Chapter 118: Exploring the Mansion (15)

"Xiaoying, you go out now and bring your brother back."

Zuo Zengrui saw Qiu Guixiang take the water glass, which was regarded as a face to Xiaoying, so he didn't care about whether to drink or not, but Xiong Qingqing couldn't just let it go.

"Auntie, I really know I was wrong, can't you forgive me?"

Xiong Qingqing lowered his head, pretending to wipe his tears even if he couldn't cry.

Zuo Zengrui patted her arm, "Okay, okay, your aunt has forgiven you, so stop crying, listen to your father, bring your brother back, and talk to your aunt again."

"But, Auntie still suspects that I poisoned you, so she doesn't drink the water I poured..."

"Don't worry too much, your aunt is so mean, don't I drink the water too?" Zuo Zengrui looked at Qiu Guixiang again, "Oh, what can you do to save face for the child? The child poured you some water, and you can drink it. If it weren't for your glory, I still wouldn't be able to drink the water our girl poured!"

Qiu Guixiang took a sip of water angrily, "Come on! Hurry up and get your brother back! If you can't get him back, don't come back either!"

"Tell me about you, can't you talk to your children well?" Zuo Zengrui said something to her, then turned to look at Xiong Qingqing, "Xiaoying, it's okay, your aunt is a knife-mouthed bean curd heart , go and pick up your younger brother, it’s getting dark soon. Your younger brother is also playing so crazy that he doesn’t know how to go home and uses you as an excuse.”

After Zuo Zengrui finished speaking, he glanced at Qiu Guixiang, who rolled his eyes and curled his lips.


When Xiong Qingqing left the house, Zuo Ying's stepmother took a sip just now, and she didn't know if it would work.

Walking to the door of the house, Xiong Qingqing saw the key on the door, then touched the key in his pocket, suddenly made a plan, locked the door of the house, and then went back to the theater in peace.
In Fengchun Theater Building, since Xiong Qingqing and Maizi left, Xu Lingze hid behind the stairs on the third floor, observing everyone who went upstairs, and did not find anyone entering Boss Chun's room.

After a while, he started to feel sleepy.

Children's physical energy is limited, Zuo Le should be used to taking a nap, that's why he is so sleepy now.

He nibbled on the back of his hand to keep himself awake.

Without paying attention, Boss Chun has already opened the door of the room.

Boss Chun walked very softly. He quietly walked up to Xu Lingze and asked in a low voice, "Why are you still here?"


Xu Lingze didn't know what to say, but Boss Chun smiled, "You haven't come back after going to the toilet. I thought you wouldn't come back, but I didn't expect you to sit here. How long have you been sitting?"

"Not too long..."

Seeing that he was so cute, Boss Chun liked him even more, and asked, "Why don't you go in?"

"I'm afraid that I'll be in your room and delay your business. If someone comes, you will still have to take care of me and cause you trouble." Xu Lingze replied.

Hearing what he said, Boss Chun couldn't help feeling distressed, and reached out to pat his head.

"Then why don't you go?" Boss Chun asked again.

"I...I don't want to go, I want to be closer to you."

Boss Chun smiled and held his hand, "Let's go back to the house."


Xu Lingze nodded heavily, and followed Boss Chun back to his room.

Boss Chun took him to sit on the sofa, and said softly, "Lele, sit here by yourself for a while, and I'll go out for a while."

"Where are you going?" Xu Lingze grabbed his hand and asked reluctantly, fearing that he would change his words quickly, "When will you be back?"

"I'll go to the tailor shop to see if the clothes are ready, and I'll be back in a while." Boss Chun explained with a smile.

"Okay, then I will wait for you obediently."

"I just saw that you seemed sleepy. If you are sleepy, go to sleep."

Boss Chun supported him to lie down on the sofa, then found a blanket from the cabinet, and covered him.

"Go to sleep."


Xu Lingze pretended to have heavy eyelids, and slowly closed his eyes.

Boss Chun patted him on the shoulder, turned and left the room.

Because he was afraid that Boss Chun hadn't gone far, Xu Lingze didn't dare to move easily, and kept his eyes closed to rest his mind. After a while, he sat up from the sofa and quietly walked to the door.

Seeing that there was no sign of Boss Chun at the door, Xu Lingze felt relieved.

According to Uncle Zhang Bai's rules, more than half of the people in Zhuoyuan City like to listen to operas. If you hear the sound of opera singing for no reason, don't panic, and don't look for the source of the sound.

According to the rules of Empress Zushan, if you hear a strange sound in Boss Chun's room, try to talk to it, maybe you can know something that others don't.

Judging from Uncle Zhang Bai's experience, the so-called opera sound came from Boss Chun's room, and it was the so-called strange sound in Boss Chun's room.

I don't know when that voice will appear, and Xu Lingze can't just wait in the room.

He walked around the room and found that all the things in Boss Chun's room were arranged in an orderly manner. Even if he moved a little, he should be able to find it, so he didn't touch it lightly.

On the bedside of Boss Chun's bedroom, there is a photo frame. The edges of the frame have faded. It seems that Boss Chun often touches it.

There are two men in the photo, one is wearing a suit and the other is wearing a long gown. The one in the long gown is Boss Chun, and the one next to him should be the junior he misses so much.

"The ice wheel on the island is just turning, and I saw the jade rabbit, and the jade rabbit rose eastward again. The ice wheel is away from the island, the universe is very bright, and the bright moon is in the sky, just like Chang'e leaving the Moon Palace..."

When the faint sound of the play came, Xu Lingze's heart beat wildly, and his breathing became heavy.

After being stunned for a moment, he began to bite the bullet and look around for the source of the sound.

"Slave is like Chang'e leaving the Moon Palace, like Chang'e descending to the ninth level, clear and cold in Guanghan Palace. Ah, Guanghan Palace, the jade bridge leans against the railing, the mandarin ducks come to play in the water, and the golden carp faces..."

He searched for a long time, but he couldn't find where the sound came from. The sound was wandering in the room like a ghost, invisible and intangible.

"Ah, facing the water, wild geese are flying in the sky, ah, geese, geese are flying together. Wennu's voice fell into the shade of flowers, and the scenery is so fascinating that I came to Baihua Pavilion..."

Xu Lingze finally sat down directly on the sofa, and boldly asked in a low voice: "Who are you..."

The voice paused for a moment, and Xu Lingze felt as if there was a gust of cold wind blowing in front of him.

"Who are you……"

The voice followed his words, Xu Lingze looked around vigilantly, but found no trace of that thing.

"I'm Zuo Le, and I'm Boss Chun's friend. Why didn't you show up in his room?"

"Ha ha……"

(End of this chapter)

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