Chapter 405 Desperate Castle (29)

After bandaging the wound, Xiong Qingqing shuddered, thinking that Leng Zongming wouldn't take advantage of him, right?
"Xu Lingze, did I only wear one set of underwear when I was in Leng Zongming's room?" Xiong Qingqing asked.

"Yes." Xu Lingze nodded, and then asked embarrassedly: "You... Is your underwear the same as the one you wore in the morning?"

"Well, this is it." Xiong Qingqing said.

" you have other discomfort besides your shoulder?" Xu Lingze asked again.

Xiong Qingqing moved his body, "Uh, my shoulder hurts too much, I can't feel anything else, probably not."

"That's good."

Xu Lingze picked up the blanket and covered her body, then tidied up the medicine box and put it into the space.

"How is it now? Is it better? Does it still hurt?" Xu Lingze asked.

"It hurts... But it's okay, it's bearable." Xiong Qingqing said.

"I also didn't expect that the second form of the Universal Whip is so sharp that it can penetrate a person's body without any effort." Xu Lingze said.

Xiong Qingqing lay down on the back of the sofa and muttered: "Something's wrong..."

"What's wrong?" Xu Lingze asked.

"This rule is not right. I found that some rules do not apply to you at all! It seems that some of these eleven rules are aimed at the two of us." Xiong Qingqing said.

"I also noticed it last night. I was very hungry, but you weren't. Logically speaking, it shouldn't reach that point. It's like starving to death. The feeling came very quickly." Xu Lingze said.

"Then let's go through it now and review it." After Xiong Qingqing finished speaking, he touched himself subconsciously, "It's broken, did the note fall into Leng Zongming's hands? No! My watch is also gone. !"

Xu Lingze glanced at the time, "It's time for dinner soon, Leng Zongming won't be in the room all the time, I'll search him when the time comes, and you find a way to search his room."

Xiong Qingqing hammered the sofa, "Leng Zongming is a shit-stirring stick, I must teach him a lesson, let him know who is the violent maniac!"

This time Xu Lingze did not discourage her desire for revenge, and said, "Okay, we can't spoil him, or he will be unscrupulous."

Xiong Qingqing sighed helplessly, and said: "Let's go on, the rule about footsteps is for me. When I hear footsteps, I will be dominated by Jiang Qi. The one without a younger brother should also be my rule. I have already met that little boy, he said that he is Jiang Bandit. The rule of not being able to leave the castle is also aimed at me. After I leave the castle, I will be dominated by another strange story. According to my preliminary judgment, this strange story should be Jiang Qi Mom, Qiu Mo."

"There is another sentence behind the rule of not leaving the castle, try to choose dresses with sleeves in the closet." Xu Lingze said.

Xiong Qingqing glanced at herself, "Yes, yes, I'll go back and get dressed first."

Xu Lingze helped her up, "Be careful, I won't accompany you. If they ask me to go to dinner and find me with you, it's hard to explain."

"I see."


After changing clothes in his room, Xiong Qingqing opened the door and checked, and after making sure that there was no one there, he quickly walked to Xu Lingze's door, and turned his head to see Jiang Ao's figure on the stairs.

Taking advantage of Jiang Ao not paying attention, she immediately opened the door of Xu Lingze's room and said, "Jiang Ao may be coming, send her away quickly."

"Did she see you?" Xu Lingze asked.

"Probably not." Xiong Qingqing replied.

Sure enough, there was a knock on the door after a while, followed by Jiang Ao's voice.

"Master, dinner is ready, do you want to go downstairs to eat, or bring it up for you?"

"I'm busy now, I'll send it later." Xu Lingze said.

"Okay... okay."

Xiong Qingqing sat down on the sofa and continued to rest leaning on the back of the chair. Xu Lingze went to the window and turned on the computer, checked the monitor, waved to her, and signaled her to come over.

"Why, that guy hasn't left yet?" Xiong Qingqing asked in a low voice.

"Well." Xu Lingze nodded, lowered his voice and continued: "Leave her alone, let's continue. The few rules you just sorted out are rule two, rule four, and rule eight. The rules for me are Rule five, the content is that when you feel hungry at night, eat as soon as possible within 1 minute to fill your stomach until the hunger disappears."

Xiong Qingqing nodded, "There are still a few rules, not just you and me, everyone will meet."

"Rule three, parents and sisters will go to bed on time, don't wake them up, besides you and me, Jiang Ao also encountered this rule, rule nine, close the window before going to sleep, Jiang Ao and I met, you didn't." Xu Lingze said.


Xu Lingze squeezed his chin, "The third rule is very strange. Parents and younger sisters will fall asleep at the specified time. Why didn't Jiang Ao? Isn't she that younger sister? Or, what did she do to keep her from falling asleep?"

"It's up to you to find out. I can't say a few words with her and I have to fight. She is too hostile to me. Fortunately, I saved her life." Xiong Qingqing said.

Xu Lingze sneered, "Yes, even Leng Zongming said she was stupid."

"Let's not talk about anything else, the most important thing now is to get my watch back." Xiong Qingqing said.

"Yeah." Xu Lingze glanced at the computer screen, then looked out the window, "This guy hasn't left yet... I guess he saw you coming in, so you should hide for a while."

"You go out, I won't hide, you just take her away, and find a way to bring Leng Zongming down for dinner." Xiong Qingqing said.



Xu Lingze went out of the house and directly closed the door behind him.

Seeing that Jiang Ao was still in front of the door, he pretended to be surprised and asked, "Second Miss, have you been waiting for me?"

Jiang Ao smiled, "I... I have nothing to do, I just want to wait for you to finish."

"Don't be like this in the future, I feel that there is no sense of boundaries." Xu Lingze tugged on his tie twice, and said: "I am a withdrawn person, please forgive me, even after I get married, I hope to have my own space .”

Jiang Ao's smile remained the same, "Well, I understand."

"Second miss, has my brother gone to eat?" Xu Lingze asked.

"No, the third young master said he wanted to eat in his room, so he asked someone to bring it over." Jiang Ao said.

"Okay, I get it. My brother is also a bit weird, please be more accommodating." Xu Lingze said.

"No, I think the third young master is quite approachable."

Jiang Ao didn't care what kind of person Leng Zongming was, anyway, she was going to marry Leng Zongyao.Leng Zongyao feels sorry for her younger brother, so she has to show her kind and friendly side.

Xu Lingze tugged on his tie again, "Has Second Miss eaten yet? Why don't we go down to eat together?"


Jiang Ao didn't think much, and smiled shyly.

"Let's go."

After Xu Lingze finished speaking, he walked towards the stairs, thinking that he must eat enough tonight, or else he would encounter the hunger rule at night, and it would be too late.

When he passed Leng Zongming's door, he couldn't help taking a look.Although the watch fell into the hands of this guy, but fortunately Xiong Qingqing's watch looks very ordinary, except for the time and lighting, other functions need a password or fingerprint to unlock.

The four-digit password will be locked if entered incorrectly five times in a row, and it is not so easy to unlock it.

"Master, do you like to eat pasta?" Jiang Ao asked.

"Okay, today's dinner is pasta?" Xu Lingze asked.

"No, I was thinking, if you like to eat pasta, I can make it for you. I don't cook much now, and pasta is one of them." Jiang Ao said.

"So that's it. Second Miss doesn't have to be so troublesome, and I don't want you to work too hard."

Hearing this, Jiang Ao's heart instantly felt warm, and he couldn't help turning his head to take a peek at Xu Lingze.

(End of this chapter)

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