Chapter 236 Infinite Strange Talk (103)

Xiong Qingqing and Wang Bingqiao turned around and went directly into the ward, leaving Dr. Ma in a daze for two seconds, then heaved a sigh when he came back to his senses.

"Doctor Ma, what's wrong with you?" the nurse asked.

"It's nothing, I just remembered the past." Dr. Ma said.

"Why are you thinking about that? It's not your fault! It was the student who was disobedient, and the parents didn't support our work. We can't blame us for this problem! We went to the doctor, and there were recordings ! Besides, isn’t it all right now? Don’t blame yourself.” The nurse persuaded.

"If I had persisted and asked that student to do a few more tests, such a thing would not have happened." Dr. Ma said.

"Hey! Don't think about it, it's because they suspected you of defrauding money. It has nothing to do with you. Dr. Ma, I'm going back to the dormitory first if I have nothing to do," the nurse said.

"Okay, you go."

Dr. Ma frowned, and sighed again. When he was thinking about patients, others said he cheated. Now...

This is also good, at least there will be no problems, even if the students are dissatisfied with him, at least they don't have to take responsibility.
In the ward, Xu Lingze and Chen Zhijun had already placed snacks and water on the table.

"The two beauties have suffered, now it's time to listen to the story." Chen Zhijun said with a smile.

Wang Bingqiao glanced at Xiong Qingqing and said, "Tell me first, you were the one who woke up first, and you should have encountered strange stories earlier than me."

"Yes." Xiong Qingqing nodded and said, "Today, Teacher Qin and Su Linhan saved me."

"Teacher Qin, and Su Linhan, so you have encountered the original ghost story?" Xu Lingze was surprised.

"It should be. At that time, Bingqiao and I were looking for Teacher Qin everywhere in the school, but we couldn't find it. Later, we guessed that Teacher Qin had been following us. Then when I turned around, Teacher Qin was behind me, but I never found her. .” Xiong Qingqing said.

Hearing this, both Xu Lingze and Chen Zhijun frowned.Imagining the scene at that time, I can't help but feel a little chills down my spine.

"'s too scary..." Chen Zhijun sighed.

Xiong Qingqing nodded wildly, "It really scared me to death, he was too close to me, I had no time to dodge, and he touched me and brought me into a dream."

"What kind of dream is this time?" Xu Lingze asked.

"This time is very strange. I didn't even realize it at first. I was actually in a dream. Because I also saw that after Teacher Qin touched my hand, he quickly went to Bing Qiao and touched her. Face. Later I asked Bing Qiao if she was okay, and Bing Qiao said it was fine, and the two of us decided to go back to the dormitory first, because the state of Teacher Qin must not be able to ask anything, and we were afraid that something might happen, so we walked While walking, I met Lu Yanci again." Xiong Qingqing said.

"Wait, did the two of you enter the same fantasy dream?" Chen Zhijun asked.

"No." Xiong Qingqing replied.

"Then... I guess, in your fantasy, one of Bing Qiao and Junior Lu is Su Linhan, and the other is Teacher Qin?" Chen Zhijun guessed.

Xiong Qingqing shook his head, "No, one is Teacher Qin, and the other should be the main body of Huan Meng Guai Tan."

"Well, you continue." Chen Zhijun said.

"The three of us were walking towards the dormitory building together. Bingqiao suddenly told me that Lu Yanyan was weird, let me confirm his identity, although Lu Yanci's answer was correct. Then Lu Yanci told me, Wang Bingqiao It was weird because there was no water on her raincoat at all. At that time, I thought, since Bing Qiao is fake, then Lu Yanci must be fake too."

After Xiong Qingqing finished speaking, he picked up the mineral water on the table, unscrewed it and took a sip.

Xu Lingze nodded slightly, "That's right, because this strange talk is a fantasy dream, and the most real thing in the dream should be only myself."

"I noticed something was wrong with the two of them, and then I stepped back quietly, that's what I said."

Xiong Qingqing's expression became serious in an instant, imitating his tone at that time, and said: "Mr. Qin, I don't seem to have done anything to apologize to you, right? If you still have conscience and consciousness, I won't let you harm Teacher Liu, isn't it right?" Don’t you two just stay in a daze, just come if you have anything, I want to see what you two can do to me!”

Chen Zhijun gave a thumbs up, "Domineering."

Wang Bingqiao also gave a thumbs up, and said in a cold tone: "Domineering."

"I also thought I was very domineering at the time! Then Bing Qiao suddenly yelled, "Let's go!" Xiong Qingqing said.

"So, Bingqiao is Teacher Qin." Xu Lingze said.

"That's right, I ran away as soon as I ran, and when I turned around after running not far away, I found that Lu Yanci had turned into a woman with extremely long hair, and she was wearing a wedding dress! I just tore up Teacher Qin and ate it! I was so scared at the time." My scalp was numb, and I froze." Xiong Qingqing said.

"The image of a long-haired woman... wedding dress... is deeply rooted in people's hearts." Xu Lingze said.

Chen Zhijun had an incredulous expression on his face, and opened his mouth slightly, "Ms. Qin was eaten by it?"

"Well. I was stunned for a long time, Su Linhan suddenly appeared, took my hand and ran to a corner. When the long-haired girl didn't find us, I chatted with Su Linhan. She said she couldn't remember being trapped How long, and then begged me to take her away, and said that the woman with long hair has bad eyesight, as long as we hide, she will leave if she can't find us." Xiong Qingqing said.

"Couldn't Su Linhan do those things?" Xu Lingze asked.

"No, she did it, but she also forgot. She also said that before she entered that place, she was sleeping in the dormitory and heard voices upstairs." Xiong Qingqing said.

Wang Bingqiao turned to look at her, "So I wasn't dreaming?"

Xu Lingze shook his head, "I don't think so. Maybe you dreamed about Su Linhan's death. After all, the time is not right."

"But, I had this dream before her accident. Is it a prophecy?" Wang Bingqiao was puzzled.

"It's also possible that this weird talk originally wanted to harm you, but it didn't work out." Chen Zhijun guessed.

"Then there is only one explanation." Wang Bingqiao said.

"Qingqing, what happened later?" Chen Zhijun asked.

"Later, this strange talk instigated Su Linhan to deal with me, and then I ran and ran until I was a little drifting, but I still couldn't get rid of Su Linhan, and she kept following me. After running for a long time, she suddenly said, Let me find the exit. I thought, there is indeed an exit for Huanmeng, as long as you call me, I can hear it, and finally I succeeded in coming out." Xiong Qingqing said.

Chen Zhijun frowned, "Su Linhan's fate is probably the same as Teacher Qin's."

"Ghost talk, how did you instigate Su Linhan? Using Lu Yanyan?" Xu Lingze asked.

"Well, that's right." Xiong Qingqing replied.

(End of this chapter)

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