After listening to Wang Bingqiao's words, Chen Zhijun put down his chopsticks first and gave a thumbs up, followed by Lu Yanci and Xu Lingze.

"Bing Qiao, you did a great job!" Chen Zhijun said.

Xiong Qingqing sighed, "What she has done is really amazing, and she doesn't leave any way out."

"Why don't you deal with her the same way you dealt with Shang Ling, and scare her well. With her courage, she will be honest by then." Wang Bingqiao said.

Chen Zhijun didn't answer, but looked at Xu Lingze, waiting for him to make a decision.

Xu Lingze swallowed the food in his mouth, and said, "Okay, let's do this, I don't want to suffer this kind of crime for a day."

"Well, let's do it this way." Xiong Qingqing said.

"Coincidentally, there is physical education class today. Qingqing, you can ask her out, just say that Xu Lingze has something to say to her." Wang Bingqiao said.

"no problem."
In the morning, the news of Xiao Ran and Xu Lingze's dating has already spread throughout the campus.

Teacher Liu had no choice but to call Xu Lingze to the office during the big break as a routine.

"Student Xu, are you really dating Xiao?" Teacher Liu asked.

Xu Lingze was very impatient, and said: "Teacher, if I say that Xiao Ran is lying on my own, but I don't like her at all, do you believe it?"

Teacher Liu pushed his glasses, smiled and said, "Why don't you believe this?"

"Ms. Liu, you should know my identity, why should I fall in love with Xiao Ran at this time?" Xu Lingze said.

"I understand what you mean, it's alright, I understand too, I will explain to the school later." Teacher Liu said.

"Mr. Liu, I'll go now."


Just as Xu Lingze walked to the door of the office, he turned back and walked in front of Teacher Liu.

Teacher Liu looked at him and asked, "What's the matter? Is there anything else?"

"Ms. Liu, do you know a person surnamed Xu? This is it."

As Xu Lingze said, he took out his mobile phone and found the photo of the so-called "Doctor Xu".

Teacher Liu glanced at it, then shook his head and said, "I haven't seen it before, it just looks familiar, but I really can't remember it."

Xu Lingze put away his mobile phone, and said, "Teacher, I know you have no other choice. If you want to leave here, we can find a way to talk to Building No. [-]."

Teacher Liu has learned a lot about Pan Yangyang and "Ghost Talk Power Transformation", which must be very beneficial to Hall No. [-].

"It's not that I don't want to go, body is not in your world. I've thought about it too. Even if I go back, there is no body that can receive my consciousness." Teacher Liu said.

"Well, then I understand, and I will also pass on your thoughts to the leaders of Hall No. [-]. Maybe they will have a solution." Xu Lingze said.

Teacher Liu hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said "OK."

"Mr. Liu, I'll go now."


On the way from the office to the classroom, Xu Lingze can often hear the discussions of people around him.

Up to the teacher and director, down to the classmates, they are all discussing the matter between him and Xiao Ran, and even pointing fingers at him.

"That's Xu Lingze. I heard that he is Xiao Ran's boyfriend, and Xiao Ran still has a crush on him!"

"Really? No wonder...he's so handsome, he's not much different from Lu Yanci!"

"How could Xiao Ran fall in love with such a guy? He looks like a weak chicken..."

"He's No.1 in the third year of high school! It's a pity that his background doesn't match. It is said that his family is an ordinary family."

"You don't know, the more ordinary families are like this, the more they can attract rich women with a lot of money!"

"That's right, I still have to pretend that I don't want to be bent over by five buckets of rice, what a shame..."

"It's so immoral! You're young, you just started high school, what's wrong with you? You don't know how to study hard, so you just want to take shortcuts!"

"Xu Lingze is the number one in the third grade. The original number one, Shang Ling, was dumped by him by several points. Why doesn't he know how to study hard?"

"You can't slap a slap, that kid Xiao Ran is not a fuel-efficient lamp."

"Yeah, I fell in love as soon as I transferred to another school!"


After returning to the classroom, Xu Lingze's face was very gloomy.

Xiao Ran glanced at him shyly, feeling very proud.

Xu Lingze, I don't believe that you won't be tempted by me, and besides, you must benefit from such a great honor, right?

The female classmate next to Xiao Ran asked: "Xiao Ran, the picture you posted is Xu Lingze, right?"

"No, it just looks like..."

Xiao Ran categorically denied it, but her expression said it all.

"Pull it down, the clothes and hairstyle are all the same, okay! You can deceive others, so do you still want to deceive our classmates?"

Xiao Ran smiled, "Oh, stop guessing, it's really not... I have nothing to do with Xu Lingze."

"But you went to the clinic together yesterday? And it's just the two of you! What did you say and do?"

"Okay, okay, don't ask, the class will start soon, and the teacher will be angry when he comes in."

As Xiao Ran said, he took out the books for the next class from the desk.

When Shang Ling saw this scene later, he suddenly became angry.

What a Xu Lingze, who threatened him not to say anything, made him lose face and didn't say anything, and now he is still robbing Xiao Ran from him!

After a while, the class bell rang.

The Chinese teacher walked in with the textbook, and the class fell silent.

"In this class, we don't talk about the knowledge in books. I want to discuss a problem with you."

The Chinese teacher was very serious. Instead of being gentle in the past, he picked up a pen and wrote a line on the blackboard.

"When you were a student, how should you behave?"

After writing these words, the language teacher was the first to call Xu Lingze in front of the whole class.

"Xu Lingze, you are the student with the best academic performance in our class, and you are also a role model for everyone. Let me tell you how you think you should behave when you were a student."

Xu Lingze stood up in full view, with a serious expression on his face, "Teacher, I think, no matter when you are a student or an adult, the foundation of a person is virtue. A person with great virtue, although no one sees his virtue However, if one does good deeds, there must be God's knowledge; for those who have lost virtue, although the accumulation of evil will not stand out, there will be disasters if they do evil.

"That's very good, then tell me, what are the aspects of a person's virtue?" the Chinese teacher asked again.

"Loyalty, filial piety, etiquette, needless to say, but I think the most important thing is integrity. If a person does not have the most basic integrity, this person's virtue must be at a disadvantage. For example, to slander a person and spread rumors for no reason Make trouble, even put yourself in the rumors, just to embarrass another person, this behavior is immoral. I dare not say how good my own virtue is. Although people's words are terrible, I believe that as long as If I act rightly and walk rightly, I will see people's hearts for a long time, and I can prove my innocence with actions." Xu Lingze said.

The Chinese teacher smiled, "Okay, sit down. What Xu Lingze said is very correct. Virtue is the foundation of a person. If virtue is not matched, disaster will happen. Even if you achieve something, you will still have nothing in the end. When the time comes, the trees will fall and the monkeys will scatter, the walls will fall and people will push them, and people will push them down, and it will be inevitable to climb high and fall heavily. Please, students, take precautions."

"Teacher, you are so right." Xiong Qingqing said.

"Teacher, we would like to take this as a warning and never do anything that is morally corrupt, let alone slander other people's reputation casually and be a scheming and gossiping person." Wang Bingqiao said.

"Teacher, we will keep your teachings in mind, and from now on, we should take virtue as the foundation of our lives." Chen Zhijun said.

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