Chapter 193 Infinite Strange Talk (61)

At night, Wang Bingqiao had just slept for a long time when she was awakened by a "dong dong" sound from upstairs.

She opened her eyes and looked up at her roommates. Everyone was sleeping soundly.

After a while, the sound of "dong dong" came again.

This time, Su Linhan on the bed next to her also woke up, rubbing her eyes and sitting up.

"What movement?"

Su Linhan muttered, lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

Wang Bingqiao remained silent, and Su Linhan didn't notice that she was still awake, so she went straight out the door, apparently going upstairs to find out.

After more than half an hour, Su Linhan still didn't come back. Wang Bingqiao picked up the phone to check the time, and suddenly screams came from outside.


After Wang Bingqiao heard it, she quickly got out of bed, put on her shoes and was about to go out to have a look, but felt something was wrong.

The noise outside was so loud just now, why haven't Tong Qian and Yue Siyu woke up yet?


The scream came again, and Wang Bingqiao stared at the door vigilantly.

The voice seemed to be getting closer, but the other two still didn't wake up.


The third scream sounded immediately after, and the sound had reached the deafening level. It didn't sound like a human sound at all, as if it was right at the door.

Wang Bingqiao looked up at the other two roommates. They were still sleeping on the bed safely, so she quickly climbed onto the bed and covered the quilt.


A fourth scream sounded, as if something unseen had come to her.

Wang Bingqiao breathed calmly, without the slightest fluctuation on her face, like a sleeping princess.


The fifth scream sounded, and the sound seemed to be far away.

Then the sixth sound, the seventh sound, the eighth sound... The sound is getting farther and farther away.

Wang Bingqiao didn't feel sleepy, but she didn't dare to open her eyes easily, she was very afraid that something was watching her from the dark, and as long as she found that she was still awake, the scream would explode in her ears.

Time passed bit by bit, and she slowly fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Su Linhan's bed was still empty.

Wang Bingqiao was the last one to wake up. She sat up and glanced at the bathroom, but the light was not turned on. It seemed that Su Linhan had never been back.

Tong Qian had already put on her clothes and got out of bed, Yue Siyu was still sitting on the bed, rubbing her eyes while looking at her phone.

"Huh? Where did Su Linhan go early in the morning?" Tong Qian asked.

"I don't know... Bing Qiao, you are a light sleeper, do you know where she went?" Yue Siyu asked.

Wang Bingqiao shook her head, just when she was about to answer, Yue Siyu suddenly came to her side as if teleported, and said with a smile: "So you're not asleep?"

"Yeah, so you haven't fallen asleep?" In the blink of an eye, Tong Qian also came to her side.

The faces of the two were close in front of their eyes, and their expressions were very strange.

Wang Bingqiao took a deep breath, opened her eyes suddenly, it turned out that she had just had a dream.

She adjusted her breathing, took a deep breath, took out her phone from under the pillow, turned off the alarm clock, and sent a message in the group.

"I seem to have encountered a strange story."

It was raining outside the window, and the sky was groggy. Wang Bingqiao got dressed and got out of bed, and Tong Qian woke up.

"Huh? Is it raining outside?" Tong Qian looked out the window, then lay down in bed again, "Oh, I don't want to get up, this weather is really suitable for sleeping."

"Ah? It's raining?" Yue Siyu also woke up, sat up in a daze, and found that Su Linhan was not there, and asked again: "Bing Qiao, where is Su Linhan? Where is she going early in the morning?"

Wang Bingqiao shook her head, "I don't know either."


A scream came from outside the dormitory, and Wang Bingqiao was suddenly in a daze. She didn't know if it was true or not, or if only she could hear it, so she didn't say anything.

"What's going on?" Tong Qian immediately got out of bed, leaned on the window and looked out.

Wang Bingqiao exhaled, and forgot about going out of the window, but unfortunately she couldn't see anything.

"Oh my God!" Tong Qian sighed in surprise.

Yue Siyu asked while getting dressed: "What's the matter?"

"It seems that someone fainted!" Tong Qian said.

"Huh? Someone fainted outside? What time is it?" Yue Siyu asked.

"How do I know? Maybe it's a classmate who went out for a morning run. There are a few people around him, but...why no one goes up to help?" Tong Qian wondered.

"Ah? The students in our school are really cold-blooded..." Yue Siyu sighed.

"that is……"

While they were discussing, Wang Bingqiao received a reply from the group.

"What's going on? What happened?" Chen Zhijun asked.

"Someone seems to have fainted outside the women's dormitory." Xiong Qingqing also sent a message.

Wang Bingqiao quickly typed out a line, "See you in the cafeteria in 15 minutes."

"No, no! He didn't faint! He seems to be dead!" Tong Qian said in surprise, lying on the window.

"What?! True or false?"

Hearing this, Yue Siyu quickened her dressing speed, got out of bed quickly, and looked out of the window together with Tong Qian.

"My God! It seems to be true! Why are there more and more people?" Yue Siyu asked.

Tong Qian grabbed her hand, "Let's go out and have a look too!"

"Okay! Bing Qiao, do you want to go together?"

"No, you go."

Both of them went out the door without washing their faces.

Wang Bingqiao took a look outside, and at this moment the phone received another message, it was from Xiong Qingqing.

"Damn! Something's wrong, that person seems to be dying!"

"Don't worry, there will be news in a while. I will be in charge of watching the forum to see if anyone posts it." Chen Zhijun replied.

Wang Bingqiao put away the phone, took another deep breath, and walked into the bathroom.
Ten minutes later, the four met in a cafeteria.

Chen Zhijun stared at his phone with a steamed bun in his mouth. Xiong Qingqing came over with his meal and asked, "How is it? Any news?"

"I rely on!"

Chen Zhijun took the bun, "It seems that this person is really gone. The administrator just deleted the message just after it was sent."

"Isn't Lu Yanci the administrator? Ask him later. Bingqiao, you said you encountered a strange story, what happened?" Xu Lingze asked.

Wang Bingqiao took a sip of the porridge calmly, and recounted the night's experience.

"Dream within a's a bit weird. This strange talk comes from bad people, so I'm afraid it's hard to deal with it." Chen Zhijun said.

"Huh? Su Linhan seems timid, why did she suddenly go upstairs to find out last night?" Xiong Qingqing was puzzled.

"Well, this is very strange. I guess, could it be that she also had some kind of dream?" Xu Lingze said.

"It seems that the person who had an accident this morning is probably Su Linhan. It's really strange, she looks quiet and gentle, she doesn't look like the kind of person who makes some noise upstairs and then goes to argue with others." Chen Zhijun explain.

(End of this chapter)

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