Chapter 278 Infinite Strange Talk (146)

Xu Lingze and Chen Zhijun followed Lu Yanci to his dormitory.

After entering the dormitory, Lu Yanci sat down directly at the desk, turned on the computer and began to operate.

Thinking of what happened just now, Chen Zhijun sighed: "It's really amazing to be able to detect that others have entered the strange talk space. But... although you have noticed it, how can we help?"

"That's right, if we go to the health center now, we may not be able to enter the strange talk space." After Xu Lingze finished speaking, he looked at Lu Yanci again and asked, "How long will it take for Yanci?"

"Soon, only about 10 minutes." Lu Yanci said.

"Then I'll go back to the dormitory first." Xu Lingze said, turning around and leaving.

"I'll go back too. It's too cold, so I need to add some clothes." Chen Zhijun said.

The two returned to the male dormitory 108. Xu Lingze found two thick clothes from the cabinet, put one on by himself, and put the other into the space.

Chen Zhijun looked at him and smiled, and also found two thick clothes, put one on, and put the other into the space.

Afterwards, Chen Zhijun turned on the call button and said, "Bing Qiao, there is a thick dress I just put in the space, if you feel cold, you can put it on. Also, Xu Lingze also put a thick dress in the space, Qingqing Didn't she catch a cold? She'll go out in a while, let her get dressed too."

"En." Wang Bingqiao responded, and asked again: "How is your investigation going?"

"Hurry up, we're in 108 now, and we'll go to Junior Lu's dormitory right away," Chen Zhijun said.

"Let's go."

After Xu Lingze finished speaking, he went out the door, and Chen Zhijun immediately followed.

At this time, Lu Yanci had pulled out the surveillance video at the entrance of the clinic, and found the person Xu Lingze described.

Seeing the girl appearing on the screen, Xu Lingze said, "It's her. Can you find out the identity of this person?"


As Lu Yan said, he took a picture on the screen and transferred it to another system.

Looking at the progress bar in the center of the screen, Chen Zhijun asked, "How long will this take?"

"It's also 10 minutes." Lu Yanci said.


Chen Zhijun nodded, then looked at Xu Lingze, and asked, "Ah Ze, can you still sense other images? Where are you at now?"

"There was only that one scene, and nothing else appeared after that," Xu Lingze said.

Lu Yanci thought for a while and said, "Could it be because she hasn't made the next move yet?"

"It's very possible. She is a little girl who entered the ghost talk space by herself. She should be very scared and too scared to move." Chen Zhijun said.

"I don't know how much this space has been perfected at this moment, and whether the rules I wrote at that time are still useful." Xu Lingze was a little worried.

Chen Zhijun nodded again, "That's right... when you entered yesterday, the space was not yet complete, and the rules only apply to the unfinished space. If this space has been completed, then the rules must be different."

The system was still analyzing and identifying the characters, so Lu Yanci switched back to the monitoring screen.

In the picture, the girl who had already entered the ghost talk space ran out of the clinic in a panic and fell to the ground.

"What's going on? She's already out? So soon?" Chen Zhijun was surprised.

"Words, when the system results come out in a while, you can send them to me directly, and I'll go over and have a look first." Xu Lingze said.

"I will go with you."

After speaking, the two quickly ran out of the bedroom.

In the coffee shop, Wang Bingqiao heard their conversation through the call button, and immediately stood up.

Xiong Qingqing drank the last sip of milk tea and asked, "Bing Qiao, what's wrong?"

"That girl came out, let's go and have a look." Wang Bingqiao said.

"Ah? Okay, let's go."

Xiong Qingqing also stood up quickly, and hurriedly left the coffee shop with Wang Bingqiao, walking towards the clinic.

"Chen Zhijun, ask Lu Yanci where that girl is now, we'll follow her all the way, and it's best to find her before she returns to the dormitory." Wang Bingqiao said.

"it is good."

On the other end of the call button, Chen Zhijun took out his mobile phone and dialed Lu Yanyan's number.

"Hello? Brother Yanli, where is this person now? Has he left the surrounding area of ​​the clinic?"

"No, she seems to have fainted from fright. She fell down just now and was lying on the ground motionless." Lu Yanci returned.

Chen Zhijun looked at Xu Lingze, "We have to hurry up, if other classmates and teachers find her soon, we won't be able to ask any questions."


The two speeded up, and at the same time Wang Bingqiao also started to run, followed closely by Xiong Qingqing.
In the ward of the health center, four task performers were standing by the bedside. When Dr. Ma opened the door and came in, he couldn't help sighing when he saw them.

"Doctor Ma, I'm sorry, we... We are here to trouble you again." Xiong Qingqing said.

"As soon as possible."

After Dr. Ma finished speaking, he turned around and left the ward, closing the door behind him.

Not long after, the girl on the hospital bed woke up.

She looked around in horror, smelled the smell of disinfectant, and realized that she was still in the clinic, so she quickly pulled up the quilt and covered her head.

"Student, what's wrong with you?" Xiong Qingqing asked.

"Student, don't be afraid. We are seniors in high school. When we passed by the health center, we saw you lying on the ground and took you into the ward. Dr. Ma checked you up just now and said that you are fine." Xu Lingze said .

Xu Lingze deliberately mentioned what happened at that time, as well as her physical problems, just to tell her that she has left the ghost talk space at this moment and is in the real world.

The girl slowly pulled down the quilt, exposing only her two eyes, and looked around the ward.

"Four seniors... thank you." The girl was still in shock, her voice was light and light, and she obviously lacked confidence.

"What's your name? How about we call your classmate over for you?" Xiong Qingqing said.

"No, it's okay... I want to go back..." the girl said.

"Well, okay, shall we take you back?" Xiong Qingqing asked again.

"Really?" A look of surprise flashed in the girl's eyes, "Thank you."

After leaving the clinic, the girl kept walking forward without saying a word.

"Did something terrible happen to you? Why are you so scared?" Xiong Qingqing asked.

"Don't be afraid, if someone bullies you, we can help you." Chen Zhijun said.
Barrage sharing in the live broadcast room:
"I used to think that Xu Lingze was a straight man, but I didn't expect him to treat Xiong Qingqing completely differently. It's a hit!"

"Brother Yan is so strong! You can do everything, you are indeed a genius!"

"The identification system used by Lu Yanci should have been made by himself. It's actually not difficult. It just puts all the information into the system and compares it."

"I think Xu Lingze looks at Xiong Qingqing really differently, haven't you noticed?"

"The space is definitely not perfect! If it is perfect, that girl won't be able to come out."

"Xu Lingze and Chen Zhijun are really heartwarming!"

(End of this chapter)

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