrow.

At this time, in the middle of the night, Feng Minghan had just been arrested and entered the detention center, with a silver bracelet on his wrist to restrict his movements, and he was assigned to a small room in the detention center.

His room is a prison cell temporary.

Feng Minghan has just judged that his bomb was definitely discovered by Li Zeyu and the others in advance, and they also discovered their plan.

But, so what if he finds out, anyway, there is not enough evidence, as long as he refuses to admit it, no one can convict him!

Feng Minghan sat by the bed, and this time it was his turn to look at the vertical gate of the detention center in front of him with gloomy eyes.

He was thinking now, he didn't know what happened to Yang Wei after he was arrested, he still kept the ring for Yang Wei in his bag, and he was still waiting for Yang Wei's promise that he would go to South Island with her.

Therefore, he must not have an accident, even if there is a glimmer of hope, he will never give up.

Just for Yang Wei's random promise to him.


The next day, the court session.

Feng Minghan stood in court, the plaintiff was the girl he had cheated with as a PUA, and Xiao Ma, who accused him of being the murderer of a major international financial fraud five years ago.

They are all here, Li Zeyu is really amazing, he actually found them all.

In order to regain his Wei Wei, he really took great pains!
But, what a pity, Wei Wei loves him!

Feng Minghan looked at the familiar and contrasting faces on the dock. He didn't have the slightest expression on his face. He just stood there coldly. Even if his wrists were restrained, he still had a unique aggressive demeanor.

"Feng Minghan, ask again, do you admit that you were the perpetrator of the major international financial fraud case five years ago, all the evidence points to you, do you plead guilty?"

Now, Li Zeyu has provided the judge with the evidence of Feng Minghan's big case that he and Xiao Ma have jointly solved during this period. Indeed, all kinds of evidence point to Feng Minghan as the murderer.



Looking at the majestic judge in front of him, Feng Minghan's face did not fluctuate at all, like a piece of wood without emotion.

The answer is decisive.

Afterwards, Feng Minghan just looked at the front coldly, that face that had also fascinated countless young girls was now indifferently like an ice cellar.

Because he didn't see Yang Wei's figure, he couldn't be happy.


At this time, Li Zeyu was also listening.

He felt that the evidence he and Xiao Ma had obtained during this period should be enough to lock this guy up before he dared to release it to arrest him now.

Then, Li Zeyu looked at Feng Minghan, his eyes suddenly became a little serious.

Because at this moment, he saw the judge looking down at the evidence, and then, the judge frowned slightly.

"Well, here's the judgment, the evidence is insufficient to convict, since the defendant does not admit that he is the murderer, then the case will be postponed—"

Before the final trial word is spoken, the judge is about to drop the hammer.


Suddenly, the pupils of Feng Minghan's eyes shrank as expected, and then he smiled contemptuously.

As long as there is no conviction, then everything can be done by myself!
Really, if I am so careful in doing things, it doesn't matter if there is a pony, anyway, I put the important evidence back then in a small box, and no one can know it!

"and many more!"

Feng Minghan just looked at the plaintiff's seat with contempt, and was about to step down from the defendant's seat, when suddenly, a calm female voice came from the gate of the court.

In an instant, everyone should be famous in the past.


"Little Wei!"

Immediately, everyone saw Yang Wei's figure and walked in slowly from the gate firmly.

Then, the two men uncontrollably took a step forward, their eyes fixed on Yang Wei, the deep love in their eyes was like the deep sea.

"Wei Wei, why are you here?"

However, Yang Wei directly skipped over Li Zeyu who stepped forward to his side.

Then, Yang Wei looked at Feng Minghan, and then walked over step by step.

"Wei Wei, you're here to see me, right? Don't worry, there's no way I'm going to be in trouble."

When Feng Minghan saw Yang Wei and saw her, he came to listen because he was worried about him. He was as confident as ever, confident that Yang Wei loved him and worried about him, and also confident that he could survive all disasters with his own ability.

"Okay, I'm still waiting for me to take you to the South Island, go back and wait for me obediently, I'll be back in two days."

Then, Feng Minghan took a step forward, walked up to Yang Wei's ear, and spoke to him with a voice that only the two of them could hear.

He reassured Yang Wei.

How many storms and waves he has seen, this time, he will definitely be able to retreat unscathed.

"When I come out, I have a surprise for you."

The second sentence, Feng Minghan suddenly remembered this matter, and added in Yang Wei's ear.

Yes, it was actually the plan he didn't complete yesterday, the marriage proposal plan that was shattered because of Li Zeyu.

It was his plan to give himself the best birthday present on his 32nd birthday, a romantic proposal to Yang Wei.

But this gift was broken by Li Zeyu before he got it, but it doesn't matter, he will propose to Yang Wei after he comes out.

After finishing speaking, Feng Minghan glanced at Yang Wei, he felt that everything was under his control, all Yang Wei needed to do now was to obediently go back and wait for him to come out to marry her.

But, the next moment.

Feng Minghan didn't wait for Yang Wei's expected happy and joyful expression after he finished saying that there was a surprise for her, but he saw Yang Wei's calm expression after hearing his words.

Even, a little indifferent.

This should not be her reaction.

"Judge, I have evidence."

Suddenly, Feng Minghan hadn't thought about why Yang Wei was so indifferent to him all of a sudden, and then he saw Yang Wei skipping him straight away.

He saw now that she was holding a small box in her hand behind her back.

Then, Feng Minghan watched Yang Wei take the small box and took it directly to the court.

She just said that she has evidence, why does this box look so familiar?What proof does she have?Whose evidence?


After a series of questions for a while, Feng Minghan frowned slightly, and then, in an instant, he seemed to understand everything!

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