Chapter 410 Desperate Castle (34)

Shang Guanglei breathed a sigh of relief, put his hand on her shoulder again, and squeezed it gently.

Xiong Qingqing frowned tightly and clenched his teeth.

"Cousin, you...don't you go back to rest?" Xiong Qingqing asked.

"I'm not in a hurry, after you finish eating, I'll take all these lunch boxes with me." Shang Guanglei said.

"Uh, I'll just put it back after I finish eating, cousin, go back and rest first." Xiong Qingqing said.

Shang Guanglei smiled, and squeezed her shoulder again.

Xiong Qingqing only felt that half of his body was numb. He wanted to avoid it, but he was afraid that the wound would be pulled again, so he gave up resisting altogether.

After Shang Guanglei sighed softly, he said affectionately: "Sister Qi, I know you won't forgive me, but...but I don't want to see you do something stupid. don't know, since After what happened that time, I have been regretting why I was so careless, why I didn't hold back, and finally hurt you. The words I told you before still count now, and I will protect you. "

Xiong Qingqing put down the spoon, picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of salmon, dipped it in some sauce, and silently put it in his mouth.

Shang Guanglei looked at her back, clenched his fists with trembling hands, and continued, "Sister Qi, I know you have no hope for the future, but you can't go down."

The mustard in the sauce was a bit choking, and the wound on his shoulder was so painful that Xiong Qingqing couldn't help but shed tears.

Noticing her crying, Shang Guanglei was very distressed, and put his hand on her shoulder again.

"Sister Qi, don't cry, I will always be by your side."

After Shang Guanglei finished speaking, he was surprised to find that blood oozed from her clothes, soaking a large area.

"Oh my God! Why is there blood! Sister Qi, what's wrong with you?" Shang Guanglei asked in panic.

Xiong Qingqing didn't answer, and took another big mouthful of omelet rice.

Shang Guanglei couldn't remember, so he unzipped the zipper on the back of her dress.

The bandages and bloodstains on the shoulders could be seen clearly, seeing this scene, Shang Guanglei's breathing became a bit heavy.

"Sister Qi, talk! What's going on?"

Xiong Qingqing was a little irritable, and said: "Don't make a fuss, it's nothing, just accidentally touched it."

"After bleeding so much, you still say it was careless? Could it be so serious? How did you do it? Tell me!" Shang Guanglei urged.

"I said, it's nothing. If you hadn't been pinching my shoulder just now, I wouldn't be bleeding at all. It's all your fault." Xiong Qingqing said.

Shang Guanglei frowned, "Sister Qi, do you hate me so much? What do I have to do to forgive me?"

"I've already said that I'm fine. You're the one making a big fuss here. I don't feel any pain at all. It's all right, cousin, I don't want to eat. You can go now."

Xiong Qingqing said, putting down the chopsticks in his hand.

Shang Guanglei looked at her and shook his head helplessly, "Okay, I won't ask any more, you should eat your food first."

Xiong Qingqing also looked back at him, finally picked up the chopsticks, and ate everything with the fastest speed.

Shang Guanglei was both angry and distressed. From the looks of it, sister Qi must be starving, but she didn't know what happened to her to hurt herself like this.

After eating, Xiong Qingqing wiped his mouth and said, "Cousin, you go back first, I'm going to rest."

Shang Guanglei walked to the table, put the lunch box into a bag, and sat down on her bed again.

Xiong Qingqing glanced at the time, it was twelve o'clock soon, she couldn't waste time with him, she had to drive him away as soon as possible.

"Cousin, what else do you have to say, let's talk about it tomorrow. I don't want to say anything now, I just want to have a good sleep." Xiong Qingqing said.

"Your shoulder injury is so serious, can you sleep? Just today, two surgeons came to treat uncle and aunt. Before leaving, they left a lot of medicine. You should also need it. I will help you get it." Some medicine, let's bandage it again." Shang Guanglei said.

"No need, cousin, don't bother." Xiong Qingqing refused very seriously.

Shang Guanglei turned his head and looked out the window, Xiong Qingqing also realized that he hadn't closed the window, so he hurried to the window and closed it.

There were only 10 minutes left before twelve o'clock, if Shang Guanglei didn't go back, or made some noise, it would be a disaster.

"Cousin, can you stop forcing me to do what I don't want to do and say what I don't want to say? Why do you keep forcing me?" Xiong Qingqing said.

"I'm protecting you, do you understand! Sister Qi, what happened last night? Why did you deal with those bloodstains with Leng Zongyao? What is the relationship between you and why do you often go in and out of each other? Room? You should be meeting for the first time, right? Also, when I just came, who was in your room? Who were you talking to? Where did he go? Did he jump out of the window? " Shang Guanglei asked.

"These have nothing to do with you. If you don't go back, I can't guarantee that something will happen." Xiong Qingqing threatened.

"What do you mean? Sister Qi, what exactly do you want to do?" Shang Guanglei asked.

"I want you to get out!"

After Xiong Qingqing finished speaking, she walked up to him, grabbed his collar, and pulled him up from the bed.

Shang Guanglei was surprised. Sure enough, Sister Qi's strength had really increased.

Suddenly, he even felt that the person in front of him was not sister Qi at all.

"who are you?"

Shang Guanglei spoke out the question in his heart, and grabbed her wrist.

"Who am I? Cousin, are you crazy!" Xiong Qingqing said.

"Sister Qi seldom calls me cousin, he would call me brother Guanglei." Shang Guanglei finally realized that the address of the person in front of him was not what sister Qi used to.

"Do you think you are worthy of being called so close?" Xiong Qingqing snorted coldly, and continued, in order to dispel his doubts, "I believed in you so much back then, and pinned all my future hopes on you , but how did you treat me? From that day on, I knew that I had no one to rely on, and now I would rather marry Leng Zongming than have anything to do with you. From now on, you are just my stepmother's family Brother, do you understand?"

Sadness gradually appeared in Shang Guanglei's eyes, and finally a tear rolled in his eyes.

"Okay, I get it, I get it..."

"Now, you can go."

After Xiong Qingqing finished speaking, he glanced at the time again. It was less than 5 minutes before twelve o'clock.Shang Guanglei must return to his room immediately without making any noise.

"I have one last question to ask, Jiang Qi, do you really like me, or do you pretend to like me because I treat you well and can help you?" Shang Guanglei asked.

Xiong Qingqing was speechless, time must be too late.

"I'll talk about these things tomorrow, don't leave today, just stay with me." Xiong Qingqing said.

"What... what?" Shang Guanglei was shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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