Chapter 150 Infinite Strange Talk (18)

Chen Zhijun took out his phone and started playing without sending a message to Gangzi at all.

Lin Wei was sitting on one side, looking a little restless, and after a while he squatted down and found a storage box from under the table.

Chen Zhijun looked at him and smiled, and continued playing with his phone.

Lin Wei took out the laundry detergent from the box, put it on the table, and said, "Why don't you use my laundry detergent first, and you don't have to wait any longer."

"It's okay, I'm not in a hurry to wash the clothes. I can wait for Gangzi to come back and pick them up. He said he'll be back in a while."

Chen Zhijun deliberately released the news that "Gangzi is coming back", Lin Wei's expression became even uglier.

"Then, I'll go to the bathroom first..."

Lin Wei said, walked to the door of the bathroom, and glanced at Chen Zhijun before going in.

As soon as the door slammed, Chen Zhijun immediately put away his cell phone, looked in the direction of the bathroom, and raised his ears to pay attention to the movement inside.

Not long after, there seemed to be crying in the bathroom.

Chen Zhijun looked up at the clock on the wall, it was still 9 minutes before Xu time passed.

The door of the bathroom in the dormitory is made of frosted glass, and Lin Wei shut the door firmly, so he couldn't see what was going on inside.

Chen Zhijun watched the movement in the bathroom while observing the outside of the door. If someone came in at this time, he didn't know what the consequences would be.

Time passed by, his nerves were tense all the time, and he slowly stood up after seeing the last minute.

At this time, there was the sound of Gangzi and Lin Wenlong fighting outside the dormitory door. Chen Zhijun immediately walked to the bathroom door, and the moment he turned the doorknob, the dormitory door also opened.

"Oh? Zhijun? Why are you here?" Gangzi was surprised.

Chen Zhijun closed the door immediately, and a blurred red handprint suddenly appeared on the door, scratching the frosted glass.

He pretended to be calm, twisted the doorknob tightly, and glanced at the time on the wall.

"I came to ask you to borrow something, Lin Wei! You insist on making trouble with me! I locked him in the bathroom." Chen Zhijun explained with a smile.

"What are you messing with him? That bastard Lin Wei can't bear jokes anymore, we don't play with him very much. You should let him out, or he will be angry soon." Lin Wenlong said.

"That's right, let him out!" Gangzi said.

Chen Zhijun still didn't let go of the doorknob, "That won't work, I just praised Yan Jie for being good-looking, and he told me that there are a lot of them, and mocked me as a single dog. He gets angry whenever he likes, and I don't Will let him go!"

Gangzi seemed a little helpless, didn't say anything, and asked, "What do you borrow?"

"Borrow the laundry detergent." Chen Zhijun replied.

Gangzi looked at him and smiled, "Then you really have to open the door, my laundry detergent is in the bathroom."

Lin Wenlong glanced at the door, and Chen Zhijun also glanced at it. There was the sound of the shower head flushing inside.

"This guy, have you taken a shower? Zhijun, bring you my laundry detergent."

Lin Wenlong said, got up and took out the laundry detergent from the cabinet.

Chen Zhijun was startled, and slowly let go of the doorknob. After waiting for two seconds, he heard no other movement in the bathroom before leaving.

He picked up the laundry detergent on the floor and breathed a sigh of relief.

In front of the washbasin in the bathroom just now, Lin Wei pinched his chin with his right hand, his face was pale, and dark red blood flowed from his mouth.

The moment Chen Zhijun closed the door, that hand flew into the air again and rushed towards the door. Fortunately, he closed the door in time.

"Oh? Zhijun, didn't you go to the gym tonight?" Gangzi asked.

"I'm a little tired today, so I didn't go." After Chen Zhijun answered, he asked again: "How are you doing?"

"We played football with Class [-] today, those guys almost kicked Wen Long half to death!" Gangzi said.

Lin Wenlong lifted his trouser legs and complained: "The group of mad dogs in the [-]th class don't know whether to kick people or play football. They don't talk about martial arts at all. I won't play football tomorrow. I will play according to people!"

Gangzi glanced at the bathroom and shouted, "Lin Wei, hurry up! I have to go to the bathroom soon!"

"Okay! Immediately!"

Hearing Lin Wei's voice from inside, Chen Zhijun felt relieved, picked up the laundry detergent and said, "I've taken this laundry detergent, I'll buy you a bucket later."

"No, it's just a bucket of laundry detergent, use it!" Lin Wenlong said.

Chen Zhijun patted him on the shoulder, "Okay, I'll treat you to dinner later."

"Come on! Please! Please be polite to me for such a small matter, and you can go to play with me next time to the group of Class [-]!" Lin Wenlong said with a smile.

"It's a trivial matter, and I'll give them a kick in the ass later! Then I'll go first!"

"Okay, you go."
Yan Jie's dormitory is in 203. After Xiong Qingqing and Chen Zhijun said goodbye, they went directly to the door of their dormitory and knocked on the door twice.


"I, Xiong Qingqing, I'm borrow something." Xiong Qingqing replied.

Classmate Qiu Shan opened the door, invited her into the room, and asked, "Qingqing, what do you want to borrow?"

"I want to borrow a... mouse. My mouse is broken. Does anyone in your dormitory have a spare?" Xiong Qingqing asked.

"I only have one mouse, Miaomiao, do you have one?" Qiu Shan looked at Niu Miaomiao on the upper bunk.

"I don't have one either. I usually don't use a mouse, I only use a touchpad." Niu Miaomiao said.

"I'm sorry, Qingqing, why don't you go to other dormitories to have a look." Qiu Shan said.

"It's okay, I'm bothering you." Xiong Qingqing smiled and asked again: "By the way, is Yan Jie in the dormitory?"

Qiu Shan shook her head, "No, the two of us came back after dinner, and we haven't seen Yan Jie all this time. Do you have anything to do with her? How about I tell her when she comes back?"

"No, I'll send her a message directly, I'll go first, bye."

After leaving 203, Xiong Qingqing immediately took out his mobile phone and sent the message to the four people.

"I came to the dormitory to look for Yan Jie just now, but she's not there, I'm going to look elsewhere now."

"Well, when nine o'clock comes, I'll look for it together." Xu Lingze replied.

"Me too." Wang Bingqiao replied.
Barrage sharing in the live broadcast room:
"Can Xiong Qingqing do it? Can't you just borrow laundry detergent and shampoo? After thinking about it for a long time, I want to borrow a mouse! Who would have a spare mouse! You're so stupid..."

"Chen Zhijun, you are my handsome god!"

"Speak to Wang Bingqiao, I want to have a relationship with you!"

"Xu Lingze is so handsome, the more you look at him, the more handsome he is! Is this the legendary Tear Man Man?"

"The barrage just now made me laugh! It's okay for Xiong Qingqing to say that? If you want to borrow daily necessities, don't you have any in your dormitory? Why do you have to go all the way to the dormitory on the second floor? You are so stupid when you say others are stupid." .”

"That's right, the upstairs is right! From Xiong Qingqing's point of view, it is to borrow this kind of thing that ordinary people don't have to knock on the doors of other dormitories, okay?"

"Yes, yes! Xiong Qingqing's situation is different from Chen Zhijun's. There are only two people in Chen Zhijun's dormitory, and they are still boys! He has a good relationship with Gangzi, and borrowing daily necessities will not arouse suspicion."

(End of this chapter)

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