Chapter 430 Desperate Castle (54)

Shang Guanglei and the housekeeper came to the "ward" of Jiangshang monk Jinhui. After entering the door, seeing Shang Jinhui awake, Shang Guanglei asked worriedly: "Auntie, how are you? Are you feeling better?"

"Well, I'm fine, just some skin trauma." Shang Jinhui said.

"It's good for Madam to wake up, and I can rest assured." The housekeeper said.

"I made you worry, housekeeper, go get busy first, I have something to say to Guanglei." Shang Jinhui said.

The expression on the butler's face froze, and an imperceptible sternness flashed in his eyes, he nodded and said, "Yes."

Shang Guanglei frowned slightly, staring at the housekeeper as he left the room.

"Guang Lei, what's wrong?" Shang Jinhui asked.

"It's nothing, I just feel that the housekeeper is a bit strange." Shang Guanglei said.

Shang Jinhui suddenly became serious and asked, "What's so strange?"

"The young master of the Leng family heard that my uncle had some paintings in his collection, and he said he wanted to see them, because he was leaving tomorrow, so I thought I would take him to my uncle's study, who knew that he would meet the housekeeper when he came out of the room. He seems very angry, as if he can't trust me at all." Shang Guanglei said.

Shang Jinhui sneered, "That guy not only can't trust you, he can't trust me either. Over the years, he kept calling me his wife, but in fact, he didn't regard me as his wife at all. Several times, he And secretly told your uncle about me."

"Ah? How dare a housekeeper disrespect you?" Shang Guanglei was puzzled.

"He is not only the housekeeper of the Jiang family, but also a good friend of your uncle. Your uncle trusts him so much that I don't even tell me about some things." Shang Jinhui complained.

" are my uncle's wife, and my uncle's behavior is too much." Shang Guanglei said.

Shang Jinhui sneered again, "I've been used to it for so many years. Your uncle probably still has that bitch in his heart. Also, you will not go to your uncle's study in the future, so that he won't be upset."

After that, she turned her head to look at Jiangshui who was wearing an oxygen mask on the bed next to her.

"I see, aunt, what do you want to tell me?" Shang Guanglei asked.

"Oh, my aunt just wanted to tell you that this time when the young master of the Leng family came, something happened to our family. Take good care of the two young masters of the Leng family for aunt. Try to leave a good impression and don't delay your sister's time." Marriage." Shang Jinhui said.

Shang Guanglei was a little dissatisfied, but he didn't show it clearly, and replied: "Yes, I understand."

"Also, you know your cousin's temper. Even if there is something strange about my sleepwalking with your uncle, you can't let her go to trouble that little bitch, lest the young master of the Leng family find out and think that our Jiang family has no tutor. "Shang Jinhui instructed again.

"Well, good..." Shang Guanglei sighed tiredly, and said again: "Auntie, don't worry, my cousin has grown up, she has a sense of proportion in these things, and she won't mess around."

"Don't you know your cousin's temper? Once her temper comes up, how can you control her so much? The two young masters of the Leng family will leave tomorrow, so you should take good care of her for my aunt." Shang Jinhui said .

"Well, I know." Shang Guanglei smiled lightly, hesitated for a few seconds and said, "Auntie, I want to ask you something, can you tell me?"

"what's up?"

"Did Aunt Qiu Mo really cuckold Uncle? Why did Uncle treat Sister Qi like this for so many years? Also, how did Aunt Qiu die?"

After listening to Shang Guanglei's question, Shang Jinhui turned cold and reprimanded: "You child, why do you ask these things? Do you still want to marry that little bitch? She has already been betrothed to the old man of the Leng family. Three, don't even think about it."

"No, aunt, that's not what I mean, I'm just curious." Shang Guanglei said.

"It happened so many years ago, why are you curious about it? I don't know very well." Shang Jinhui said.

Shang Guanglei pushed Shang Jinhui's arm and said, "Auntie, just tell me what you know."

"You child..." Shang Jinhui sighed, frowned and said, "Aunt really doesn't know, the matter is over, so don't ask."

Shang Guanglei was a little anxious, but his aunt refused to say anything, and it would be useless to keep asking, so he had to think of another way.

He thought for a while, picked up an orange from the fruit plate on the bedside table, peeled the fruit and said, "Auntie, actually... Actually, I dreamed about Aunt Qiu last night."

"Why did you dream of her? You were young at that time, so you probably don't even remember what she looks like?" Shang Jinhui was puzzled.

"I didn't see her clearly in the dream at all, but I knew that the person talking to me was Aunt Qiu." Shang Guanglei said.

Shang Jinhui suddenly panicked and asked, "What did you dream about?"

"I dreamed that Auntie Qiu said that she would not let the Jiang family members go, and she would not let me go. She also called me a beast and accused me of hurting sister Qi. Auntie, I'm a little scared." Shang Guanglei pretended to be surprised. The movement of his hands also stopped.

"You...what are you afraid of? Well, it's just a dream, it's all fake!" Shang Jinhui faltered, and finally raised her voice, as if to embolden herself.

Shang Guanglei put down the orange in his hand, and said: "But, but why is your sleepwalking so serious? Auntie, don't you suspect it? Also, why does the good uncle sell the house? Maybe he knows something! "

After hearing his words, Shang Jinhui's heartbeat became more and more frantic. After a long silence, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Your cousin guessed that it was because that little bitch drugged me and your uncle."

Shang Guanglei sighed helplessly, he was the one who told Sister Ao about this conjecture at the time.

"If Sister Qi really wanted to harm you, she would have done so long ago, and how could she have such a great ability? She usually doesn't even have a friend who can talk, where did she get these things? Auntie, I just want to know Just tell me what happened, I know you will remember it. Auntie, you also said that it has been so long, don't you believe me?" Shang Guanglei said.

Shang Jinhui closed her eyes and leaned against the bed for a long time, "I actually saw it when Qiu Mo died. It was your uncle who grabbed her by the neck and pressed her into the bathtub...all of this It was an accident, and your uncle didn't expect her to be so fragile! Besides, she did it all on her own, if she didn't give your uncle a cuckold, your uncle wouldn't be like this either. "


Shang Guanglei had long guessed that Aunt Qiu's death was related to his uncle, but he never thought that Aunt Qiu was killed by his uncle's hand, and in such a cruel way.

"Guang Lei, your uncle didn't do it on purpose, it's been so long, even if it's for me and your sister, you can't tell about it, you know?" Shang Jinhui said.

"Well, don't worry, aunt." Shang Guanglei said.

Shang Jinhui took his hand, "If you really think that these things are related to Qiu Mo, why don't we find some Taoist priests or mages to exorcise this house."

"Auntie, the Jiang family is also a respectable family. If it gets out, people don't know what to think, so forget it." Shang Guanglei said.

"That's right... Anyway, this house is going to be sold." Shang Jinhui lowered his head after finishing speaking.

"Well, Auntie, you have a good rest, I'm leaving first." Shang Guanglei said.

"Guang Lei, you must take good care of your sister. We will move out when the young master of the Leng family leaves." Shang Jinhui urged again.

"okay, I get it."

(End of this chapter)

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