Chapter 226 Infinite Strange Talk (94)

"Depend on!"

Just as Xiong Qingqing walked to the door of the broken house with Teacher Liu on his back, the weight on his body suddenly lightened. Looking back, he saw that Teacher Liu had been dragged into the air by the monster.

"Let go of Teacher Liu!"

Xiong Qingqing yelled and tried to open the space to take out the air slingshot, but found that the space could not be opened at all. It seems that this place is indeed a "dream".

"Little Teacher Liu" in mid-air never woke up, Xiong Qingqing didn't know what to do, so he picked up a stone on the ground and threw it at the monster.

She threw stones very accurately, and could successfully hit Teacher Liu every time, but this guy showed no sign of waking up.

Seeing that the monster had no intention of leaving, Xiong Qingqing simply gathered his strength and lifted a big brick.

"Let go of Teacher Liu!"

She yelled again, and then threw the brick with all her strength, hitting the monster's eyes directly.

The monster was in pain, and then let Teacher Liu go.

Teacher Liu was thrown to the ground and still did not wake up.

"Teacher Liu!"

Xiong Qingqing rushed over and hugged Teacher Liu up.

At this moment, the monster also reacted, suddenly became several times bigger, and waved its tentacles towards them.

Seeing this, Xiong Qingqing immediately dodged, but the monster reacted very quickly, wrapping its tentacles around her ankles.

She put down Teacher Liu and wanted to get rid of the monster's control. Since she didn't have any tools at hand, she could only crawl forward little by little. However, the monster was also very powerful and it was difficult to break free.

In the end, she hugged a small tree beside her and managed to maintain her balance, but the other tentacle stretched out towards Teacher Liu.

Seeing this, Xiong Qingqing couldn't bear it anymore, let go of his hand, and clenched his fist.

The monster dragged her to him, punched her directly, and kicked her again, right in the eye.

After suffering the pain again, the monster withdrew its tentacles and covered its eyes with two tentacles.

Xiong Qingqing fell to the ground, ignoring the pain, gritted his teeth and quickly got up, picked up Teacher Liu and ran towards the hut again.

Teacher Liu slowly opened his eyes, "Sister, thank you..."
"Qingqing, you're awake!"

Before Xiong Qingqing could fully open his eyes, he heard Chen Zhijun's excited voice.

"Thirsty, is there any water?" Xiong Qingqing asked.


Wang Bingqiao responded, and directly took out a bottle of water from the space in front of Lu Yanyan, and handed it to Xiong Qingqing.

"Thank you."

Xiong Qingqing sat up, took the water bottle, unscrewed it, and took a big gulp.

After drinking the water, she screwed on the cap again, looking at the people in the ward with some surprise.

"What are you doing? I'm not a patient, so there's no need to do this... Oh? How did I come to the hospital?" Xiong Qingqing asked.

"It was Xu Lingze who carried you back. His hands were almost broken, but he wanted to be brave." Chen Zhijun said with a smile.

Xiong Qingqing looked at Xu Lingze, then at his arm, and stepped forward to squeeze it.

Sure enough, he frowned instantly.

"Are you okay?" Xiong Qingqing asked.

"It's okay, it's just a trivial matter, besides, you're not serious." Xu Lingze said.

Xiong Qingqing scratched his head, "You should be over 130 catties, right? I'm not much lighter than you."

"I'm really fine." Xu Lingze emphasized again.

"Qingqing, what happened to you?" Wang Bingqiao asked.

Xiong Qingqing leaned on the pillow and said: "When I entered the office, besides Teacher Liu, there was also Teacher Qin from the third-year mathematics teaching and research group. He was lying on the back of the chair and sleeping. I took the initiative to admit my mistake to Teacher Liu, without saying a few words. In a word, this teacher Qin woke up. It was Teacher Liu who discovered him first. When I saw him, he had already stood up, his eyes were dull, and he was motionless."

"After that, did you violate the rules?" Chen Zhijun asked.

Xiong Qingqing nodded, "Mr. Liu was also terrified at the time, and kept asking Mr. Qin what was wrong. Who knew that Mr. Qin suddenly went berserk, strangled his neck, I kicked him, uh...and tripped him. He fell, and then this guy got up, and started bleeding and crying, saying...don't stop him."

"Then when did you enter the illusion?" Xu Lingze asked.

Xiong Qingqing thought about it carefully, "I should have fallen when I wanted to save Teacher Qin. I thought I got up, but in fact I didn't get up at all, but passed out."

"Then, Mr. Liu is probably similar to you, and it was also a dream that he entered at that time." Chen Zhijun said.

"That's right. Also, as soon as I entered the office, I smelled a scent, which was very fragrant. After entering the fantasy dream, I smelled that scent again. It was a small box of balm on Teacher Qin's body. I think, Teacher Qin The reason why I slept so deeply in the office should be because of this balm." Xiong Qingqing said.

"When we entered the office, I also smelled it, but it wasn't as strong as Xiong Qingqing said, only a little faint fragrance. It seems that this thing evaporates very quickly. Maybe Teacher Qin took out a little and put it on somewhere , and then gradually the fragrance became weaker and weaker." Wang Bingqiao said.

"It's volatile... maybe this balm really has such an effect. In ancient times, didn't people know how to use such things as benzoin and ecstasy?" Chen Zhijun said.

"What kind of fantasy... is it?" Xu Lingze asked.

Xiong Qingqing sighed softly, "After entering the fantasy dream, Teacher Liu became an old man."

"Old man?" Chen Zhijun was surprised, "Could it be because what Mr. Liu is most afraid of is getting old?"

"You can say this. I comforted Mr. Liu for a long time. Later... Mr. Liu overcame his fear and became a child again. During this period, he entered a state of death." Xiong Qingqing said.

"What about you?" Lu Yanci asked.

"During the state of Teacher Liu's death, I felt that the thing I was most afraid of was loneliness. Then I began to think of ways to overcome it, rummaging around in Teacher Liu's desk, trying to divert my attention, and finally found a book The student file almost scared me to death." Xiong Qingqing said.

"Student file, why did it scare you to death?" Chen Zhijun asked.

"Because, in that file, the three of you were marked as dead, and only I didn't have this mark. Teacher Liu later commented to me that I was serious about studying. I suspected at the time that it might not be me. Later... ...I thought again, maybe you all left and left me alone, that's why I have such comments..."

Xiong Qingqing was still a little flustered when she thought of the situation at that time. It seems that she has not been able to overcome her fear until now.

"So, what really scares you is that we are all gone, will you stay alone? How did you think of this?" Chen Zhijun wondered.

"Did you forget? I told you once that Xiong Qingqing was detained by a boss in the scene of a mission." Xu Lingze said.

(End of this chapter)

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