Fast-traveling cannon fodder has become a heartthrob

Chapter 25 Seagulls no longer love the sea, they can fly farther

Chapter 25 Seagulls no longer love the sea, they can fly farther (27)

The drifting dust, the dim light, and the cold and sticky air all made Xia Jinghuai's pupils constrict suddenly.

They may be kissing.

It's in a corner like the storage room, entangled with each other, intense and lingering.

The expression on Xia Jinghuai's face didn't change at all, even a little stiff, like a statue carved from wood, plastic and stone.

In the dark gap, his eyes seemed to have turned into vertical pupils of a snake, cold and hard.

In the half-light, he could see the man's face clearly.

It's really Chu Yu.

The thick long eyelashes droop slightly, the cold and white face is as flawless as jade porcelain, and the bright and beautiful eyebrows always reveal a cool taste.

She tilted her head, only showing the upper half of her face, and the lower half of her face was covered by another boy.

The boy is tall, with broad shoulders, and already has the outline of an adult man.

He was fascinated by it, and his hot eyes caught the attention of the boy with his back turned. He turned his head and keenly spotted a little mouse.

Xia Jinghuai hadn't recovered yet, his eyes went dark, his body was hit on the shelf behind him, and he felt severe pain, and then he felt the pain on his cheek.

He licked his lips and tasted something like pig iron, blood.

There was a cigarette dangling from her pale pink thin lips, which was only half lit. The blue-gray smoke slowly surged, and the half-closed eyebrows and eyes were blurred in the diffuse smoke rising from the fingertips.

Don't care about the commotion, this is the character of the original owner, and don't care.

Pan Ran held Xia Jinghuai with one hand, with a cold face, exuding ruthlessness, he raised his hand and punched him in the stomach.

"How dare you peek! You don't want your eyes anymore, do you?"

The light inside was very dim, Chu Yu didn't see the person's face clearly, she slowly took the cigarette from her mouth and held it between her index finger and middle finger, she walked over with a lazy expression.

She didn't look at the black shadow, but said flatly to Pan Ran: "It's almost enough."

Pan Ran still didn't think it was enough and punched again.

Niu Colu·System: 〖Ahhhhhhh!The host is big, that's the male lead!He played the hero! 〗

Chu Yu was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly raised her head to look over. In the dim light, she seemed to meet the pair of dark eyes that had been staring at her closely.

There was a smile on Pan Ran's face, but there was no smile in his eyes. He raised his hand to teach this unsightly thing another lesson, but he was stopped halfway.

The blood all over his body was agitated, and Pan Ran turned his head to look with a gloomy and furious face. When he saw the boy's face clearly, his gloomy look froze immediately, and then dissipated. He originally had a handsome face, and he smiled Sometimes even more dazzling.

The tense muscles relaxed, allowing the boy to buckle.

"Brother Chu..."


Before he finished speaking, he received a slap, and the atmosphere stagnated for a moment.

Xia Jinghuai moved his eyes.

Pan Ran didn't go mad with anger when he was slapped in the face as he imagined, he even covered his slapped face with extreme aggrievedness.

"Brother Chu, did I do something wrong?"

Pan Ran wrinkled his handsome and youthful face, looking innocent and naive.

It seemed that the person who brutally bullied Xia Jinghuai just now was not him at all.

The weirdly beautiful boy was not fooled by his illusion, his pale pink lips were pursed, his cold white skin was pale and sickly.

His chin was raised slightly, his eyes were indifferent, "Do you know who he is?"

Displeasure appeared in Chu Yu's glass-like pupils, and the thick eyelashes like butterfly wings were long and black. When he looked at people coldly, it made half of his body numb for no reason.

Pan Ran licked his lips with reddened corners of his eyes, and couldn't help but darken his eyes. He first glanced at Xia Jinghuai, feeling a little familiar, and then realized that he was the illegitimate child of the Chu family, and he seemed to have a good relationship with Chu Yu.

Immediately apologized as if to please, "I'm sorry Brother Chu, I didn't see clearly just now, and besides, he didn't make a sound, like a ghost."

Chu Yu just kept a cold face, "Open your dog eyes to see clearly next time."

The young man probably didn't even know how much she wanted to be broken, shredded, and broken with that cold face.

Just now, Pan Ran, who was still full of anger and sullenness, was so obedient after being slapped by the young man, he didn't care about anything else, and kept clinging to the young man, telling how painful his face was and how hard the young man slapped him. , secretly expressing how wronged he was.

It's a pity that Chu Yu just rolled his eyelids and glanced at him, but didn't express anything.

Xia Jinghuai crouched on the ground, looking serious, but Pan Ran hit too hard.

Chu Yu pushed Pan Ran aside, squatted down, narrowed his eyes slightly, "How is it?"

Half of that cold white face was under the golden light, and the slightly frowned brows revealed a hint of impatience, but he had no choice but to ask about his current physical condition.

No worry, just impatience.

In fact, this is often the case.

Every time Chu Yu helped him for no reason, there was always a sense of irritability lingering between his brows and eyes, as if he had to complete a mission that he didn't want to complete.

He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that Chu Yu's pale pink lips were even redder than usual, remembering how close those two people were at that time.

is kissing.

The cortical cells were beating alive, and he could hear his heart beating violently.

There were bursts of pain in his abdomen, and he seemed not to feel it. He pursed his lips, his eyes were full of water, and his clean and pleasant voice was very low, giving people an illusion of weakness.

"It hurts, I can't get up."

Chu Yu's eyelashes were very long, and he put out the cigarette in his hand, without saying anything, he helped Xia Jinghuai up by his arm.

Pan Ran approached with a smile, and cast a cold glance at Xia Jinghuai from the corner of his eyes, then turned to face the boy with another expression: "Brother Chu, I'll be fine if I come."

Chu Yu raised his leg and kicked him, the tails of his beautiful long and narrow eyes turned up, a little cold and fierce, "Go away."

Now Pan Ran stopped talking, and he wanted to follow, but Chu Yu drove him away directly, so he could only watch them leave unwillingly.

There was no one in the infirmary, and the doctor was not there, so Chu Yu helped Xia Jinghuai to the bed, and went to find the medicine on the shelf.

He found a bottle of safflower oil and threw it on Xia Jinghuai's body, raised his eyebrows, showing no intention of helping.

Seeing this, Xia Jinghuai had no choice but to open the box of safflower oil by himself, unscrew the lid, and the pungent smell wafted out, and applied the medicine by himself.

Xia Jinghuai was quite fair, while Pan Ran hit hard, and his abdomen was youthful and purple, which seemed to be quite serious.

Chu Yu didn't look at it, the drooping eyelids, the slender and thick eyelashes cast a shadow under the pale eyelids, with a cigarette dangling from his lips drooping, but he was leaning against the wall with one hand in his trouser pocket.

(End of this chapter)

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