Chapter 136 Infinite Strange Talk (4)

There was a piano in the front corner of the classroom. After obtaining the consent of Mr. Zhao, Chen Zhijun stepped forward and played a piece of Handel's "Pasacaglia".

The piano sounded, and the classroom fell silent.

Listening, Xiong Qingqing looked out of the window unconsciously, feeling that he was in the suburbs, sitting on the ground under the shade of a tree, closing his eyes and listening to the sound of wind, water and leaves rustling, the air could even smell the smell of grass and soil .

After finishing the song, Chen Zhijun stood up, bowed to the audience present like a gentleman, and then stepped off the stage and returned to his seat.

Teacher Zhao took the lead in applauding, and a few playful girls looked at the "performer" who was going to the stage, feeling a little bit of admiration.

Xiong Qingqing was still looking out the window, when Chen Zhijun passed by, she tapped on her table lightly, and she regained her senses.

"Okay, let's go on to class."
After two days of schooling in Qiyun No. [-] Middle School, the four of them have a certain understanding of the school.

Chen Zhijun got along with most of the people in the class, Xiong Qingqing also established a good relationship with his roommates in the same dormitory, Wang Bingqiao became the object of pursuit of many boys, and Xu Lingze was keen to use a laptop to look up information.

Although Qiyun No. [-] Middle School is a key high school, its schedule is not as strict as that of ordinary high schools. There are only eight classes a day, and the rest of the time is free for activities.There is a teacher on duty for each subject. If you have any questions, you can ask them at any time.

All kinds of facilities in the school are very comprehensive. There is also a coffee shop next to the cafeteria, with a total of three floors. The environment is good and the price is high. The cheapest coffee costs 66 cups, but there are still many students who like to study there.

After lunch that day, Xiong Qingqing received a WeChat message from Xu Lingze and returned to the classroom.

Xu Lingze was looking up information on his mobile phone, when he heard the door open, he raised his head.

"Are you still investigating? How is the investigation going?" Xiong Qingqing asked.

"Not only did I check the information, but I also read some strange folk tales." Xu Lingze put away his phone and said, "It's been the third day, and I still haven't encountered strange stories. It seems that I have to find a way. I'll make an appointment tonight." I left Chen Zhijun and Wang Bingqiao to meet at the cafe, and you will treat me then."

"no problem."

Xiong Qingqing took out one of his bank cards, "Guess how much money I have in this card?"

"How many?"

"More than 20! My God, I have never seen so much money in my life!"

The expression that Xiong Qingqing imagined did not appear on Xu Lingze's face, but he said flatly: "More than 20 is not much, almost all the students in our school are rich, and their cards may have millions of dollars. .”

"It's true. I heard from our roommate that the guy named Shang Ling costs 10,000+ for a watch."

Xiong Qingqing curled her lips, it seemed that poverty limited her imagination.

"I checked the information these days and found a problem." Xu Lingze said.


Xu Lingze leaned on the back of the chair with a heavy expression on his face, "I checked a lot of information on the Internet, and I also checked some information related to the real world, but I found almost nothing. This proves that the scene we are traveling through now, It is not the same parallel time and space as the missions we have done before."

"Oh..." Xiong Qingqing nodded.

"Uncle Zhang said that our task is to repair the same parallel time and space. This parallel time and space is very similar to the real world. For example, in our school, we only completed the task in the parallel world. Based on the experience of these tasks, we can avoid reality. The same thing happens in the world, or in other words, when those things really happen in the real world, we can also deal with it. Therefore, the current world that is hardly similar to the real world should not be our mission scenario." Analysis by Xu Lingze .

Xiong Qingqing nodded again, half understanding, "You this a match between Hall No. [-] and Hall No. [-]? We were sent here to test our abilities?"

Xu Lingze shook his head, "I don't think so. This task is very complicated, so we are now in a cooperative state. If we really hold a competition, wouldn't it be okay to arrange our two teams to do the same task separately?"

"Makes sense. Makes sense."

"Although it's not the real world, parallel time and space are like living people, let's do our best."
In the evening, four people gathered on the third floor of the coffee shop.

Chen Zhijun was holding his mobile phone all the time, laughing while typing, it seemed that he was chatting with someone.

"Chen Zhijun, you've only been here for two days, you're not going to fall in love, are you?" Wang Bingqiao asked.

"Ah... what's the matter, don't you have many people chasing after you?" Chen Zhijun said.

"I'm not in love with anyone." Wang Bingqiao rolled his eyes at him, then asked Xu Lingze: "What do you want us for?"

"It's the third day since we came to this scene, and nothing strange has happened to us yet, and we haven't received any rules, order to avoid omissions, I have an idea." Xu Lingze said.

"What idea?" Chen Zhijun asked while chatting.

"I think we can go to different places for evening self-study separately. According to our experience, most of the strange stories will happen at night." Xu Lingze said.

"There's no need for that. You see, I have a school group here. I'm still the administrator of the school forum. No matter what happens, I can't hide it from my eyes."

As Chen Zhijun said, he showed Xu Lingze and Xiong Qingqing his forum administrator logo.

"What Xu Lingze means is that not all strange things will be discovered by other people. What if the person who encounters strange stories is a little transparent in school who never looks at these social software? How about this, you continue to socialize The platform observes the school’s movements, and the three of us went to investigate in person.” Wang Bingqiao said.

Chen Zhijun had a confident look on his face, "It's okay, don't worry, the little Niu Ajun of our company will definitely find clues."

"Okay, then it's decided. If there is any news in the future, you can post it directly to the four of us." After Xu Lingze finished speaking, he created a group and drew everyone in.

Wang Bingqiao took a sip of coffee, looked at Chen Zhijun and said, "Be careful, don't be betrayed by crooked friends, and don't trust others easily."

"Sister Qiao, I'll take care of things, don't worry!"

"Go away, who is your sister?"
Barrage sharing in the live broadcast room:
"No way! I'm not the only one who thinks that these four are little transparent in Hall [-]!"

"Wang Bingqiao deserves to be my cold and arrogant goddess!"

"Can Xiong Qingqing do it? Why do you think she is the most useless one?"

"Don't stop me, I will marry Xu Lingze in four years!"

"Look at this, Building No. [-] is repairing a parallel space similar to ours, protecting the whole world?"

"Why do tasks in this parallel space, are you afraid that the audience will see yourself in a similar space?"

"What kind of plane? Such a dissimilar space, is there any secret that everyone is afraid to know?"

"Boring, boring, when will the ghost story appear? Waste of my traffic! Bad review!"

(End of this chapter)

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