Chapter 454 Deadly Game (2)

Not long after, the lights came on.

Only then did everyone realize that they were in an empty classroom.

There are no tables, chairs or benches, only a blackboard and a podium.

The classroom windows were all sealed, and it was pitch black outside.

The crowd began to discuss in panic again. Apart from Xiong Qingqing and the four of them, many other people also discovered people they knew one after another.

"Eh? Ma Xinghang, it's you! You're here too!"

"Li Jiawei! It's you!"

"Student An, do you remember me? I'm Yaoyao! I'm Zhao Yaoyao, we were classmates in high school! The two of us even ran the mixed relay together!"

"Zhao Yaoyao?"

"Old Guo! You're here too! Do you know what's going on? Why are we here?"

"Yiming? You're here too, that's great..."

"What's so good!"

"With you as my company, I am so relieved..."


Wang Bingqiao observed all the people present, silently counted the number of people, turned to look at Xu Lingze, and found that he was also observing, so he asked, "Have you counted them? How many people?"

"Counting us, exactly fifty." Xu Lingze said.

"Well, same." Wang Bingqiao said.

Chen Zhijun stroked his chin and said, "They seem to be about the same age."

"Well, there are a few old-looking and mature-looking ones, but they all seem to be the same age, and there is no big difference." Xiong Qingqing said.

"Look at that girl, the one named Zhao Yaoyao, the ultra-short denim skirt, it's not too sexy. She remembers classmate An who is wearing a white T-shirt next to her, but classmate An doesn't seem to remember her. I guess, this girl had a crush on this girl before." Classmate An." Chen Zhijun said.

"Look at that Bei Yiming, he looks thin, but his whole body is full of muscles, he must be a good athlete." Xiong Qingqing said.

"Student An should be the same. If she can be remembered by girls at the sports meeting, sports will definitely not be bad. By the way, look at the girl in the beige dress over there. Her legs are really white... It seems to be Liu Yingqi, her name It sounds good too." Chen Zhijun said.

"What are you looking at you! Hooligan..." Xiong Qing gave him a clear look, and continued: "Look at that Li Jiawei, the one with a short cut, and you can tell by his face that he is not easy to mess with. He looks the oldest, like a Brother society."

"Look at the big brother! Look at the girl next to Liu Yingqi, she has a perfect figure." Chen Zhijun said.

"You can tell when you're wearing sportswear?" Xiong Qingqing was puzzled.

"Of course, my eyes can see the essence of things through appearances." Chen Zhijun said.

Seeing the two of them gossip, Xu Lingze and Wang Bingqiao were speechless.

Wang Bingqiao glared at Chen Zhijun, and said coldly: "Can you stop talking?"


Chen Zhijun lowered his head aggrieved, and did not continue speaking.

Xiong Qingqing looked at him with her lips pursed and smiled, but she didn't expect that Bing Qiao would take care of this thorny head submissively.

Suddenly, the ordinary-looking blackboard lit up instantly, displaying the text. At the same time, a mechanical sound came from the horn in the corner, reading out the text.

[Hi everyone, welcome to Fatal Game. 】

【Game [-], the answer is irrelevant. 】

[The rules of the game, your answer must have nothing to do with the question, and you must speak the answer within three seconds. 】

[Please come forward one by one according to their names and answer random questions. 】

"The answer is not the question, did we use this trick when we were in Qiyun No. [-] Middle School?" Xiong Qingqing said.

Xu Lingze nodded, "Yes, it should be the way to deal with the monsters in the cafeteria at that time."

"Be careful, this is a mission." Wang Bingqiao reminded.

"Don't worry, I'm ready." Chen Zhijun said.

Before everyone realized what was going on, the first name had already appeared on the blackboard.

[First place, Xu Lingze]

Without even thinking about it, Xu Lingze walked up to the front, and everyone's discussions followed.

"What? Is this person sick? Do you really want to play some games?"

"What happened? What happened? Why are we here?"

"Someone actually went there..."

"Fuck, trash, who wants to play boring games here!"


【Games start. 】

The text on the blackboard changed, followed by the sound of machinery, and the voice of everyone's discussion became much quieter in an instant.

【Excuse me, what's your name? 】

Xu Lingze replied without thinking: "I don't like red."

[Excuse me, why don't you like red? 】

"I often read books."

[What books do you like to read? 】

"I hate eating bananas."

[Congratulations, you have successfully cleared the level, plus 3 points]

Xu Lingze breathed a sigh of relief, and returned to his original position, and everyone started discussing again.

"What? What is this? Did you kidnap us here just to play such a boring game?"

"Can you let me out! I don't want to play at all!"

"It's so annoying, I haven't cleared my own game, and I come to this kind of place to play mentally retarded games."

"I want to go home, I don't want to play this..."


[Second place, Chen Huacheng]

The name of the second person was displayed on the big screen, but he didn't step forward.

A boy in the crowd shook his head and said, "I don't want to play, I want to quit!"

As soon as the words fell, Chen Huacheng suddenly fell to the ground, his body twitching crazily, turning into a puddle of blood at a speed visible to the naked eye!
Everyone panicked and realized the price of not participating in the game!
"My God! What's going on! Why is this happening!"

"What's the situation! It's true!"

"Ah! ah! I'm going home, I'm going home!"

"Ah! Dead? Dead! Let me out!"


[The third place, Hao Yimei]

The mechanical sound sounded again, but still no one stood up.

That guy named Hao Yimei must have been frightened.

【3, 2, 1...】

The system silently counted three numbers, and another person in the crowd fell down. Like Chen Huacheng, his body twitched and turned into blood.

The person who was still in the enlightened state woke up completely, all this was not a dream, someone really died in front of him.

The screams exploded, and several timid guys sat on the ground in fright.

[The fourth place, Guan Peng]

As soon as the mechanical sound fell, a thin boy stepped forward tremblingly.

[Excuse me, which subject do you like the most? 】

"I... I like it, I like red!"

【Excuse me, is red your favorite color? 】


As soon as these words came out, Guan Peng's eyes widened in horror.

The answer is not what the question asked, he is wrong to answer like this!

"Help! Help!"

Guan Peng yelled and ran into the crowd, but he still lay on the ground, convulsed all over, and his abdomen quickly turned into bright red blood.

Xu Lingze held Xiong Qingqing's hand and said, "Don't be nervous, you should be pretty good at this game, as long as you don't let him lead you away."

"Don't worry." Xiong Qingqing nodded, and whispered: "I didn't expect to add points, and I don't know what kind of mission this is. I haven't even received the mission rules."

"Fortunately, we travel with the body. If we travel to the host without an ID card, and we don't even know what our name is, then it's over." Chen Zhijun said.

"I don't know if I can escape by hiding in the space." Wang Bingqiao said.

At this time, the fifth respondent stepped forward and began to answer questions.

[Excuse me, what color is the sky? 】

"I like to eat grapes."

[May I ask why you like to eat grapes? 】

"The sky is red."

[Isn't the sky blue? 】

"I don't like eating bananas."

[Congratulations, you have successfully cleared the level, plus 3 points]

The fifth respondent was very calm. He looked at the words on the blackboard and heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that only fools would die in this place.

(End of this chapter)

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