Chapter 146 Infinite Strange Talk (14)

Xiong Qingqing quickly followed and ran to Yan Jie's side.

"Yan Jie! Wait!"

Seeing that Yan Jie was about to enter the bathroom, Xiong Qingqing hurriedly stopped her.

The rules say that whispering is not allowed, and she doesn't care that this is a library, so she communicates with her in a normal tone.

Yan Jie ignored it, and suddenly quickened her pace, and went straight into the bathroom.

Xiong Qingqing stopped at the door of the bathroom. In this case, she couldn't rush in, but could only wait quietly.

This guy had a strange talk with Lin Wei last night, and he came to seek death again today?
"Yan Jie, Yan Jie!"

After a while, Xiong Qingqing yelled twice, but there was no movement in the bathroom.

"Xiong Qingqing, what are you doing?"

Shang Ling's voice came, Xiong Qingqing looked back, he and Jiang Ruixi were walking towards the bathroom.

At this moment, Jiang Ruixi, who was still very arrogant in physical education class, didn't say a word, and even directly avoided her gaze.

"I...I'm waiting for Yan Jie." Xiong Qingqing replied.

"Oh." Shang Ling looked down at the warning sign at the door, and asked again: "Isn't this bathroom broken? Why, Yan Jie can't hold it anymore?"

"Uh, it seems to be."

Xiong Qingqing glanced into the bathroom, then took a step forward, blocking the door and at the same time blocking Shang Ling, and glanced into the distance.

Shang Ling looked her up and down, was this guy trying to attract his attention just now?

Could it be that he likes him?

He smiled, Jiang Ruixi touched her nose, maybe he can catch her, and then he can slap his good brother in the face once.

Jiang Ruixi also noticed this scene, and a burst of anger ignited in his heart.

Was this dead girl deliberately seducing Shang Ling just now?
Shang Ling just studied better. In terms of family background and appearance, how can he compare with him?
"Why don't we go read together?" Shang Ling sent out an invitation.

"No need, I'll wait for Yan Jie." Xiong Qingqing directly refused.

Shang Ling didn't care either. After all, this kind of thing can't be rushed. Girls are always shy. They are as straightforward as Jiang Ruixi. How many people can be hooked?

He nodded and said, "Okay then, let's go first."

Seeing that Jiang Ruixi didn't follow, he turned back and asked, "Why didn't you leave?"

"I want to go to the bathroom, you go first." Jiang Ruixi said.

Shang Ling curled his lips into a smile, "Okay, I wish you a smooth journey."

Xiong Qingqing frowned, what is Jiang Ruixi crazy about?

Didn't you see the warning sign at the door?Neuropathy!

"This bathroom is broken, you should go to the second floor." Xiong Qingqing said.

"It's broken? Then why is Yan Jie in there?" Jiang Ruixi disdainfully walked in, and was pulled out by Xiong Qingqing.

"Can't you understand me? I said this bathroom is broken! You... Get lost!"

Xiong Qingqing glared at him, and Jiang Ruixi remembered the scene of being manipulated in physical education class, and suddenly became a little scared, his body froze, and then he clenched his fists.

This stinky girl refused her time and time again, and now she deliberately seduces Shang Ling!

If Shang Ling really took the lead, where would he save his face?
Anger overcame fear, he pushed Xiong Qingqing away and went directly into the bathroom.


After entering the door, Jiang Ruixi turned directly to the left, turned on the faucet of the sink, and sneered.

I want to use this bathroom, what can you do to me?
After washing his hands, he felt his back a little itchy. He just wanted to scratch it with his hands, but when he looked up, he found a disheveled human head in the mirror, hanging in the air!

Scarlet blood flowed from the corner of its mouth, and the blood kept dripping down.


He was so frightened that he couldn't move, and the hairs all over his body stood up.

The head opened its mouth, the hair suddenly exploded, and the rotten eyeballs also fell out, biting his shoulder.


Feeling the sharp pain in his shoulder, he screamed.

Xiong Qingqing rushed directly into the bathroom, pulled up the hair of the dead man's head, and threw it on the ground.


Xiong Qingqing yelled, grabbed his unbitten arm, and pulled him away.

The heads in the bathroom flew up again, and Xiong Qingqing closed the door of the bathroom with a "bang".

After leaving the library, Jiang Ruixi has not recovered.

Xiong Qingqing glanced at the injury on his shoulder, shook his head and clicked his tongue.

"Don't tell others what you saw. No one will believe you if you tell them. They will only treat you as crazy. You should go to the health center to deal with it first. If anyone asks, just say I bit it."

After finishing speaking, Xiong Qingqing turned around and left. Jiang Ruixi chased after her and grabbed her arm.

"Don't go!"

"What? Is it so scary?" Xiong Qingqing pushed his hand away, "Be obedient and everything will be fine, understand?"

Jiang Ruixi froze for two seconds, then nodded.

Xiong Qingqing sighed helplessly, raised his feet and continued walking towards the library.

"Aren't you afraid?" Jiang Ruixi asked behind him.

"If I was afraid, you wouldn't be able to come out just now."

Jiang Ruixi looked at her back and recovered, still feeling incredible.

What the hell is that?
If Xiong Qingqing hadn't saved him just now, he might have...
Xiong Qingqing returned to the library and lingered at the door of the bathroom on the first floor for a while, wondering if Yan Jie had come out during the time she had just left.

When he was hesitating whether to go in and have a look, Xu Lingze came back.

"Is there a third canteen?" Xiong Qingqing asked.

Xu Lingze nodded and noticed that something was wrong with her eyes, so he asked, "What's wrong? What happened just now?"

"Just after seven o'clock, Yan Jie went in, and I didn't stop him. Later, Jiang Ruixi also went in, and was bitten by a dead man's head on the shoulder. This guy really committed suicide." Xiong Qingqing said.

"Dead head? What about Jiang Ruixi? How is he doing now?" Xu Lingze hurriedly asked.

"I rescued him and sent him to the infirmary. By the way, I just scratched that dead man's head and I have to wash my hands. You can watch it for a while."

Xiong Qingqing looked at his hands, there was a stench coming from them, and he couldn't help feeling sick.

Xu Lingze glanced at her hand, "Go quickly."

At this moment, there was no movement in the bathroom on the first floor, and the students on the first floor of the library were also concentrating on their books, and did not notice anything strange outside.

When Xu Lingze was in a daze, the bathroom door opened, and Yan Jie came out from inside.

"You... are Xu Lingze, right? Why are you standing at the door?"

Yan Jie's voice is very gentle, and her appearance is also cute, like the little sister next door.

"Xiong Qingqing went to get something, I'll wait for her here for a while." Xu Lingze replied.

"Oh, then I'll go first, bye."

Yan Jie waved at her, showing a smile, the blood between the teeth was clearly visible.

(End of this chapter)

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