Like Lin Wei and the others, after the two people on the ground lost consciousness, a seam of fire slowly burned from the center of their bodies, split and spread.

Because the warehouse was too humid, the bodies of the two did not burn out, and there was still a part left.

The second child of the short security horse has half a leg left, and the fifth child of the skinny security guard Tang has only one arm left.

Looking at the situation in front of him, Xiong Qingqing took out the lighter from his pocket again helplessly.

She squatted down, and just about to ignite Tang Laowu's arm, that arm suddenly moved, grabbing her hand tightly.

"I rely on!"

Facing the sudden situation, Xiong Qingqing subconsciously swears.

Immediately afterwards, she tightly grasped Tang Laowu's severed arm with her other hand, pulled it away and stepped on it, and lit the severed arm with a lighter again.

The moment it came into contact with the flames, the severed arm stopped struggling, and soon turned into ashes.

When Xiong Qingqing got up again, Ma Laoer's broken leg had already stood up, and he was fleeing carefully, and had already escaped ten meters.

"Want to run?"

Ma Laoer's broken leg seemed to understand her words, and he quickened his pace in an instant.

Xiong Qingqing immediately chased after her. At that moment, she felt as if she was more terrifying than Guai Tan. She could actually make such a terrifying broken leg tremble, and finally lay down on the ground by herself.

"Huh...don't run away, if you run again I'll cut you into 100 yuan!"

As Xiong Qingqing said, he raised his foot and firmly stepped on Ma Erer's broken leg, picked up the lighter and lit it along his leg hair, directly burning it to ashes.

At this time, Xu Lingze also heard a voice.

"Xiong Qingqing, what's the situation with you?"

Xiong Qingqing took a deep breath and organized his words, "My side is a warehouse, which is filled with red wine, and then there are three locked iron doors. I didn't open the first door because the lock was rusted. Stopped, it looks like it hasn't been opened for a long time, in the second iron gate, I saw two security guards at our school gate. The situation of these two guys is the same as that of Lin Wei and the others."

"I just went to the security booth and saw these two security guards. They have no problem, so it proves that the souls in those dummy bodies are copies, not my own soul at all." Xu Lingze said.

Hearing this, Wang Bingqiao asked again: "Qingqing, how is your side? Nothing happened, right? Did Chen Zhijun find it?"

"I didn't have any accidents here, and the two security guards have already been dealt with. Chen Zhijun...hasn't been found yet," Xiong Qingqing said.

Xu Lingze repeated Xiong Qingqing's words to Wang Bingqiao. Wang Bingqiao thought about it, since the two fake security guards had already appeared in the second door, then Chen Zhijun's body should also be in a certain room.

"Qingqing, are there only those two security guards in the second door?" Xu Lingze asked.

"I don't know either. The room is very deep, with narrow sides and white cloth hanging on the side. I only saw these two security guards at the door." Xiong Qingqing said.

"When you saw them, what was their state?" Xu Lingze asked again.

"They kept their eyes closed. When I went in, they suddenly opened their eyes, which shocked me. Fortunately, these two guys have no malicious intentions, and they also have the thoughts of the ontology. They don't know why they are here. This place." Xiong Qingqing replied.

"Now go to the second room and see what's behind the white cloth. I guess... There may be more than the two security guards in that room." Xu Lingze said with a frown.

"I guess so."

Xiong Qingqing returned to the iron gate again and turned on the lighting function of the watch.

Looking around, the whole room is extremely narrow and long, like a tunnel.

Standing at the door, keeping a safe distance, she forcefully tore off a piece of white cloth on the far side.

Almost at that moment, more than a dozen pairs of eyes suddenly opened. She was so frightened that her scalp went numb. She took a few steps back, and after being stunned for two seconds, she quickly closed the door.

Soon, a voice came from inside the door.

"What's going on? Where is this place? Why am I here? Who was the girl at the door just now?"

"Oh my god, have I been kidnapped? Which of you has a mobile phone, I want to call my dad... woo woo..."

"It must be a kidnapper! Our Qiyun No. [-] Middle School is basically rich second generation, and these guys are just for money!"

"That's right! Hey! The kidnappers outside! Let us out!"

"Don't you just want money? You let us out, and we will cooperate with you to record video calls and ask the family to send money. What's the matter with locking us up?"

"Listen, people outside! I am the son of the Zhao Group! Let me out!"

"Lu Yanci, is it you? When I opened the door just now, I seemed to see you here! I didn't expect you to be here too! You are the smartest, think of a way to get us all out!"

"Lu Yanci? Brother Yanci is here too? Brother Yanci, please save us quickly! With you here, we will be able to escape!"

"Great, I didn't expect that I would be kidnapped together with Lu Yanci in my lifetime!"

"Hey, Lu Yanci, is there anything you can do?"

"You girls are nymphomaniacs. He just has a learning mind. He has never experienced this kind of thing. What's the use of asking him? Why don't we work together to break this door open."

"You are talking nonsense! Brother Yanci must have a way, brother Yanci, you are the best, save us."

At this time, Lu Yanci's voice sounded, "I have no choice but to wait for the robbers to come over. Otherwise, it's useless to make a noise. If I really break through the door, I may face even more guns from the robbers."

"Lu Yanci! Do you remember me?" Xiong Qingqing asked outside.

Hearing Xiong Qingqing's voice, Lu Yanci got up slowly in the dark, and asked, "Who are you? Are you...Xiong Qingqing? The Xiong Qingqing I met in the cafeteria?"

"Yes! It's me!" Xiong Qingqing replied.

"Great, brother Yanci, you know this person, let her let us out! Sister, can you let us out?" a whining voice asked.

"Okay, but after you come out, you can't make a scene, it will be bad if you recruit kidnappers from outside!" Xiong Qingqing said seriously.

Lu Yanci frowned slightly, feeling something was wrong, but he didn't say anything.

Soon, the iron door was opened, and a faint light seeped into the darkness.

"Brother Yanci, it's really you!" A girl in a pink dress hugged Lu Yanci's arm, "Woohoo, I scared him just now."

"Do not touch me."

Lu Yanci pushed her hand away, looked at Xiong Qingqing, and walked towards the door.

The girl behind stomped her feet, then curled her lips, "Hmph, what... at first glance, she looks like a man, how can she be better than me!"

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