Chapter 108: Exploring the Mansion (5)

Xu Lingze quickly got out from the counter and gave Xiong Qingqing a wink.

Xiong Qingqing immediately smiled and said to the two shop assistants: "The shopkeeper, Uncle Liu, let's go out for a stroll."

"You two, don't run around! Just play nearby!" the shopkeeper ordered.

"Yeah, we know, we won't run around."

Watching Zuo Ying and Zuo Le leave, Liu Zizi was puzzled, "Isn't the relationship between the two children of the boss's family not good? Why doesn't it look right today?"

"The two of them usually quarrel, and it doesn't matter that they have the blood of the old Zuo family on them. No matter how much they quarrel, they are still siblings. Besides, what does Boy Le know? How old is he?" said the shopkeeper.

"That's's all our proprietress, who doesn't give in to an orphan girl. Girl Ying has lost her mother since she was a child, which is pitiful enough. A girl's family can't inherit the shop and property. The proprietress is really doomed! It's not the old Zuo, can she live such a good life?" Liu Laizi said with righteous indignation.

The shopkeeper turned around and began to clean up the bowls and chopsticks, and said, "You, I still don't know, the proprietress is a nice lady, she just has a knife mouth and a bean curd heart."

"What kind of knife-mouthed tofu-hearted, I think it's vicious! The harmed girl Ying is not as lively and lovable as before." Liu Lizi continued to complain.

"Forget it, let's take care of what the master is doing, eat salty radish and don't worry about it. It's better to do your own job well, it's better than anything else."
Xu Lingze walked ahead and led Xiong Qingqing into a hidden alley.

"How? Did you find it?" Xiong Qingqing asked.

Xu Lingze took out the note, "It's really not easy to find this rule. It's actually pressed in the account book under the abacus. Fortunately, no one else found it."

"Look at what's written on it!"

【Rules of Reunion Theater】

[One, Boss Chun of the theater likes children, and well-behaved children are more likely to be loved by him. 】

[Second, all the costumes in the theater building cannot be easily touched, even if you don't break them, you will be disgusted by the people who occupy the whole theater building. 】

[Third, Boss Chun once had someone he loved deeply. If he mentions it to you, don't ask about the past between them, and don't persuade him to let go. 】

[Fourth, Boss Chun will die in the middle of the night. Before that, he once met a person who likes to drink, especially Shilizui. 】

[[-]. There will be a thief visiting the coffin shop late at night. He may know the secret about Boss Chun. 】

[Sixth, you may meet strange people in the alley at night, don't panic, just pretend you didn't see it and you can get away with it. 】

[Seventh, I heard a strange voice in Boss Chun’s room, try to talk to it, maybe you can know something that others don’t. 】

After reading the seven rules, Xiong Qingqing was puzzled, "Is this also a rule of survival?"

Xu Lingze rubbed his chin, and analyzed: "The proprietress doesn't understand the rules of Hall No. [-], and it's normal to make such rules. To be precise, this is not entirely a rule of survival, but also the rules of the theater and Boss Chun. The clues given by this rule are very detailed, and this task is much easier. The person the proprietress wants to investigate should be Boss Chun from the Zaifengchun Theater."

Xiong Qingqing read the rules again, Xu Lingze looked at her and asked, "Do you remember?"

"You...remember?" Xiong Qingqing was surprised.

"There are only seven rules in total, and there are not many words in total. Can't you remember after reading it?" Xu Lingze was also surprised.


Xiong Qingqing took the rules from Xu Lingze's hands, and after less than a minute, Xu Lingze asked again: "Have you memorized it?"


"Almost? You are always like this. If something goes wrong, you can only play cards with the proprietress in the hidden shop in Zushan Village."

"Take customers..."

Xiong Qingqing raised his eyebrows, what kind of adjective is this?Sounds weird, but so apt!

She put down the rules and memorized them as seriously as a text.

"What is the seventh rule?" Xu Lingze checked and asked on the spot.

"There will be strange noises in Boss Chun's room, you can use his words." Xiong Qingqing replied.

Xu Lingze smiled, "It's not bad, it's a bit of progress."

Xiong Qingqing knelt down and took the rule note between the two of them, "Old Xu, look, these rules are roughly divided into two parts, one part is on the street and the coffin shop, and the other part is in the theater building. We only have one day , how about we split up, what do you think?"

"What do you mean, I go to the theater and you stay in the coffin shop?" Xu Lingze asked.

"Yes! You see, the rules say that Boss Chun likes children. Although your soul is not a child, your body still looks like a child. To make someone who likes children like you, for Isn't it very simple for your old soul?" Xiong Qingqing said with a smile.

Xu Lingze nodded, then pointed to the rule note and said, "In this case, the first, second, third, fourth, seventh, and fifth rules are all mine, and you only need to memorize the fifth and sixth rules. .”

Xiong Qingqing patted him on the shoulder, "Brother, I believe you can do it."

Xu Lingze was speechless, "I also believe in myself."

"Let's go, my sister will take you to meet the spring again."

Zaifengchun Theater is located on two opposite western-style buildings in the town. The facade is very conspicuous, and the whole building is painted with red paint.

"That's it."

Xiong Qingqing took Xu Lingze's hand and entered the door. The most conspicuous thing was the stage in the center. The stage was full of people before the play started.

The waiter in the store smiled and asked: "Guest officers, please pay for the theater tickets first. Would you two like to order something?"

Xiong Qingqing was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect to buy a ticket!She always thought that a tea money would be enough!
Seeing Xiong Qingqing looking down at him, Xu Lingze shook his head, expressing that he had no money.


Xiong Qingqing fumbled in his pocket for a long time, and only found one silver dollar. He thought it was not enough money, but the waiter's eyes lit up.

"Guest officer, what kind of tea do you want?"

"Whatever, anything."

Xiong Qingqing said, pulling Xu Lingze to sit down at the small table in the corner.

"I didn't expect the Zuo family to be so rich, and Zuo Ying had Datou Yuan in his hands." Xu Lingze whispered.

"Ah? Are you rich?" Xiong Qingqing was a little confused, "Isn't it just a steel coin?"

"What steel coin! That's a silver dollar! Do you know how much a silver dollar can be spent in our time?"

"do not know."

"Nearly 1000 yuan, this is not a small sum!"

"so much!"

Xiong Qingqing was stunned. After a while, the waiter came over with a pot of tea, took out a lot of copper coins from his pocket and put them on the table. Xiong Qingqing didn't even look at it. Put the remaining copper plate into the pocket.

(End of this chapter)

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