Chapter 110: Exploring the Mansion (7)

Boss Chun sat down on the sofa, looked at him and asked, "Would you like something to drink? I have sugar here, here are some for you."

As he said that, Boss Chun grabbed a handful of candy from the drawer, but Xu Lingze didn't reach out to pick it up, nor did he show a hint of greed.

"Boss Chun, don't treat me like a child, I will be very hurt."

As Xu Lingze said, he sat down on the sofa opposite Boss Chun, looked at the green plants next to him and asked, "Boss, do you also like orchids? I like orchids too."

"Why do you like orchids?" Boss Chun asked with interest.

"Because plums, orchids, bamboos, and chrysanthemums are the four gentlemen! My father said that only gentlemen like them." Xu Lingze's answer was not mature, but it also had the meaning of a young adult. He didn't show off his knowledge, and he was just right.

Boss Chun picked up the bong next to him, and Xu Lingze was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Boss Chun to have such a hobby. After all, he makes a living by relying on his voice, so it's no wonder his voice is a little hoarse.

"Not everyone who likes orchids is a gentleman, and not all gentlemen like them. This statement is too one-sided." Boss Chun said, lighting his pipe.

Xu Lingze didn't answer, and Boss Chun asked again: "My child, why do you want to be friends with me?"

"Because you are famous and good-looking, if I have a friend like you, no one of my friends will dare to bully me in the future!" Xu Lingze replied without thinking.

"Chasing fame and fortune all day long is boring... Even the one you love can't be kept."

Boss Chun said thoughtfully, but Xu Lingze didn't answer.

Boss Chun glanced at him, isn't this kid quite talkative?Why did you suddenly stop talking?

According to the rules, Boss Chun once had someone he loved deeply. If he mentions it to you, don't ask about the past between them, and don't persuade him to let go.

With such a rule in place, Xu Lingze had to think carefully about how to answer the conversation so as not to arouse Boss Chun's dislike.

Boss Chun smiled, he is just a child, how can he understand what love is?
He took a few puffs of cigarettes, coughed so much, put down the pipe again, picked up the wine glass on the coffee table, and poured the wine into his stomach one gulp after another.

"I have a younger brother who grew up with me, and then parted ways. After becoming famous, I continued to sing operas, and he started a business and wanted to enter the upper class. Oh, no matter how crowded, people will not Forget, he used to be an actor, like a tattoo on his face, seared in his memory and can never be changed."

Xu Lingze thought to himself, isn't the rule saying that he doesn't want others to ask?Why did you say it yourself?

"You say I'm famous. Indeed, people know that I'm the cornerstone of the Zaifengchun Theater, and the pillar here. So what? Do they really think highly of me? Younger brother... Even younger brother looks down on me I, I can only boil oil on this stage, until the oil is exhausted and the lights are exhausted, until I can't sing, speak, or walk... until people get tired of me, I won't be there anymore opportunity to be on stage."

After Boss Chun finished speaking, Xu Lingze still didn't speak. He just thought that the child didn't understand and couldn't understand his sadness.

"Junior Brother..." Boss Chun stared at the glass in his hand, and called out softly, with tears in his eyes, "You just left me like this...We agreed to sing together for the rest of our lives..."

Hearing this, Xu Lingze couldn't help but think of the scene in the movie.

Drama idiots are temperamental people, no wonder the rules say not to persuade him to let go, because he is too emotional, it is impossible to let go.

"Hey, boy, why are you silent?" Boss Chun asked.

Xu Lingze shook his head, "I don't understand what you're talking about, and I don't know what to say, I'm afraid of making you unhappy."

Boss Chun smiled and put down the empty wine glass in his hand.

"If your good friend from childhood to adulthood left you one day, would you hate him?"

Xu Lingze shook his head again, "Why do you hate him? There must be a reason for him to leave."

"What reason do you think?" Boss Chun asked.

"I think... his mother must not let him play with me!" Xu Lingze replied.

After finishing speaking, he looked at the costume hanging on the side. It was exquisitely made and inlaid with pearls, but he didn't know whether the pearls on it were real or not.

"This is Concubine Yang's costume, right? It's so pretty!"

Xu Lingze praised him, trying to change the subject and bring Boss Chun out of the sadness just now.

"Well, this costume is also an old item. It was given by my master when he went to perform in the palace." Boss Chun replied.

"When you put on this outfit, you will surely amaze everyone," Xu Lingze said.

"Do you want to touch it?" Boss Chun asked with a smile.

Xu Lingze shook his head hastily, "No, my mother said, don't touch other people's things casually."

"Your mother is right, if you like it, next time you come, I can allow you to touch it, but you have to wash your dirty hands."

Boss Chun smiled happily and waved to Xu Lingze. When Xu Lingze came to him, he put all the candy on the table into his pocket.

"Good boy, I can't accept you, you go."

Boss Chun patted Xu Lingze on the shoulder, as if ordering him to leave.

"Then, can we be good friends?" Xu Lingze didn't give up.

"This, I have to think about it carefully, you go home first."

Boss Chun said so, Xu Lingze had no choice but to leave, otherwise he would be bored.

When he reached the door, Xu Lingze suddenly turned around and asked, "Boss Chun, do you have anything you particularly like to eat?"

"Yes, I like to eat haw jelly." Boss Chun replied casually.

"okay, I get it."
Xu Lingze walked towards the stairs, observing everyone going up the stairs as he walked, and felt relieved when he saw that no one was going to Boss Chun's room.

He stood at the stairs from the second floor to the third floor and turned on the call button.

"Xiong Qingqing, I was kicked out."

"Ah? Then what should we do next?"

"Now help me go outside and buy a pack of hawthorn cakes. Boss Chun said he likes to eat them. I'll try to please him. By the way, I will stay here and see who is looking for Boss Chun."

Xiong Qingqing remembered the rules. The rules said that a person who likes to get drunk will come to Boss Chun. He may know something, but Boss Chun will die late at night. No one knows when that person came, so we just can wait.

This is a very critical rule that cannot be missed.

"I'll go now."

Xiong Qingqing drank the last sip of tea, got up and left the theater.

She wandered around the western-style buildings, but she didn't see any place selling hawthorn cakes, so she had to ask the passing uncle.

"Hi sir, do you know where we sell hawthorn cakes?"

The uncle shook his head, "I don't know."

(End of this chapter)

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