Chapter 129: Exploring the Mansion (26)

Xiong Qingqing rushed in, followed by Zhang Bai, with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Xu Lingze! Are you okay!"

Xu Lingze was so painful that he couldn't speak, his facial features were all screwed together.

Xiong Qingqing hurried forward and hugged him in his arms.

"do not move!"

Zhang Bai shouted, took out the air slingshot, and pointed it at "Boss Chun".

"Boss Chun" sneered when he saw the slingshot in Zhang Bai's hand, and then floated towards the bedroom.

Zhang Bai directly fired an air bullet, which only hit his arm. After a scream, the guy disappeared.

"Want to run?"

Zhang Bai entered the room and saw two Boss Chun, one was wearing clothes, clutching his arm, spitting out a mouthful of black blood, the other was wearing a long gown, with a knife stuck in his chest.

Xiong Qingqing put down Xu Lingze and followed in. Seeing the dead Boss Chun, his eyes widened in surprise.

"You killed Boss Chun! Who are you!" Xiong Qingqing asked.

Zhang Bai pointed the slingshot at the guy in the costume again, realizing how powerful this slingshot is, and that guy was also a little timid.

Xu Lingze walked into the bedroom tremblingly, clutching his shoulders, "This guy is the costume handed down by Boss Chun's ancestor. When I saw this costume for the first time, I wondered if the pearls on it were real. It seems to be true, because this guy just used the pearls on the costume to make a deal with the thief."

The guy in the costume looked up to the sky and laughed, "You dare to hurt the noble concubine, it is a crime that cannot be punished!"

"Stop acting, your singing is actually not very good, and you are not suitable to play Concubine Yang, Concubine Yang is not as small as you." Zhang Bai said.

Xu Lingze sneered, "You killed Boss Chun, do you want to replace him? You are just a ghost obsessed with opera. If you think too much, you will never become Boss Chun."

The guy in the costume stood up tremblingly, pointed at the three people at the door of the bedroom, "You three lowly slaves are worthy of questioning me!"

Zhang Bai didn't get used to him, and directly fired another air bomb, which hit his leg.

Hearing his heart-piercing yell, Zhang Bai still had no expression on his face, he calmly put down the slingshot, and extinguished the cigarette butt in the ashtray beside him.

"Because of your resentment and strength, Marsh Source City has attracted too many homeless resentful souls, so you bribed the thieves to pour Shilizui into the coffin, and the coffin will become their shelter. You I want to use this coffin to let the resentful souls remember the taste of ten-mile drunk, and try to use the resentful soul to kill the young master of the Zhang family and Boss Chun's junior who likes to drink ten-mile drunk." Zhang Bai said.

"Do you know that many people have already died at the hands of resentful souls, what you do is simply an indiscriminate attack, and the people of the entire Marsh Source City will suffer!" Xiong Qingqing was very angry.

Xu Lingze straightened up a little, walked to the bedside, and picked up the photo on the bedside.

"Boss Chun hasn't been on the stage very much these years, and his feelings for that junior brother Xiaorong have also become weaker and weaker, but you, the ghost derived from your feelings as Boss Chun, still can't forget that junior brother back then. Now... The person who really likes Boss Chun, who is called Junior Brother Xiaorong, is actually yourself. You see, Boss Chun was attracted to the young master of the Zhang family, so you also wanted to kill him. After killing Boss Chun, you also wanted to kill the Zhang family. Eldest young master." Xu Lingze said.


Boss Chun, who was wearing a costume, covered his mouth and nose with his sleeves, sneered, and stood up gracefully.

"You human's so strange, you obviously like someone, why can't you keep liking...why do you like others? Why do you love one when you see one? I can't figure it out...Love goes deep, and it ends in nothing... "

"But the people in Marsh Source City are innocent!" Xiong Qingqing said.

"Innocent? Every human being is not innocent. They always see one and love the other! Liu Chunsheng misses him deeply, wearing me, tears streaming down the stage, I think about Xiaorong, soaked in lovesickness, and become a ghost little by little. I thought that Liu Chunsheng and I have the same heart, he is me, I am him, and we can't forget our former junior, but he fell in love with others so easily! This is betrayal! It is naked betrayal!"

Ghost was a little agitated, tears welled up from her eyes, and her makeup was stained.

Zhang Bai lit another cigarette, breathed out, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said lightly: "Human emotions are too complicated, you won't understand."

"Yeah, I really don't understand, love, hate, and jealousy, why can you like someone else when you have someone in your heart? Why can't you forget him when you hate someone! So, every one of you is hateful!" After finishing speaking, Ghost raised her head and laughed twice, then flicked her water sleeves.

Xu Lingze secretly lamented that human beings are indeed no other existence pure, love and hate are distinct, love is love, hate is hate, all human emotions can be interlinked, so this guy was born with love, but with hate, killing There is no trace of nostalgia or reluctance for my own master.

"You think, you broken slingshot, you can kill me? Liu Chunsheng is dead, haha, I killed it with my own hands, then I will let the entire Marsh Source City come to bury him with him!"

The ghost opened its arms, released its own power, and absorbed the pain and struggle of the resentful souls in the city.

Soon, cries for help came from outside.

Xiong Qingqing opened the window, and the things below also noticed her, screamed at her, and began to climb the wall.

Originally, they would forget that they were resentful souls, and thought they were no different from human beings. Only those who recognized them and feared them would encounter accidents. Now they have been completely reduced to the killing tools of ghosts and ghosts.

Holding the golden lighter, Zhang Bai kicked Xu Lingze quietly again, then looked at the ghost, and said with a sneer, "Yes, even if your soul is gone, you only lost part of your strength, you can still regenerate, your body , it’s this costume, so you should be afraid of fire.”

After all, he threw the lighter on Ghost's body, and the dry costume was immediately stained with sparks.

Seeing these fires, the ghost turned pale with fright, and remained motionless in fright.

Xu Lingze took out the jug, quickly opened the lid, and threw some Shilizui at it. The fire gradually spread and burned bigger and bigger.

"Liu Chunsheng also likes to drink ten miles drunk, so you should like it too. Then I will use this pot of ten miles drunk for your funeral. I hope you can be reborn as an adult in the next life. Maybe you will understand then." Xu Lingze said.

"No... I don't want it, I don't want to be a human being, Xiao Rong, Xiao Rong..."

Ghost started to cry, then smiled suddenly, as if he had figured something out, looking at Liu Chunsheng on the ground, there was a trace of reluctance in his eyes.

"The ice wheel on the island is just turning, and I saw the jade rabbit, and the jade rabbit rose eastward again. The ice wheel is away from the island, the universe is very bright, and the bright moon is in the sky, just like Chang'e leaving the Moon Palace..."

(End of this chapter)

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