Chapter 141 Infinite Strange Talk (9)

Early the next morning, Xiong Qingqing was woken up by Xu Lingze's phone call, then hurriedly got up, dressed and washed.

"Qingqing, why did you get up so early?" Zhou Yueying sat up and asked.

Xiong Qingqing had just cleaned up, smiled and said, "I'm sorry, Yueying, did I wake you up?"

"No, I was woken up by the alarm clock under the pillow. You woke up so early, are you going to read early? Wait for me, shall I go with you?" Zhou Yueying said.

"No, I'm going out to exercise, I'm leaving first."

After Xiong Qingqing finished speaking, he put on his shoes and left.

After leaving the dormitory, Xu Lingze was waiting for her at the door, and asked with a smile, "Did you forget to set the alarm clock?"

"Well, thanks to you calling me, I've slept very well these two days, but I'm afraid I won't have much sleep in the future." Xiong Qingqing stretched his waist and suddenly felt a little hungry.

"Wang Bingqiao and Chen Zhijun have already left, let's hurry up too, or the students who read early will have to go to the classroom."

"Well, let's go."

In the classroom, Chen Zhijun was dozing off, and Wang Bingqiao made a cup of instant coffee, and read a book while drinking the coffee.

"Xu Lingze, tell me about your plan." Wang Bingqiao said.

"From the analysis of the rules, the only places where strange stories may occur are the bathrooms on the first floor of the teaching building and the first floor of the library. We are divided into two groups, and we stay at these two places every day from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. near this place, other students should not run into the rules." Xu Lingze said.

"This task must be done as soon as possible. We can't guarantee that we will be guarding these two places at this time of day every day. I still want to play ball with my friends. It is better to get rid of the strange talk as soon as possible." Chen Zhijun said.

"Well, then...Xiong Qingqing and I are in the library, and the two of you are in the teaching building, is that okay?" Xu Lingze asked.

"No problem, anywhere." Chen Zhijun said.

Wang Bingqiao nodded, expressing that she had no objection.

Chen Zhijun raised his hand, "I have a question, is there a conflict between this rule five and rule six?"

Wang Bingqiao was puzzled: "What conflict?"

"It's like this, you think, first a severed hand, and then a head, which proves that most of this strange talk has been disassembled. The singing must be the mouth, right? The mouth is on the head, right? So the singing should be the head! "Chen Zhijun analyzed.

"Uh... makes sense!" Xiong Qingqing gave him an affirmative look.

"What's the point? Nonsense." Wang Bingqiao said.

"I checked the information of Qiyun No. [-] Middle School. Two years ago, there was a case of a teacher disappearing. The teacher left a suicide note and then disappeared. Everyone suspected that he had committed suicide, and some people said he was playing tricks. , In fact, they stole the students’ money and ran away with the money, and went to other countries, and the details are not too much on the Internet.” Xu Lingze said.

"Maybe this teacher has been disassembled and hidden in the bathroom of the teaching building and library." Chen Zhijun guessed.

"Ah? It's kind of scary..." Xiong Qingqing's hairs stood on end.

"If this strange talk is the teacher, the students who were in the first year of high school at that time should be in the third year of high school, and they are our class." After Xu Lingze finished speaking, he looked at Chen Zhijun, "I'll leave it to you to inquire about the news."

"Uh... I've never heard of this matter. It seems that everyone collectively hid it on purpose. It's a bit difficult to inquire about this matter without leaving any traces..." Chen Zhijun clicked his chin, squeezed his chin, and said: "Don't worry, I have an idea, I will definitely ask you guys clearly!"

After the meeting, the four of them left the classroom together, planning to go directly to the cafeteria for breakfast.

"Which cafeteria to go to?" Chen Zhijun asked.

"Let's go to a cafeteria, it's close." Xiong Qingqing suggested.

There are three dining halls in Qiyun No. [-] Middle School. The first dining hall is near the teaching building, the second dining hall is near the library, and the third dining hall is closer to the gymnasium.

"Okay, I have no objection, then let's go!" Chen Zhijun said.

One cafeteria is a self-service system, students choose their own food, and then go to the window to pay.

After the four of them finished choosing their meals, they sat in the corner seats.

"Xiong Qingqing, you ordered so much, can you finish it?" Chen Zhijun was surprised.

"I can finish eating."

Xiong Qingqing smiled and picked up a fried dough stick.

"If you go to eat and broadcast, you will definitely become popular. Your food is really delicious. After watching it, I feel that the food I brought is not enough."

After Chen Zhijun finished speaking, he observed Wang Bingqiao and Xu Lingze. These two guys always eat slowly, as if the food is hard to swallow.

Shang Ling and Jiang Ruixi also came to a cafeteria. Jiang Ruixi went straight to Xiong Qingqing and asked, "Oh? Xiong Qingqing, why did you block me? Have you received what I gave you?"

"What?" Xiong Qingqing asked.

"Chen Zhijun, what's going on? Did you forget about it?"

As Jiang Ruixi said, he patted Chen Zhijun, and Chen Zhijun looked directly at Xu Lingze.

"What about the stuff? Give it to him now."

Xu Lingze took out the "first-class literary talent" love letter from his pocket, and handed it to Xiong Qingqing.

"Look at it quickly, the literary talents are top-notch!" Chen Zhijun said with a smile.

"What?" Xiong Qingqing frowned and opened the love letter, read two lines and slapped it on the table.

"Oh? Why didn't you read it? Finished it?" Chen Zhijun asked.

"What kind of crap is written, I don't care to read it! Jiang Ruixi, I warn you, don't make fun of yourself, be careful, I will beat you!" Xiong Qingqing finished, and continued to bury her head in eating buns.

"Haha, I said you kid, you have finally stumbled!" Shang Ling laughed.

Jiang Ruixi couldn't help but turned around and said, "What happened? Where is this going? Xiong Qing, if you don't want to have a date with me, why don't we be friends? Okay?"

Xiong Qingqing remembered that his roommates said that this guy was not a good guy, so he directly refused: "I don't lack friends, and I don't want to make friends with people like you."

Jiang Ruixi patted the table and turned his face on the spot, "Hello? What are you talking about, little girl!? Who do you think you are?"

Shang Ling tugged at him and whispered, "Okay, don't be ashamed."

Seeing that there were more and more people in the cafeteria, Jiang Ruixi couldn't get angry anymore.

At this time, Zhuang Qiao, who had just entered the door, saw them and ran over angrily.

"Wang Bingqiao! Have you forgotten what you said last night?"

Wang Bingqiao didn't even stand her head, she swallowed the food in her mouth, and asked, "Do you want to have epilepsy again?"

"You...what are you talking about! I'm just dizzy! Who's having a convulsion!" Zhuang Qiao's face became even uglier.

Jiang Ruixi smiled "puchi" and asked, "What? Did you have a seizure? When did it happen? Where did you smoke it?"

"Get lost! You're just having a convulsion!"

After Zhuang Qiao finished speaking, she snatched the soybean milk from Wang Bingqiao's hand and threw it on the ground.

Wang Bingqiao also stood up immediately, and slapped her hard.

(End of this chapter)

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