Chapter 165 Infinite Strange Talk (33)

Chen Zhijun asked several questions one after another, and Lin Wei answered them all.

Until about a minute before seven o'clock, his mind began to blur, and he stuttered and answered questions in a disorganized manner. In the end, his eyes froze, like a walking dead.

"Lin Wei, what's the matter with you?" After Chen Zhijun asked, he took out the electric pen from the space.

Lin Wei suddenly opened his eyes and began to struggle violently. Chen Zhijun was not polite, and slapped him directly on the head.

"Don't move!"

Chen Zhijun roared, but Lin Wei still struggled, so he was slapped again.

Lin Wei stared at him, his eyes were bloodshot with terror, as if his eyes would be glared out by him in the next second.

In fact, Chen Zhijun felt a little flustered when he saw this scene, but he subconsciously slapped him, completely overwhelmed by his momentum.

Not long after, Lin Wei suddenly opened his mouth and bared his teeth at Chen Zhijun. Chen Zhijun quickly raised his hand and slapped him again.

After slapping these several times in succession, Chen Zhijun frowned and shook his hands.

It stands to reason that he didn't violate any rules, so Guai Tan couldn't do anything to him.

"You don't have to bark your teeth, and I'm not afraid of you. I know that things like you can only play a role in your own territory. I advise you to be honest. I know that you can not only talk, but you I can still sing!"

As Chen Zhijun said, he picked up the broom and poked Lin Wei twice.

Lin Wei remained silent, either bared his teeth or struggled wildly with great force.

Seeing that if he continued to struggle, his body might not be able to take it anymore, so Chen Zhijun pressed the electric pen on him helplessly.

After a burst of convulsions and foaming at the mouth, Lin Wei slowly opened his eyes, looking around as if he had regained consciousness.

"What are you looking at?" Chen Zhijun was still full of momentum.

"I, why am I here?" Lin Wei asked suspiciously.

Chen Zhijun sneered, is this guy pretending to have amnesia with him?

"Who are you? What's wrong with me?" Lin Wei asked again.

"Don't pretend to be like me, do you think I'm really that easy to deceive?" Chen Zhijun said.

"Who are you! What are you going to do? you know it's illegal to do this!" Lin Wei said in horror.

Chen Zhijun smiled, thinking that he might as well accompany him in the performance, "Ask your dad to redeem you with 20 yuan."

Lin Wei nodded without even thinking, "I promise you, let me go first."

Chen Zhijun raised his hand and patted his face with a smile.

Lin Wei's family is poor, and the whole school knows it. Lin Wei once told Xiong Qingqing that his family had no money, and his parents said that it was not easy to send him to Yunyi Middle School.

At that time, Xiong Qingqing asked him for the inspection fee, but he couldn't afford it. 20 is not a small number, so he agreed directly.

Moreover, according to Lin Wei's cowardly personality, the first reaction to encountering such a thing should be to cry and beg for mercy, so it is obvious that his consciousness has not come back at all, and it is the strange talk that is acting.

"Are you still pretending to be like me? What the hell are you? What's the matter with that hand?" Chen Zhijun asked.

Lin Wei was stunned for a moment, showing that terrified look again, Chen Zhijun immediately shocked him again, and watched his whole body twitch and foam at the mouth.

When Lin Wei's expression recovered, Chen Zhijun patted his face again, "Can you talk to me properly now?"

"Haha..." Lin Wei laughed, "Do you think that I will give up? I...I want the whole Qiyun No. [-] Middle School to be buried with me, and I want Yan Qi and Yan Yun to never be able to lift their heads again! Like me, nothing! Just like me, the family is broken."

Yan Qi and Yan Yun are the two founders of Qiyun No. 90 Middle School. They are not only highly educated, but also well-known educators. Under their leadership, the enrollment rate of Qiyun No. 70 Middle School is as high as [-]%. up to [-] percent.

It seems that this guy has a grudge against these two school managers.

"You want Yan Qi and Yan Yun's family to be ruined, or even let them die without a complete corpse, or die with nothing to rest in peace. But what does this have to do with the students of Qiyun No. [-] Middle School? Wouldn't it be fine if you just hurt them? "Chen Zhijun said.

"Ha... Qiyun No. [-] Middle School is their life's work. Ruining Qiyun No. [-] Middle School is equivalent to ruining them? Haha, what good things are you students? Hmph, death is not a pity!" Lin Wei explain.

"Oh? What good are you? Let me tell you, as long as I'm here, you can't do anything with your little ability." Chen Zhijun said.

Lin Wei's eyes were bloodshot again, his body began to twitch, and he suddenly spit out a mouthful of black blood, which was directly on Chen Zhijun's body.

"Zhijun... I, am I alright?" Lin Wei asked with a smile looking at the black blood on his body.

"Do you have to wear clothes with me?" Chen Zhijun asked back.

"I... Zhijun, you know the situation of our family. I really don't have much money. Your clothes are not cheap at first glance... When I earn money in the future, I will definitely buy a better suit than this one as a present." Here you are." Lin Wei said sincerely.

Chen Zhijun sneered disdainfully, "That's how you are, you tricked Yan Jie?"

"Yan's all because of Yan Jie that I got hurt like this! I..."

Before Lin Wei finished speaking, Chen Zhijun kicked his chair and interrupted him.

"Shut up, you're still not a man!"

"I... I... Zhijun, am I alright? Why don't you let me go first... I, my head hurts, my ears hurt, and I don't feel anything on my face... I want to go to the bathroom Take a look." Lin Wei begged.

"After nine o'clock, I will naturally let you go."
In women's dormitory 105, since 7:00, Yan Jie has been yelling and screaming, and her hair that is not tied up by the sheets is all blown up.

Afraid of being discovered by others, Xiong Qingqing grabbed a towel and stuffed it into her mouth, then wrapped her chin with another sheet, exposing only her eyes and nose.

Seeing her struggling for a long time, Xiong Qingqing sat down opposite her and sighed helplessly.

"You can't escape, don't struggle, aren't you tired? Why don't you tell me, what are you unwilling to do, or what hatred do you have? It should be hard to be alone in your heart, right? As long as you promise me, you won't quarrel anymore If you make a big fuss, I will remove the seal on your mouth." Xiong Qingqing said.

Yan Jie's eyes were still wide open, and she shook her head and struggled with all her strength, Xiong Qingqing sighed again.

"If you don't want to talk about it, then I'll just watch over you all the time. Anyway, I'm not tired, so you can't do anything to me. Let's see who can survive the other." Xiong Qingqing said again.

Yan Jie became quiet, and Xiong Qingqing smiled, "If you agree, just blink, as long as you don't make any more noise, I will let go of your mouth."


Yan Jie shed tears instantly and blinked at her.

(End of this chapter)

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