Chapter 205 Infinite Strange Talk (73)

Just after deciding on the code words, Lu Yanci came to the door of 108 men's dormitory and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" Xu Lingze asked.

"It's me, Lu Yanci."

Hearing Lu Yanci's voice, Xu Lingze opened the door.

Chen Zhijun asked, "Junior Lu, did you find anything?"

Lu Yanci nodded and took out his mobile phone, "Well, the girl who had an accident today left after five o'clock this morning. Look, her reaction is very strange, like sleepwalking."

"As expected... Bing Qiao was dreaming at the time, it wasn't two o'clock in the morning at all." Xu Lingze said.

"Do you guys know something? That girl... what's going on?" Lu Yanci asked.

After watching the video, Xu Lingze said, "This girl... She has encountered something strange. Words, if you see her afterimage, don't touch it. Also, you may have weird dreams when you sleep recently. , We must carefully distinguish between true and false."

Chen Zhijun said with a smile: "We have a code word, which is Qing Qing's thought, the moonlight in front of the bed, Li Baisi's hometown. If you accidentally enter the fantasy dream, you can use this code word to distinguish whether we are true or false."

Lu Yanci nodded, "I've been staying in the dormitory and rarely contact the outside world, so there shouldn't be any problems, and I'm an outsider, and I don't know her, but you four, you should be more careful."

"This is not necessarily the case. It is random to find anyone in the strange story. It may not be that only the four of us will meet. Lin Weiyanjie and Su Linhan this time are all examples, and there should be no chances." Chen Zhijun said.

"Okay, I'll remember, then I'll go first, if you have anything to do, call me." Lu Yanci said.

Chen Zhijun waved at him, "Well, see you, Brother Lu."

Before turning off the lights, Xiong Qingqing checked Su Linhan's closet first, then went to bed with peace of mind and covered her with the quilt.

Seeing that Wang Bingqiao had gone to bed early, Xiong Qingqing asked, "Bingqiao, are you afraid that Su Linhan will come back?"

"Su Linhan may appear all the time, and there is no rule. Even if we don't take the initiative to touch it, we don't know if it will be touched passively. Now the teachers and students of the whole school are facing the same danger as us." Wang Bingqiao said.

"No matter what, we still need to find out the real reason for the strange talk. Uh... if we talk about touching, why don't we sleep with our heads covered, so she won't be able to touch us." Xiong Qingqing said.

Wang Bingqiao nodded, "That's a good idea, then we'll sleep with our heads covered."

Just as Xiong Qingqing covered her head, her phone vibrated, it was a message from Xu Lingze.

"Qingqing, remember to memorize the rules."

Xiong Qingqing smiled, and immediately replied: "I remembered it a long time ago, you all should be careful tonight, try to cover your head and feet with quilts, and be careful not to be found by Su Linhan."

"it is good."
Lu Yanci returned to his dormitory, thinking about what Chen Zhijun and Xu Lingze said, and turned on the surveillance video again.

In the video, a girl in pajamas walked out of the dormitory door, first came to the classroom, then went to the dining room, wandered around the library and gymnasium for a while, and finally returned to the dormitory building.

Her eyes seemed to be empty, and she suddenly fell to the ground without warning, her eyes widened, as if she saw something that could not be seen in the surveillance.

After seeing the end, Lu Yanci turned off the computer and went to the bathroom. After taking a shower, he played games for a while until around two o'clock in the morning before going to bed.

Before long, he fell asleep.

In the dream, there is a sea of ​​purple lavender flowers, and there is a windmill house not far away.

The warm wind was blowing, and the air was filled with the fragrance of flowers.

It was a scene he had never dreamed of before.

"Lu Yanci!"

A gentle voice called his name, and he turned his head. A long-haired girl in a white dress was standing among the lavender flowers, with a sweet smile on her face.


Just as Lu Yanci was about to ask, the girl walked towards him step by step.

"Lu Yanci, I like you. I have liked you since the first day you entered school."

Lu Yan didn't understand, so he asked, "Who are you?"

The girl didn't answer his words, and continued: "I know, I don't deserve you at all, whether it's family background, appearance, or talent, they all don't match. So I have always kept this love in my heart. I know , you like to eat bread from Sancantang, so I buy a piece of bread every day, and I always feel that every time I eat a piece of bread, I can get closer to you."

Lu Yanci didn't say anything. He had heard such confession many times.

"In the past, my good friend always thought that I liked the person she liked and broke up with me, but I still didn't dare to say that I already have someone I like, and that person is you."

There was a bit of bitterness in the girl's smile, and there were tears in her eyes.

"Then why are you talking about it now?" Lu Yanci asked.

"Because... I don't want to bury this love in my heart all the time. I want to be brave once. After all, I'm about to graduate, and I don't know if I will have the chance to see you in the future." The girl said.

Lu Yanci shook his head, "No, you're lying."

The girl frowned slightly, "You don't believe me? I really like you very much!"

"I don't mean this, what I mean is that you confess now, not because you are about to graduate and want to be brave once, but because you are already dead." Lu Yanci said.

The girl was startled, and the breeze picked up her hair, fluttering in the air.

"You are Su Linhan, right? I didn't recognize you at first, because you were not very clear in the surveillance. I guess, you want to look better in your dreams, so there is a certain gap between reality and reality, just like... It’s like applying a beauty filter.”

As Lu Yanci said, he looked down at what he was wearing, and it turned out to be the casual attire he wore when he entered high school.

Su Linhan shed tears. The originally blue sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds and it began to rain.

"If you came to me just to confess to me, then let me tell you very clearly that I don't like you. Now, can you leave?" Lu Yanci asked.

"Ha ha……"

Su Linhan smiled, "I didn't expect you to remember my name in this way. Lu Yanci, your heart is really cold."

"I'm just telling the truth, do you want me to lie to you?" Lu Yanci asked again.

"Why, why don't you like me?" Su Linhan raised her head, her originally clear eyes suddenly became red.

"I don't understand, why do you like me? You don't know what kind of person I am."

After Lu Yanci finished speaking, the originally gentle warm wind suddenly howled, rolling up a rain of purple flowers all over the sky. Although the wind was strong, he could clearly hear his own breathing.

(End of this chapter)

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