Fast-traveling cannon fodder has become a heartthrob

Chapter 19 Seagulls no longer love the sea, they can fly farther

Chapter 19 Seagulls no longer love the sea, they can fly farther (21)

Xing Zhuo came step by step, casually rolled up the cuffs of his shirt, revealing his muscular arms, he stood downstairs and stopped.

Chu Yu had already stepped on two steps, and only then was he able to look at the man at the same level, the corners of his lips slightly hooked, but his eyes were cold.

Brazen and stupid.

Nothing has changed.

Xing Zhuo's dark eyes were full of gloom, and his whole body was filled with a sense of oppression.

"You can try."

Chu Yu turned his head uncomfortably as he attacked the city presumptuously with a narrow indifference, his pink and sexy lips were tightly pursed, impatient and bored.

"stay away from me."

The slender white fingers pushed his hard shoulder, Xing Zhuohuang didn't even shake it, just looked at her quietly.

Chu Yu thought that the man didn't speak and thought he was intimidated by him, so he gave him a contemptuous look, turned and went upstairs.

Originally, she thought that this matter was over like this, but she never thought that when she woke up the next day, Chu Yu had a casual breakfast and wanted to go to school with her schoolbag, but was stopped by the bodyguard at the door.

When stopped, Chu Yu still couldn't react, "What are you doing?"

The bodyguard wearing sunglasses gave a serious look: "Master, you can't go out."

Chu Yu frowned fiercely, and said impatiently, "Why can't I go out? Who gave you the right?"

The bodyguard had no expression on his face, and whispered respectfully, "Master, please don't embarrass me."

Chu Yu was almost laughed out of anger, "I'm embarrassing you? Did you make a mistake? I'm on my way to school!"

The bodyguard still had the same expression, and said in a low voice not to embarrass him.

Just like playing the piano to a cow, Chu Yu stroked his hair angrily. The black broken hair slightly covered the delicate and colorful eyebrows, exuding a violent breath, and the bodyguard dared not speak.

After calming down, Chu Yu remembered what Xing Zhuo said yesterday. She thought it was just talking, but she didn't expect it to be serious, and she dared to lock her at home without authorization.

The original owner who has always done whatever he wants and is lawless must not be able to bear it, let alone allow himself to be imprisoned by an adopted son like this.

Sitting on the sofa, Chu Yu took out his mobile phone and called Xing Zhuo.

No one picked up the first time, and the second time I was picked up after I was about to hang up.

For a while, no one spoke, and the man on the phone was not in a hurry, as if he wanted to see how long Chu Yu could endure.

"Punishment, Zhuo."

He paused word by word, gnashing his teeth.

Xing Zhuo changed his hand to hold the mobile phone, and he seemed to be able to describe the young man's angry and helpless appearance in his mind, with a gentle tone: "Is there something you can do with me, young master?"

"Xing Zhuo, what are you pretending? Did you send someone to watch over me! Do you believe me or not? I told you to get out of the Chu family!"

Arrogant, blindly confident.

Really stupid.

Xing Zhuo curled his lips, showing an elegant smile, playing with the pen with his slender fingers, "I believe, if the young master has any dissatisfaction, you can go to your father."

It's just that the pupils of the eyes are narrow and long, and they are so dark that they don't know the bottom.

The boy on the other end of the phone asked a little, tasted something different, and his voice became cold: "What do you mean?"

Xing Zhuo was indifferent, his eyes were so quiet that there were almost no waves, he flipped through the documents in his hand, made sure there was no problem, and wrote down his name.

His handwriting was as elegant and sharp as the man himself.

He mentioned: "Father means that the young master will let me take care of it in the future. If the young master is disobedient, I can teach him a little lesson."

The boy on the phone seemed to be furious and short of breath, but because of his father's majesty, he finally held back his harsh words, and then hung up the phone mercilessly.

Xing Zhuo is a man who keeps his word. He said he wanted to teach Chu Yu a lesson, but he really didn't let her step out of Chu's house. The bodyguards guarding the door were watching fiercely. Their arms were thicker than Chu Yu's legs. He was sure. It cannot be beaten.

Staying at home is really boring, there will be tutors who come to teach, but they are all driven away by Chu Yu's temper.

Xing Zhuo didn't go back to Chu's house, and Chu Yu couldn't settle accounts with him face to face.

Chu Yu is fine, maybe because she still has the habit of narcolepsy, she will fall asleep every time she is bored, and once she falls asleep, she can't distinguish between day and night.

Laying on the sofa and playing games, I fell asleep in a daze in the afternoon.

Xia Jinghuai returned to the villa, saw the tall and burly bodyguard guarding the door, blinked, grabbed his schoolbag and took it inside.

The living room is a bit too quiet today, there is no sound of playing games, and there is no sound of teenagers losing their temper and throwing things.

After walking in, I looked for it subconsciously.

Soon, I saw the teenager nestled in the corner of the sofa. She was asleep, with thick black hair hanging messily on her forehead, wearing a white short sleeve with a wide round neck, and her exposed wrists were lonely and thin. The skin is white and delicate.

Her thin body was curled up into a ball, her crow-feather-like eyelashes were tightly closed, yet there was still a softness.

Xia Jinghuai stood there for a while, then approached quietly, put his schoolbag aside casually, his dark pupils were silent.

The floor-to-ceiling windows are made of transparent glass, and the bright colors of the sunset are sprinkled on the clean and reflective floor, like a layer of ink painting.

When you get close, you can smell the clean, clear and cold fragrance.

It was a reassuring breath, he breathed lightly.

Half of the sunset glow fell on his face, and the other half was in the dim light, dividing his delicate face into a picture of interlaced light and dark, and the whole face looked a little split and treacherous.

The living room was very quiet, with occasional chirping of birds outside, as if there were only the two of them left in the world.

I don't know if it's because of the light, but Xia Jinghuai's eyes are extraordinarily bright at this moment, as if burning with a compelling light, watching the boy sleeping in the corner of the sofa, he doesn't know what he is thinking.

Chu Yu didn't sleep well. She always felt that she was having a very strange dream. She dreamed that she was stared at by a big boa constrictor, and her cold and greedy eyes seemed to be unable to swallow her up.

Suddenly woke up, some cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Pale and thin fingertips rubbed his forehead, his glass-like eyes were still a little confused after waking up, and they met Xia Jinghuai's eyes unexpectedly.

Those ignorant and clear eyes made Xia Jinghuai's heart tremble slightly, and he muttered vaguely: "Brother, you're awake..."

Chu Yu yawned, woke up, looked at him, and said lazily, "You're back?"

Perhaps it was because of just waking up, Chu Yu's voice was a little hoarse, but also deceptively gentle.

When he said this, it was as if he was lying on the sofa and waiting for him to come back.

Waiting for him to come back alone.

No one knew the darkness that grew in his heart at that moment.

(End of this chapter)

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