Chapter 158 Infinite Strange Talk (26)

The corners of Wang Bingqiao's mouth rose slightly, and she nodded.

"The first monster Qingqing saw was the one in the middle. It was the first of the three monsters to arrive, and it came out in the direction of the cafeteria. It should be the one in the cafeteria. The first one it spoke The sentence is, oh? Can you see me? I think there is a hint of arrogance in its tone. When it spoke for the second time, it used two words, cheap and stupid, which can also prove its arrogance, as if It's like looking down on Qingqing." Wang Bingqiao analyzed.

"Yes! It makes sense!" Xiong Qingqing suddenly realized, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became. How dare a monster look down on her?
"The second monster who spoke came from the direction of the second cafeteria, standing on the right side of the arrogant monster. The first sentence it spoke was, hum, damn it, and then it was accompanied by a gesture of raising its hand. The second The first time I said I was afraid, it was too late. When normal people ask if they are afraid, they will be accompanied by a raised tail tone, expressing disdain, but it does not, and it can be heard twice, he is very angry, very angry." Wang Bingqiao analyzed again.

"That's true, what about the third one?" Chen Zhijun asked.

"The third monster looks like a woman, and it can be distinguished from the tone. When it spoke for the first time, it snorted disdainfully, and then gritted its teeth and said damn it. The second time it spoke, the urgency made me The tone of Qingqing's death is even worse, saying "Damn it, why don't you die? I think its tone contains disgust and hatred." Wang Bingqiao said.

Chen Zhijun cleared his throat, "I'll review it again! In other words, the one in the first canteen is an arrogant monster, the one in the second canteen is an angry monster, and the one in the third canteen is an abominable monster!"

Xu Lingze nodded, "I have a plan. Let's start with a cafeteria, and then turn to different cafeterias to find the reason for the creation of monsters, or the monsters' bodies, but the cafeteria is monitored. I need to go back to the dormitory. It takes about one Hours to crack the camera inside the cafeteria."

"Brother, I didn't expect you to have this skill! Amazing!" Chen Zhijun stretched his waist, and said, "Okay, then let's go back to the dormitory. I'm tired too, and my whole body smells like cigarettes."

"How do we go back? The camera at the door of the dormitory cannot be hidden." Wang Bingqiao said.

"It's okay, we have a remote control that can realize teleportation." Xu Lingze said, opened the space and took out the teleportation remote control seized from Pan Yangyang.

Chen Zhijun took it over and took a look, "I mean! Just now Qingqing was attacked by a monster and disappeared immediately. So you have such a good thing!"

"If you don't tell me, I'd have forgotten that we still have this thing." Xiong Qingqing scratched his head.

"Ah?" Chen Zhijun was puzzled, "Did you not use it just now?"

"No, I just hid in it. This thing doesn't seem to be able to teleport in different spaces, it can only move in the same space." Xiong Qingqing said.

"Alas..." Chen Zhijun sighed a long time, "I am completely unrecognizable by jealousy! What mission did you do to get such a good reward?"

"It was seized from that future boss." Xu Lingze explained.

"So that's how it is." The sense of imbalance in Chen Zhijun's heart improved slightly, and he asked again: "By the way, what other good tools do you have? In case it is of any use in the future, we can borrow it from you."

"We also have a headset that can translate the language of animals, nothing else." Xiong Qingqing replied.

"Well, besides the electric pen Bing Qiao used last time, we also have a resurrection pen." Chen Zhijun said.

"Resurrection pen, what is that? It can bring the dead back to life?" Xiong Qingqing asked.

"No, the tip of this pen can release a kind of energy, as long as it is injected into the body of the dead, it can bring the dead back to life for 3 minutes." Chen Zhijun explained.

Xiong Qingqing opened his mouth wide in surprise, "Oh! It's amazing!"

Chen Zhijun smiled, "It's nothing magical, there are few opportunities available, and it only came in handy in our last mission."

"Did you only complete three missions?" Xu Lingze asked.

"Four times, the last mission, we chose to upgrade the space ring." Wang Bingqiao replied.

"Then... what does the upgraded space look like?" Xiong Qingqing asked.

"It's just that the space has become a lot bigger, and then the two of us have done some decoration in the space. Now the inside looks like a room, and we can live in it for a longer time." Chen Zhijun replied.

Xiong Qingqing imagined it in his mind, and said: "This is good! If there is more space, you can store more things. Even if you don't have special tools, you can still meet your daily needs. Then you will be invincible. Xu Lingze, let's upgrade the space next time!"

"Okay, listen to you."
The four of them returned to the male dormitory 108 with the help of teleportation and remote control.

Xu Lingze sat in front of the computer and tried to attack the school's monitoring system with a virus.

Xiong Qingqing took a pack of snacks from the table, and the more he ate, the sleepier he became, so he said, "Xu Lingze, can I borrow your bed to sleep for a while?"

Xu Lingze kept staring at the screen without even raising his eyelids, and replied directly: "Go to sleep."

"Thank you, Brother Xu!"

Xiong Qingqing put down the snacks, took off his shoes and rolled over to the upper bunk by pressing the bed board. He fell asleep within a few seconds after touching the pillow.

"This girl, sleep quality is so high? When I was downstairs, I didn't see how sleepy she was?" Chen Zhijun said.

"She was injured, and she has been holding on, let her sleep for a while." Xu Lingze said.

Chen Zhijun frowned and asked, "Injured? What's going on? Isn't she all right?"

"After she was disturbed by the black mist, she said that she had a splitting headache. I don't know if it's better now." Xu Lingze replied.

Wang Bingqiao stood up and glanced at Xiong Qingqing, a little worried about her physical condition, but her expression was always cold, Chen Zhijun thought she was sleepy too.

"Bing Qiao, why don't you sleep in my bed too." Chen Zhijun said.

Wang Bingqiao shook her head, "I'm not sleepy."

"Aren't you sleepy? If you don't sleep, I will sleep!" Chen Zhijun asked tentatively.

"Go to sleep, I'm really not sleepy." Wang Bingqiao said.

"Well, then I'll sleep for a while, and you can call me when I'm done."
Barrage sharing in the live broadcast room:
"Teleportation? This has caught up with science fiction movies! Is Hall No. [-] really so magical?"

"I like this resurrection pen, can I buy one?"

"Oh my god! Thanks to my eagle eyes, Xiong Qingqing's speed is so fast! Flying Qingqing!"

"Wang Bingqiao's cuteness really warms me up! It's a pity, if only she was always this cute!"

"Xu Lingze is an almighty boss! I love it!"

"Hahahahaha, why does Chen Zhijun look at the fire so much like going to a grave?"

(End of this chapter)

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