Fast-traveling cannon fodder has become a heartthrob

Chapter 37 Seagulls no longer love the sea, they can fly farther

Chapter 37 Seagulls no longer love the sea, they can fly farther (39)

Xia Jinghuai was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head in confusion, as if he wasn't sure if this sentence was meant for him, but now he was the only one in the restaurant, so it was obvious that this warning was meant for him.

Xia Jinghuai looks very delicate, this delicacy does not make his face look feminine, on the contrary, it adds a youthful look that other people rarely have, his slender eyelashes are trembling, and his face is white and delicate when exposed to the light.

"I don't, my brother is very good to me."

"Click." The valve of the lighter was pressed, and a cluster of red and yellow flames licked out from the round hole, and then went out suddenly.

Xing Zhuo was still expressionless, and the flames flickered on and off, illuminating his somewhat indifferent brows and eyes.

The deep magnetic voice was full of the condescension that only the superiors had: "You don't have to pretend in front of me, do you think I don't know what you're thinking?"

Xia Jinghuai tilted his head, as if he didn't understand why, he smiled. When he smiled, his eyes curved beautifully, and there seemed to be bright and bright starlight flowing in his eyes.

The voice is clean and nice: "I can't understand what you are talking about."

Xing Zhuo suddenly asked: "Do you know who sent your mother's monthly money?"

The smile on Xia Jinghuai's face didn't change, but deepened.

He directly extinguished the cigarette that he hadn't smoked at all, took out the wallet from his pocket, and when he opened it, it was full of cards, he randomly pulled out one and put it on the coffee table.

Xia Jinghuai didn't seem to understand Xing Zhuo's actions very well, but just kept silent and looked at him suspiciously.

The man had a handsome face, and his sharp-edged face seemed unreasonable. "Here is 200 million, and the password is six zeros. As long as you stay away from Chu Yu, there will be one every month."

The man's words blanked Xia Jinghuailei's mind like a bolt from the blue, and the expression on his face was completely frozen, as if he hadn't recovered yet.

Xing Zhuo, who has always been very strict about time, didn't want to waste time here. He left the card and got up and walked up the stairs.

When Xing Zhuo's hands were all on the handle, Xia Jinghuai seemed to have regained his senses, his lips were bitten to pieces by himself, his face was pale, and he seemed to be about to cry out of helplessness, "What are you doing? What do you mean? Is the relationship between me and my brother measurable by these money? What is my brother in your eyes? Is it just a measurable item?"

After talking, Xia Jinghuai's voice was slightly choked up, as if he was defending Chu Yu.

There was no expression on Xing Zhuo's face, but it made people feel that his posture at the moment was extremely high, and the low air pressure released was about to freeze the living room.

Xing Zhuo's face was gloomy, he had never been a patient person, half of the man's face was merged into the dark shadow.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

He had never had such a meaning before, and he didn't understand what the other party meant at all, and he didn't know whether he was really stupid or pretending to be stupid. Of course, Xing Zhuo was more inclined to the latter.

Xia Jinghuai's eyes were red, as if he had been greatly wronged, and the back of the slender white hand hanging by his side already had obvious blue veins.

His brows and eyes are slightly lowered, long eyelashes cover half of his eyeballs, his eyes are naturally calm, and the words seem to be choked with sobs: "Did I say something wrong? My brother is good to me, you must look at me It's hard."

This sentence seemed to be just said casually, but it made Xing Zhuo rigidly fixed in place, as if unable to move, he pulled the corner of his mouth, but there was no smile on his face.

"You don't seem to have recognized your identity yet."

"You don't really think that Chu Yu regards you as a younger brother, do you? It's just an illegitimate child, how can you be worthy?"

"Chu Yu just loves to play. He may tease you a little bit today when he looks at you pitifully. If he turns his head, he may drive you out of Chu's house without blinking."

Every word Xing Zhuo said was cold and cruel, and there was no expression on his face, but it seemed to be full of disdain and sarcasm.

"Xia Jinghuai, don't take yourself too seriously."

Even he didn't take Xia Jinghuai seriously, let alone Chu Yu, maybe it was just a novelty, and he would forget about it in a few days.

Xia Jinghuai stood alone on the spot, his eyes sank in an instant, and the tenderness and pity on his face before faded away like a phantom.

Xing Zhuo went up to the second floor, and he asked the servant about the boy's diet in a low voice.

The servant said: "The young master's appetite has not been very good all the time, and he ate very little. Now that the food is ready, do you want to ask the young master to come down to eat? Otherwise, the food will be cold."

The man refused, and he went upstairs to order people to eat.

"Tower, tower, tower..."

The sound of leather shoes stepping on the floor was crisp and regular.

He walked to the door of the boy's room and knocked twice with his fingers.

"Little Master."

No one in the bedroom responded.

Xing Zhuo frowned subconsciously, then twisted the doorknob, and found that there was no lock, so he pushed the door and went in.

When he saw the scene inside, the man's eyes were slightly fixed, and his breath was suffocated.

The boy was lying on the bed with his back to the door, and he only lit a desk lamp. Under the warm yellow light, the boy's figure looked extraordinarily ambiguous and beautiful.

The corner of the clothes was lifted to reveal the thin waist, and the cold white skin was glowing like rouge jade.

The waist is extremely thin, too full to be grasped, and it is covered with a thin layer of muscle. It is so hooked that I want people to measure it, whether it is really as thin as it looks, and whether it will break when it is folded.

It may be that I lay on the bed and rested for a while after taking a shower, but unexpectedly fell asleep.

She is wearing short sleeves, the color is black, which makes the cold white skin transparent.

The roundness wrapped in black is very upright, and the deeply concave lines on the waist are extremely impactful.

There was an indescribable step on his body, and the man's sexy Adam's apple rolled. He walked over quietly and looked down at the person on the bed.

It was Chu Yu who opened his eyes in a daze while turning over, and suddenly saw a tall and strong figure beside the bed, so frightened that he almost screamed.

Fortunately, the scream in the throat was suppressed, otherwise the character would collapse.

The man was turned against the light, and his entire face was hidden in the darkness.

The boy's long and narrow eyes narrowed slightly, his expression was still confused as if he had just woken up, his hair was messy, and he was inexplicably cute.

She called out tentatively.

"Xing Zhuo..."

Xing Zhuo came back to his senses, his eyes were deep, he suppressed his chaotic emotions, and his voice was hoarse.

"Get up and eat."

Leave this sentence and leave first.

Chu Yu pressed the raised hair on his head, yawned and followed.

When eating, they are silent, and they follow the principle of not talking when eating or sleeping, except for the occasional sound of porcelain clashing.

There was no communication during the meal, and when Chu Yu went upstairs after the meal, the man who had been eating gracefully raised his head slightly.

His eyes lingered on the milk that the boy hadn't finished drinking for a long time.


(End of this chapter)

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