Chapter 162 Infinite Strange Talk (30)

Regardless of everyone's gaze, Xiong Qingqing forcibly dragged Lu Yanci out.

She walked to the door and looked back. The big monster behind her didn't follow. It had already returned to the kitchen of the cafeteria and continued to smoke.

When he reached the corner, Xiong Qingqing took out his mobile phone and sent a message in the group.

"An unlucky guy from the Three Canteens bumped into Rule [-]. The price for violating Rule [-] should be seeing those monsters and being disturbed by strange stories."

"Where is the good thing? Where is it? Give it to me quickly!" Lu Yanci was a little anxious, holding her hand and shaking it.

Xiong Qingqing was afraid that he would run away and harm others, so he grabbed him by the collar and directly pushed him against the wall.

"Listen clearly! You are not Lu Yanci, tell me! What are you!"

Lu Yanci froze for a moment, then suddenly raised his leg to kick her, but she slapped her down.

"Aren't you going to get out, are you? Get out of here!" Xiong Qingqing lowered his voice and said angrily.

"I remember you."

After Lu Yanci finished speaking, he suddenly smiled, and then a puff of black smoke left his body, gathered into a human shape, and bounced towards the cafeteria.

Soon, Lu Yanci regained consciousness, Xiong Qingqing also let go, and returned to the cafeteria.

Back at the original position, her and Wang Bingqiao's meal has been taken away by her aunt, and she wanted to eat a few bites of Wang Bingqiao's leftovers, but now she can't.

Among the four people, Chen Zhijun sent a message, "Qingqing, what's the matter? Has the bad luck been solved?"

"It's been resolved, what about your side?" Xiong Qingqing asked back.

"We have already entered the gymnasium and are looking for a specific location. It will probably take a while." Chen Zhijun replied.

At this time, Wang Bingqiao also sent a message, "Everything is normal in the second canteen, there are no monsters, and I am rushing to the first canteen now."

Just as Xiong Qingqing put away her mobile phone and was about to continue to observe the situation in the third canteen, Lu Yanci returned to the canteen and sat directly in front of her.

A large and a small monster in the cafeteria noticed it coming back, and looked in their direction.

"What happened to me just now? Did you save me?" Lu Yanci asked.

"Do you know what curiosity killed the cat? You dare to come back! Hurry up!" Xiong Qingqing whispered.

The little monster walked this way tentatively, and when Lu Yanci turned his head, he happened to meet its gaze.

"Pretend not to see it, slowly turn your gaze back, don't make a fuss." Xiong Qingqing reminded in a low voice.

Lu Yanci slowly turned his head and asked, "Who are you? What are they?"

"Are you finished? Say it, curiosity killed the cat, do you understand! You will not only harm yourself, but also me!" Xiong Qingqing was a little impatient.

The little monster had already come to their table and hid under the table. After a while, it poked its head out, revealing two blood-red eyes.

"Oh? Lu Yanci, why did you come out for dinner today?" Xiong Qingqing suddenly changed his tone, as if chatting with him.

Lu Yanci was startled, and immediately understood her intention, but he didn't know why she knew his name.

"I have been eating fast food during this time, and my stomach feels a little uncomfortable, so I came out to eat."

"Oh, so that's the case. By the way, I have something to tell you. Come out with me."

As Xiong Qingqing said, he stood up and glanced down quietly. The little monster was lying at Lu Yanci's feet, hugging his legs.

Lu Yanci didn't move, showing a troubled expression.

Xiong Qingqing smiled and said, "What? Are your legs numb?"

"Uh, um." Lu Yanci nodded.

"Okay, then I'll help you."

Xiong Qingqing stepped forward, picked him up again, and dragged him out, but he didn't dare to move his hugged leg at all, as if he was limping.

"Go forward boldly without worry." Xiong Qingqing squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth, and quickened his pace.

Lu Yanci took a deep breath, stepped out of that leg as if nothing was there, and followed her out of the cafeteria.

The little monster let go, watched them leave, and then returned to the window, but still looked in their direction from time to time.

"You have been targeted. If you don't want to die, go back quickly! Also, you must dress neatly when you come to the cafeteria in the future, don't be like a homeless man." Xiong Qingqing said.

"Can I understand that I can see those things because of what I'm wearing, right? Then why can you see them? Who are you?" Lu Yanci asked seriously, with sharp eyes.

Xiong Qingqing frowned slightly, and said patiently: "I don't need to answer your question, let me remind you again, if you continue to be so reckless, you will also harm others."

Why is this guy so difficult?Can't he be obedient and save his life like Lin Wei and Yan Jie?
"Last question, how do you know my name?" Lu Yanci asked.

"As soon as you entered the cafeteria, the classmates started talking about it. I know your name. Is it strange? Your ears are not working? That's all right, you should go back quickly."

Xiong Qingqing let out a long sigh of relief, not understanding how this guy was admitted to a double-first-class university through self-enrollment.

"Are you a new senior in high school?"

As Lu Yan said, he took off the wireless earphones that were suppressed by his long messy hair. It wasn't that his ears were bad, but he didn't want to hear those discussions.


Xiong Qingqing turned his head away, as if unwilling to talk to him.

"Goodbye, senpai."

Seeing Lu Yanci leave, Xiong Qingqing also heaved a sigh of relief and returned to the cafeteria.

Not long after, Wang Bingqiao also came back.

"How is it? Are you okay here?" Wang Bingqiao asked.

"It's okay, just that guy, he didn't listen to persuasion, insisted on asking nonsense, and I sent him away. How is your side? There are no monsters in the cafeteria?" Xiong Qingqing said.

Wang Bingqiao nodded, "There is neither the first canteen nor the second canteen. It seems that the incense burner should be their body, or the reason for their creation."

Xiong Qingqing glanced at the phone, "There is no news from Xu Lingze and Chen Zhijun either, so I don't know what's going on now."
After Lu Yanci returned to the dormitory, he opened the school's forum on the computer.

Although he doesn't leave the dormitory very often, he occasionally browses the school's forums. He hasn't read them recently, and he doesn't know what's going on in the school.

In the forum, the latest post was exactly what he was looking for.

Someone posted a photo of him and the girl in the cafeteria on the post bar, and asked who she was and what relationship she had with him. There was already a reply below.

Only now did he know Xiong Qingqing's name, and there were three other people who transferred with her.

He hacked into the school archives with ease, found out the names of the other three transfer students one by one, and checked their files.

According to the archives, the four people were originally in different high schools, junior high schools and elementary schools, and also came from different regions. It is reasonable to say that they should not know each other, but some people in the forum said that they knew each other before and had a good relationship.

If it's not that the information is wrong, it proves that their identities are simply false.

 First of all, thanks to the boss who gave me tickets and red envelopes!

  Finally, I wish every reader all the best and fortune in the New Year!

(End of this chapter)

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