Chapter 280 Infinite Strange Talk (148)

According to the clues found by Lu Yanci, Fu Canyang is a freshman in the first year of high school, and his admission scores are among the best.Her father is an engineer, and her mother is an executive of a listed company with an annual income of over one million.

"Her family conditions, in our Qiyun No. [-] Middle School, should be considered an ordinary family, right? Almost all the students here can earn more than one million a year." Chen Zhijun said.

"Well, more or less." Lu Yanci said.

Chen Zhijun grinned, suddenly became interested, and asked, "Yan Zi, how much W does your family earn in a year?"

"Several thousand." Lu Yanci said.

"What!" Xiong Qingqing was surprised, "I knew you were rich, but I didn't expect you to be so rich!"

Chen Zhijun shook his head while sighing, "No wonder, these girls chase you so hard."

"Words, does this girl like you too? You don't know each other, so why should she trust you?" Wang Bingqiao asked.

"I don't know about this either. I'll check later to see if she has posted about me on social platforms." Lu Yanci said.

"School Yanci is known as a genius all over the world, she will believe it, and there should be nothing wrong with it." Chen Zhijun glanced at the time on his phone after speaking, "Okay, let's go back first, it's getting late."

"Well, let's go, Bing Qiao."
At night, Xiong Qingqing tossed and turned, unable to sleep.

Wang Bingqiao closed her eyes and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"I can't sleep, I'm sorry Bing Qiao, did I disturb you by turning around?"

"No, I didn't sleep either."

After Wang Bingqiao finished speaking, she opened her eyes and looked at Xiong Qingqing's bed. She usually sleeps well, but tonight is rare.

"Qingqing, have you suffered from insomnia? Do you still have any concerns?" Wang Bingqiao asked again.

"The more I think about it, the more I feel something is wrong. When Fu Canyang went upstairs, she looked back at me, and I always felt that her eyes seemed strange." Xiong Qingqing said.

"What's wrong? Describe her expression." Wang Bingqiao said.

"Her face was expressionless, very calm, and then her eyes narrowed slightly, as if she doubted me." Xiong Qingqing said.

"Well, that should be an expression of suspicion, or suspicion." Wang Bingqiao said, sat up, and turned on the bedside lamp.

A ray of warm light came on, adding a bit of warmth to the bedroom.

"Yes, the way she left the strange talk scene today was also vague and reserved." Xiong Qingqing said.

Wang Bingqiao leaned against the wall and asked again: "You can't sleep, isn't it just because of this?"

Xiong Qingqing also turned her head to look at her, then sat up and brushed back the hair covering her face.

She glanced at the time on the wall and said, "Bing Qiao, counting today, we will leave here in three days."

Wang Bingqiao nodded slightly, "Yes, in the blink of an eye, we have been here for so long. Are you... reluctant to part with Lu Yanci?"

Xiong Qingqing nodded, "Not only do I miss Lu Yanci, I also miss you. We don't know if we will have a chance to work together in the future. Today is my mother's birthday. I miss her very much, but even if I go back, I won't see you again." To her. Now my mind is in a mess, thinking about everything, so I can't sleep. "

"Qingqing, you will experience more things in the future, and you will get used to it slowly." Wang Bingqiao tried to comfort her.

"Hmm... maybe." Xiong Qingqing said.

"Go to bed first, there is class tomorrow." Wang Bingqiao said, and lay down again.

Xiong Qingqing also lay down, and it didn't take long for her breathing to become even.

Wang Bingqiao slightly turned her head to look at her, and raised the corners of her lips slightly.
After eight days in No.20 of Qiyun No. [-] Middle School, the four of them attended classes for half a day, and came to a cafeteria at noon, and Lu Yanci also met them on time.

Xiong Qingqing yawned, and Xu Lingze asked, "What's wrong, didn't you sleep well?"

"No, it's okay." Xiong Qingqing replied casually.

Halfway through the meal, Fu Canyang came, stood by their table and asked cautiously, "Can I sit here?"

"Of course." Xiong Qingqing replied with a smile.

"Thank you, then... I'll go cook first."

After a while, Fu Canyang sat next to Xiong Qingqing with a plate of spaghetti.

The scene was a bit silent, Chen Zhijun broke the silence first, and asked: "Canyang, you said yesterday that your stomach was uncomfortable, are you feeling better today?"

"Well, it's much better."

Fu Canyang smiled, then looked at Lu Yanci.

Lu Yanci also looked up at her and smiled at her.

According to the news they just got this morning, Fu Canyang should have a good impression of Lu Yanci.She often replied to comments on posts related to Lu Yanci, and even drew his cartoon portrait.

Seeing Lu Yanci's gentle smile, Fu Canyang's heart beat faster and his face turned red.

Seeing this scene, everyone smiled tacitly.

"By the way, seniors, I don't know your names yet." Fu Canyang said.

Lu Yanci glanced at her suspiciously and asked, "You know me, don't you know her?"

As he said that, he looked at Xiong Qingqing.

"I know, Senior Sister Qingqing, was mistaken for your girlfriend on the forum. At first, some people said that she was your cousin." Fu Canyang said.

"Haha..." Xiong Qingqing smiled awkwardly, "Am I so famous?"

Fu Canyang also laughed awkwardly, "In our school, he should be quite famous."

"Well, sister Canyang, my name is Chen Zhijun." Chen Zhijun took the initiative to introduce himself.

Fu Canyang thought for a while, "Are you the... Zhuang Qiao's hidden boyfriend mentioned in the forum?"

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not Zhuang Qiao's boyfriend." Chen Zhijun explained.


"My name is Xu Lingze, and we all belong to the same class," Xu Lingze said.

"Are you... Xiao Ran's hidden boyfriend? The number one in the third year of high school?" Fu Canyang was surprised.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not Xiao Ran's boyfriend at all, but it's true that I'm number one in the third grade." Xu Lingze explained.


After everyone's introduction, Fu Canyang looked at Wang Bingqiao again.

"My name is Wang Bingqiao." Wang Bingqiao simply and rudely reported his name.

"Wang Bingqiao, you are the one..."

Before Fu Canyang finished speaking, Wang Bingqiao interrupted her directly: "I am not Shang Ling's girlfriend, nor Zhuang Qiao's rival in love."

Barrage sharing in the live broadcast room:
"Why do so many people like Lu Yanci? Is it that exaggerated?!! Really, after all, who wouldn't like Lu Yanci? Hehehe..."

"I earn tens of millions a year, I'm handsome, I'm good at studying, I'm in love with it!"

"Fu Canyang looks dazed, but his mind is spinning really fast!"

"They both entered the ghost talk space, the difference between Xiao Ran and Fu Canyang is really big..."

"Lu Yanci Lu Yanci Lu Yanci! You are my God!"

"Hahahahaha...Wang Bingqiao: I'm not Shang Ling's girlfriend, nor Zhuang Qiao's rival in love."

"Halal is so cute, especially the one that brushes her hair, it's so simple!"

"Fu Canyang can't be a bad guy, right? An ordinary person, who easily escaped the strange talk space?"

"What's the matter? Don't people have to be like Xiao Ran? What's wrong with ordinary people? Ordinary people are not all brainless, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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