Fast-traveling cannon fodder has become a heartthrob

Chapter 42 Seagulls no longer love the sea, they can fly farther

Chapter 42 Seagulls no longer love the sea, they can fly farther (44)

Pan Ran's mouth was filled with the smell of blood, his cheeks were tense, he held back his hatred and anger, and said softly, "I remember."

Chu Yu let go of the word a long time ago, saying that no one can touch Xia Jinghuai.

Just an illegitimate child.

If you move, you are moving.

But Chu Yu was really serious about him. He knew that Chu Yu was ruthless, but he never thought that he would be so ruthless to him.

He was born well and had never been beaten.

Chu Yu was the first.

Chu Yu didn't just touch him, but because Pan Ran took the lead, he was beaten the worst.

The others didn't feel too well, they were all following Pan Ran, they were just pretending to be powerful, and they didn't dare to fart in front of the real prince.

When Chu Yu beat them, none of them dared to say anything, and even stretched out to let her beat them.

Then, Chu Yu grabbed Pan Ran's hair and dragged him to Xia Jinghuai.


The lazy tone of voice revealed a sense of indifference, but the strength in his hands increased, and his scalp ached.

Pan Ran understood Chu Yu's temperament, and knew that if he did not apologize, Chu Yu would try his best to pry his mouth open.

Pan Ran's handsome face was bluish and purple, he gritted his teeth and said, "I'm sorry..."

The face was slapped again, and Chu Yu's glazed eyes were half-closed, extremely dangerous in the dim light.

There was coldness in his eyes, but the corners of his lips curled up.

"There is no sincerity at all, why? Are you not convinced?"

Pan Ran gritted her teeth hard, her cheeks twitched, her eyes began to turn red gradually, and her dark eyes were full of coldness.

Seemingly pushed to the extreme, he repeated his apology almost like a growl, "Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!"

The apologies were almost deafening, venting with rage, his chest heaved so badly, and the blood vessels in his neck burst.

Only then did Chu Yu let go, and pushed Pan Ran aside, his eyes drooping, his expression indifferent.

"get out."

Pan Ran wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his fingers, and there were dark bloodshot eyes in his ruthless eyes.

Without saying anything, he turned and limped away.

Soon everyone in the room left.

Only then did Chu Yu go to look at Xia Jinghuai who had his eyes half down.

Soon she found that something seemed wrong with the other party.

Xia Jinghuai's whole body was hot, a slight blush appeared on his face, the corners of his eyes were charming, and his gaze flowed like water waves, but the expression on his face was very strange, eager and uneasy, as if he was very uncomfortable, and his breathing was heavy and rapid.

Chu Yu frowned, knowing that he was one step too late in the end, Xia Jinghuai must have been drugged by his appearance.

She touched Xia Jinghuai's cheek, and could clearly feel the abnormal temperature.

Although the house was dilapidated, it was still clean. Chu Yu also knew that it was impossible for him to carry Xia Jinghuai out alone, and he didn't have so much time for her to think, so he dragged him to the bathroom.

Xia Jinghuai was very restless, obviously burnt out, he tore at his clothes indiscriminately, and kept talking about being hot.

Chu Yu casually threw him on the floor, filled the bathtub with cold water, turned around and wanted to call Xia Jinghuai in, but was shocked by the scene in front of him.

Xia Jinghuai didn't know when he had almost taken off his clothes, leaving only a white short sleeve hanging loosely on his body.


Chu Yu got up and pulled Xia Jinghuai to the bathtub, and just wanted to tell him to go in by himself, but the boy seemed not to understand, or the cool body temperature of Chu Yu made him feel very comfortable, so he subconsciously posted it, flabbergasted. His hands gripped her collar tightly.

Chu Yu was forced to hug his slipping body. The other party was a section taller than her, and almost the whole body was pressed against her body. His collar was ripped into a mess, and the top button was missing. .

Xia Jinghuai was panting, and what came out were waves of heat, which made Chu Yu turn his head uncomfortably.

This made Chu Yu very helpless. She admitted that Xia Jinghuai was indeed very good-looking, but the other party was the male lead, so she was not something she could touch.

"Xia Jinghuai..."

Chu Yu pulled the person close to him away a little, but Xia Jinghuai quickly became entangled in a delirious state again, the corners of his eyes were gradually stained with a tinge of red, his delicate and melancholy eyes were unbearable, he looked like a cat about to Yu'er, who was dying of thirst, was desperately looking for a source of water, and Chu Yu could just relieve his heat, so he kept sticking to her body.

The strong and powerful arms wrapped around her neck tightly, almost hurting her neck. The boy lowered his head, and his soft and dry lips fell on her face without any skill, and then slid down to her neck. Mixed with vague ravings.

It shouldn't be like this!

According to the plot, Xia Jinghuai would rather die than surrender, would rather kill himself by biting his tongue than touch anyone, forcibly endured this torture, and since then developed aversion and disgust towards sex.

But now...

Why is it not the same as written?

This is too fucking outrageous.

Chu Yu trembled all over, her white jade-like ears turned red, she used all her strength to forcefully pull Xia Jinghuai away, and then pushed Xia Jinghuai into the bathtub regardless of Xia Jinghuai's struggle.

The ears were still numb, and Chu Yu couldn't help swallowing.

The ears are the most sensitive part of her body and should not be touched.

The icy cold water made Xia Jinghuai's red and hot face suddenly pale, and he hugged himself tremblingly, his body trembling slightly.

Chu Yu wanted to smoke a little, but when she touched her pocket, it was empty, maybe she forgot to bring it, so she could only scratch her hair a little annoyed.

After about ten minutes, Chu Yu saw that Xia Jinghuai had stopped moving. The medicine should have worn off. She dragged Xia Jinghuai up and took off her wet clothes. Touching what shouldn't be done, he just wrapped it in a bathrobe, and then dragged Xia Jinghuai onto the bed with great difficulty.

The weight of a grown man almost crushed Chu Yu.

After Chu Yu dragged him to the bed, he thoughtfully covered him with the quilt to prevent him from catching a cold.

Xia Jinghuai, who had kept his eyes closed all the time, seemed to wake up a little because of the warmth all over his body, but only a little. He opened his eyes with difficulty, his eyelashes were wet with water, and there was a daze in front of him, as if he could vaguely see There was a thin and slender figure.

It gave him a very familiar feeling, as if it had flashed countless times in his dreams.

His fingers subconsciously grabbed the other party in a panic, his voice was hoarse and helpless, like an abandoned child, "Brother... don't go..."

Chu Yu: "..."

She even wondered if the other party was pretending.

Xia Jinghuai grabbed her wrist with great strength, as if he was afraid that she would leave, his five fingers would be pinched into her flesh, and he didn't know how this person who was almost unconscious could burst out with such great strength.

(End of this chapter)

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